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Pick a head


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I have begun converting my Space Marine Chapter Master (as of yet unnamed) out of Commander Culln and I need a good head for him. I have 4 possibilities for which head I will use.


They are:


Iron Warriors Head 4



Rebreather Head from Tactical Squad



Bionic Head from Tactical Squad



And then there is always the helmet that the model comes with.


I am leaning towards the first one with the Iron Warriors head but I want other people's opinions as well. Of course, if there is another head that you think would be more fitting, then please feel free to suggest it.


Thanks in advance,



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Of those options, I prefer the Iron Warriors head.


However, for your Chapter Master, you definitely want something beyond the average - something very expressive - and it's tough to get that with a helmeted head. I'd suggest finding another figure with a head you like (not necessarily from the 40K line) and doing a transplant.

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The problem I saw with using Culln's head was the initial 'Hey it's Culln' or more likely 'Hey it's that Red Scorpion guy' or something to that effect. My GS skills are minimal but improving but I don't feel comfortable changing the hairstyle of Culln.


What about a Bretonnian Knights Errant head? There is one with long hair that I think would be ok.


The problem I saw with using Culln's head was the initial 'Hey it's Culln' or more likely 'Hey it's that Red Scorpion guy' or something to that effect. My GS skills are minimal but improving but I don't feel comfortable changing the hairstyle of Culln.


What about a Bretonnian Knights Errant head? There is one with long hair that I think would be ok.


http://uk.games-workshop.com/bretonnia/min...ghts-errant.gif (top middle guy)

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Even with just a shaved down Mohawk to a bald head Culln would look unique. Everyone around *here* might know the base model but in play I'm not sure the average opponent would. The biggest thing Culln has going for him as a Chapter Master head... he looks old.


You can also add bionics to replace an ear or two. Very easy to do with little experience. Shave off the ear, put a ball of Greenstuff, press it flat into a circle, press your hobby knife into it to make some slits/detail, maybe poke a tiny hole. Painted up it'll look great.


You could also give him a fuller collar, bring Greenstuff up his neck to his chin, press the hobby knife in around for ribbing.


You could give him a Kurgan like under-suit hood. File down all the head details except the face, spread less Greenstuff than you think you'll need around the head, leave a tight line around the face to be the edge of the hood, smooth it all out.


There's a lot one can do without expert Greenstuff skills to turn a unique twist on a head.


The Brettonian head will look fine but too young for a Master. They're better on Scouts and younger Marines.

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I have begun converting my Space Marine Chapter Master (as of yet unnamed) out of Commander Culln and I need a good head for him. I have 4 possibilities for which head I will use.


Wheres #4? :)



Also all of the ones you just posed dont seem to fit. Commanders deserve something special for heads those heads are just so overused IMO. An nearly always instantly recognisable.


Also try some non-marine ranges maybe the IG range?

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I tried the Catachans but all their heads had bandanas or some facial expression that I didn't like, so they're out. The only Imperial Guard head that I can think that looks decent is the Cadian Sergeant's. I was thinking of some Chaos Terminator heads though:





I was also looking at the Chaos Lord's head but need to see a frontal view before I show interest in it.


Then I was thinking about the Sage from Coteaz's retinue:






Then there was the Witch Hunter's Special Character Karamazov, but I don't know how big the head is nor how hard it would be to remove it from the body. If anyone can help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it.



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