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Space Marine Pics to Fill In?


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Does anyone have Space Marine Terminator, Vehicle and Power Armour (without a weapon) pictures that can be coloured in to define colours schemes?


I've used the GW online painter, and it's great ... but it doesn't help me with visualizing vehicles and/or terminators. I was wondering if anything like the pics in the marines paint book (arms out, no weapons) were available online?


Thanks in advance for any help you can render - Dunedon

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One thing that actually can be quite helpful is the WH40K computer game, Dawn of War. Allthough the army painter in the game is a bit more limited then GWs you can still get a quite good idea of how a colour scheme will look on different troops, and on an entire unit.


And as a bonus, it is a great game!

There is a guide SOMEWHERE in the PC&A detailing how you can paint minis using a program like photoshop (and i guess paintshop). However i just ran a quick search and unfortunately i couldnt find it. I also cant recall for the life of me who did the guide, but it was very informative and VERY useful and easy to test out schemes without needing to paint X many models.

There is also a mod for DoW that you can install that allows you to see how every unit will look in the chosen colors rather than just a Marine or a Predator. I don't have a link but it shouldn't be too hard to find.


Still doesn't really help with the wolves. One thing I've done in the past is to photograph the bare plastic and then use the "hue brush" in a photo-editing software program like Photoshop. You could probably do the same with fully painted miniatures but it'd take a bit more work.

There is a guide SOMEWHERE in the PC&A detailing how you can paint minis using a program like photoshop (and i guess paintshop). However i just ran a quick search and unfortunately i couldnt find it. I also cant recall for the life of me who did the guide, but it was very informative and VERY useful and easy to test out schemes without needing to paint X many models.


I found the article in question: Colouring Using Photoshop


... not quite what I was looking for as my photoshop skills rival my painting skills as to which needs more work ;-) but an excellent article non-the-less so I figured I'd post the link here.


EDIT: WOW ... I just tried using Paint Shop Pro to do as is suggested in that article, and it works GREAT!!!!! (even for my limited skills)


- Dunedon

If your paint program has a "hue brush" or "color shade brush" then that's a much simpler way to get similar effects. You are actually painting on the color rather than dealing with masks and dialog boxes. Might want to take a few minutes to try it if you have a program available.
If your paint program has a "hue brush" or "color shade brush" then that's a much simpler way to get similar effects. You are actually painting on the color rather than dealing with masks and dialog boxes. Might want to take a few minutes to try it if you have a program available.


Muhahahaha :rolleyes: Found the Hue change to target brush in Paint Shop ... work's great for doing the work similar to the above, but much easier (as mentioned by Q) .... BUT I also found the Hue Up/Down brush and discovered I could Paint Shop this ... only wish I could actually PAINT it :unsure:




- Dunedon

Although i wouldnt advise it, you could also try the 'hard' way and literally paint (color) a mini in PS/PSP as you would if you were painting it.


it isnt TOO bad as you can get really painterly with it (i did this method when i was trialing out my SoB schemes). However, if you feel you are in a rush, i wouldnt recommend doing it (as it does take some time).




That mini is crazy! can anyone say V4 Rainbow marines? :rolleyes:

I personally keep a few spare OOP minis here and there that i do my testing on, although since i didnt have alot of SoB models at the time i resorted to some digital manipulations for additional points of reference. Although i dont suggest to buy a box of marines just to use them for testing, but if there are models you have that you wont use (like the old 'snap together' marine models etc etc) id say just use them. Being a paint test they dont need to be overly fantastic in quality. In fact im doing some EC color testing on some spare CSM compoents from my V1 stuff (that never got finished). Not the best use of stuff, but i still managed to salvage a good 90% of the stuff that wasnt completed.


I know when i get the BfM boxset i will be using the marines for paint testing if i need them.



Just gave me an idea. I'm not sure if this is against copyright thingies to post these but I could probably use the pics beside the unit entries change some of the properties and what-nots to make a painter for any unit and usable by MS paint :rolleyes: . I'll start working on it now but could a mod tell me whether or not this is against board policy?


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