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WIP Ironbound

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Just an early WIP shot of my new (and only) Ironbound tactical squad, more of a teaser really. I hope I can borrow this cam long enough to show progress.






Should end up looking like this bloke.



+++EDIT+++ Guns guns guns:



and tester helmets







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'just loved what you did before, and just can't wait to see more (and painted, if you please! :P).

Keep up the good work, your torsoes are rocking !!! (even if i' m no big fan of the one first on the left... :) which means the other ones are great !!!! ;) )


The Def'

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Left one is my least favorite as well and probably won't get used in the squad, still sthinking about the replacement though. I was going for the red scorpion look, but it didn't work so I added armor, but still doesn't work for me, I'm going to add cables and see where it'll go from there.
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The Ironbound are my DIY SM chapter, basicly iron hands, but with a small twist as far as the fluff goes. I've been working on them for a couple of years, completing 1 model as a tester and half completing a commander and priming an assault. Friends and GW staff have been pushing me to actually play the game, and as I wanted to create an army I decided to have a go at it. I'll try and write the fluff down soon, it'll make a nice addition to the models I guess.


I'm kinda proud at the helmets, especially the 2 on the right. Though I won't use the 'mouse' one (middle one) on the tactical marines and the outer right one was meant as an assault squad head and based on someone else his models. Don't recal his name, he's the guy with all those converted Raptor chapter(I think) marines, the ones with the rebreathers on the helmets.


The HQ are called "Unbound" by the way, having transcended the bonds of the flesh or not needing the chains of iron, depending on the type of character. Don't have a name for the vet's yet, but it'll come....

Busy with some legs now, picures to follow this weekend.



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Very nice work dude, the only piece im ot to sure about is the center head, but i think it'll look better painted and on a torso. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished models :P


One question though how did you do the bolter casing? :blush:


Also i do believe the guy your on about is NightSerpent, here's his site:



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  • 2 weeks later...

i am loving those bionic legs so far they look very good


im curious how you bent the plasticard so nicely? maybe my stuff is a bit thicker and that makes it harder?


also im loving the designs of the bolters my fave of the 4 is the lower right hand one, looks pretty sweet


what colours did you use? and might i suggest a bit brighter of a red it will make it pop a bit more, and wont look so pale/uninteresting



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Great conversion work, especially all the fine scale mechanical details in the legs. Top notch stuff.


As for the kneeling legs, assuming he is holding the lascannons trigger in his right arm (right handed) then the current pose would be correct. The left leg would be the preferred leg to be raised in order to balance the weight of the weapon and maintain a steady aim. Though since marines have all sorts of stabilisers in their armour anyway I don't imagine it would matter too much anyway.





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I use 0,3 or 0,5 mm thick plasticard. I prebend a strip before cutting it to size, usually by holding it against a rounded surface (the handle of my needle files) and jsut pulling at it (like making curls in those present strings with scissers(sp?)).


@Starks; for the armour I used a mix of black and grey (1:2 or something, still have a pot full) and highlighted with a lighter grey.

The helmet has gore red on a black undercoat with highlights from blood red to orange. I thought about using a lighter red, but I didn't think it looked good (made a test mini) too much contrast with the armour.


@ Aquilla; Balloon dog it was, though yours are pretty sweet as well, it was the balloon dogs raptors I thought about.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Long post, many photos. Finally had time to work on my little ones again. Basically the legs are done, apart from some small work and the rivets, which will be added once the model is completely finished.

I'm not sure about the leg/torso combinations, just one is for sure (fellow number 3 (middle left)) Any ideas??

They accidentally got a big bigger than a standard marine, just by a head or so. This made them dwarf one of their fellows (number 4 (middle right)) Not the best picture but you'll get the idea:



might have to biggerize him now...







Close ups of the bionics, they look better in reality, camera enhances every little fault. Though it helps in fixing them.





So, now it's just figuring out which torso goes where and then it's on to the arms..... at this rate I'll finish this squad by X-mas


C&C?? Hit me



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