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the pfeiferous crusade so far...

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ok so far i have my 3 crusader squads and the emps. champ and my w.i.p termie chaplain... ill have more pics of him later. i pretty much had just started workin on him when my gf took the pics so ill update the thread with pics of him done because at this point hes almost done and well frankly i think hes the best looking model ive ever painted. C&C welcome.




























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Looks like your off to a good start, but they lack a few things..


first off, they need a few shades, mostly on the metal parts. Its easily done by taking a little black paint with alot of water, perhaps 1/5 paint/water ratio. then just add this to the metallic parts. and the black will settle in the recesses, creating some shades.


second thing is highlights. these should be applied all over the models.


for black - black and white about 75/25 for the first and apply on the edges, and then add a tad of extra white for the second highlight.


red - as above, but use blood red and fiery orange, also give it a shade from some scab red.


papers - add in some white to the bone, and do as above..


then there is this major problem, that I think occurs all to often at these days.. They have mold lines. These demons of the warp drops your models point scores by 2 or 3 points. So for the next models, clean em up with a sharp modelling knife.

looks as though you have yourself a nice start there brother.


but, if i may, i would like to give some tips...


1: the colours are seperated nicely and you have good coverage, so tidying these fellas up will be a breeze. so

the first tip will have to be, do some highlighting on the armour. this can be done a few ways but what i would do is mix some 50/50 codex gray and chaos black, and apply that to the edges fo the most prominant armour plates. then for the final highlight, use straight codex gray.


2: these guys' guns could use some dulling, so here's what ya do mate. Get some black ink and dilute the hell out of it with water till you can just faintly see the black in it. it sould look like smokey water. then apply it liberally to the guns and any metal parts. this should take the shine off of the guns and make em look used and realistic.


3: and my last tip would have to be DRILL THE BARRILS OF THOSE GUNS!!


all this stuff can be done relatively quickly, and will yield good results. but otherwise keep on doin what your doin man!


for Dorn



Ink washes also on the other part maybe can help, flesh wash on skin, brown wash on white and red. Obviusly you have to repaint the areas that you don't want look dirty with the original colors. For metal, well black ink washes is a solution but also drybrush them (the big ones like the bolter) wash and then higtlight with pure metal the details is better for me. Just an opinion... Try and try your mini will looks every time better (I've done it and I'm always doing it :D )

chaplain done until everyone is done and then im going back to highlight my whole army. i want them atleast done enough to play with them before i finnish them all off with highlightig and bases.




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