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Highlighting Question


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I am currently trying to paint a black cape/tabard(i know, i know not right spelling), and I am trying to highlight it, but it isn't turning out the way I want it to. I would like it to turn out like High Marshall Helbrecht cape. Any ideas?


P.S. will try to get pics of it up, but it's 1:36 am now and I'm going to bed

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I find a quick and easy way to highlight black is to use codex grey, give it a quick black wash to mute down the highlights and a quick application of some more codex grey highlights. Just keep it to the raised ridges on the robing and you should be ok :D
I am currently trying to paint a black cape/tabard(i know, i know not right spelling)





to the point at hand.


Black is a difficult color to paint on mini's due to the depth one tries to create to bring out the details.


Lots of really good artists (the canvas type) mix there own black with a predominant color that adds a hue to it, or a depth that a premixed black couldn't create. One would assume you could then use that specific color to begin to highlight black w/, but that is my theory on that. I've yet to try it on a mini.


You might want to consider the wash idea. Paint the cape in white, or previously mentioned codex grey, and use watered down/thinned paints. Use more layers of wash the deeper into the cape you go. Black cloth is difficult to paint, or doesn't look too natural on something so small so I tend to stay away from it. At least with armor you have something potentially shiny that will reflect the light instead of absorb it. Which black clothing tends to do, absorb light/heat.

A trick I read about here, and used to great effect once, is mix your black with some deep brown and red. Not enough to make it noticebly NOT black, but enouhg to give it depth and bit of extra color. Use this as your bascoat. Then get pure black, thin this down and paint it in the shadows. Now go back to the back mix and add in Codex Grey and highlight till it looks good.


Not sure how this will work on a cloak, but I know it works great on armor. Theory should be the same.


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