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Deathwing Army WIP

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Alright brothers and sisters of our esteemed hobby, I have joined up with the team planing to create the best painting guide on the web. You can view the thread discussing it here. http://warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41903

I bought a new army this past weekend for about $200 American, and am setting out on a quest to finish most of it by this Monday. What army you ask? A Dark Angel First Company, Deathwing, 1500 points of Terminator goodness. This whole project is going to be an expirement for me, and hopefully will help contribute to the painting guide. I will be recording step by step on how I assemble the army starting here with the basics and setting up the work area.








In this picture you can see the army still in the box, well all but two dreadnoughts which have been salvaged from my Third Company army. The army will consist of one(1) Chaplain in Tactical Dreadnought Armor with a pair of Master Crafted Lighting Claws, two(2) Terminator squads, consisting of five(5) Terminators each, one(1) Terminator Assault Squad of five(5) Terminators armed with Lightning Claws, one(1) Venerable Dreadnoughts armed with an Assault Cannon and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, two(2) Dreadnoughts, one with a Plasma Cannon and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, the other with a Lascannon and Missile Launcher. One Terminator squad will be armed with two(2) Assault Cannons, and the other will probably recieve Cyclones Missile launchers. This is a 1500 point army.








Here you can see my water pot, my cleaning tissue, and my Pallette, I know it is hard to see, but you can see the corner of it covered in paint. Also pictured here is my Razorblade knife, you always want to make sure you have extra blades and that the blade is never dull, and a pair of Needle Nose Pliars that you can buy at a Home Depot for relativly cheap.








These are all replacement blades for my second knife(Not pictured). They also serve well as sculpting tools to go along with my normal tools. I bought the set with the knife for $15 American at a Home Depot in my home town.








Here we have my can of Chaos Black spraypaint. I know some of you may wonder why I will be using Chaos Black to basecoat a army that essentially will be a white-bone color. The answer is simple. Using a black basecoat over white helps shadow the model, and in our world of hyper-realism, shadows are very important. Next to the spraypaint is a bottle of Elmers White Glue. Used in applying my basing materials, which can be seen in the Central Market tub infront of the glue. In the Pencil holder is my second knife, my paintbrushes, and two pairs of tweezers with different lengths and styles. Also the the side of the Basing material you can see three bottles of Super Glue. I use Super Glue over Plastic Cement because I'l rather not have my plastics melt to each other, Super Glue can be cleaned up easier if it drips on a model than Plastic Cement because plastic cement melts the plastic to form solid joints. On top of the tub of basing materials is something that I consider one of the most important pieces when modelling. Wire Cutters. I use them to clip the tabs off metal models, and sometimes to remove bitz from a sprue. They are also very helpful in creating rubble or low brick walls. Behind all of these materials you can see a red container with plastic compartments. I really suggest when building an army all at once you use this. You can seperate squads, characters, and assorted bitz for your army by compartment, that way it is all together and you don't lose pieces or get them mixed up.









Desk lamp, simple enough. This is a key feature, it allows you to illuminate the model more than natural lighting will. Very helpful when painting the tiniest details, which in this army I will be.








Paints, I have organized it by colors, and have the Games Workshop color tabs, came out with a White Dwarf a long time ago, placed on top of them. Next to the paints I have my trusty packet of Green Stuff, as this is a Dark Angel Deathwing army, I can't call it complete without atleast sculpting hoods and tabbards onto each and every terminator, maybe even the chaplain. Not pictured here or in any of the other pictures is my file sets and my pin vice. Don't worry, I do have all of them as well, but they are currently not pictured. The Pin Vice I have to aquire new bits for as my last one broke about a week ago and my files just slipped my mind when taking the pictures.








I know, doesn't seem like it will help with the painting, but trust me it will. A Straight back chair, nice and sturdy, also has supports on it so I can rest my feet on them and brace myself against my knees. Don't ask about the color, my moms kitchen chairs are weird like that. We never use them, we all eat in the Living Room.








Here is an overall photo of the workspace. It is clean crisp, there are two windows, one is closed and the shades closed, the other is open and shades open, allowing light and a nice cool breeaze to flow into the room. You can see all the supplies but the chair as I moved it off to the side for the pictures.



The next update should be later tonight when I get off work. I will start setting up for basing the models and seperating them into their squads. Please keep an eye on this as this is going to be the biggest project I have done to date, even bigger than 1500 points of Black Templars in 14 hours.



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Looking good... did you buy all those boxed sets at once? :tu:


I like the picture that contains blades, high tables and your feet. Recipe for trouble.


Going to keep my many eyes on this thread, this thread may be useful for me when i come to make my DW army later down the line. :cuss

Thanks guys, just got home from work, going to start doing a basing tutorial and divide everything into their squads. BadOmen, I only bought the boxed models, everything else I already owned. My Games Workshop is doing a build your Battle Force deal where you buy three boxes and get a fourth free. I'm going to buy some more terminators and a land raider crusader next weekend when I go up there. More pics to come later tonight.



Thanks guys. NG_Griffin I'll look and add it, thanks for the imput, I overlooked it. I decided to use a white basecoat on the models after doing two test models, sorry I can't get pics of them though. I am starting working on the bases, all the terminators have been taken off their sprues and seperated. VtraxX, thanks mate, I have plenty of light and plenty of stuff to drink, I'll start painting once I do the basing part of the tutorial.






Ok guys, the basing tutorial is in the works, I am typing it at the moment. Should be up in about 30 minutes. It isn't any painting just building the bases.

Ok, well here we go. We're moving along with this project. So now we are going to be working on bases. First off let me say that this is just how I choose to do the bases in this army, it doesn't mean that it is the only way. Also, this will not cover painting the bases, that will come later, this is all about modeling them for a City Fight Display base that will also come later. So shall we begin? Good.





In these two pictures you can see the nineteen(19) bases each have some rubble on them. The rubble is pieces from the Warhammer 40K ruin set that came with the third edition starter set if I remember correctly, as well as a statue that came with one of the Lord of The Rings starter sets. I had always wanted to use it on a base for a model or terrain and now I have! The ruins and rubble are just glued straight onto the base with super glue and left to dry. While they are drying get ready to dump alot of basing material of your choice, in this case sand and basalt, on top of the bases.




Here you can see all the bases with the Elmers White Glue on them, I know it doesn't look like they are completely covered by the glue, but don't worry, thats why I do two(2) layers of basing material. I don't think there is much more to explain in this step, so I'll move on. Oh one more thing, I apply the glue to the edges of the rubble and ruins, but not over the whole thing, but I do it every where there isn't rubble.




Now we are ready to pour out our basing material onto the bases. As you can see there is a pile of unused basing material near the bottom of the picture, I pour out some to remove some of the basalt and have an even mixture of sand and basalt. Can you find all the bases? I almost missed a few and that was with my bare eye, not the crappy camera I am using currently.




Here is a close up picture of the bases after the first layer of basing. You can't tell but about half that sand won't be there when I begin the second layer.




Ok, well the second layer looks just like the first, but it will come out with more sand still on the bases. I don't know how to explain, but I think the picture tells all.


Ok that is all I have for now. I'll take pictures of the bases once they have been cleaned of all the excess basing material. Also coming up is the stages to prepare the models for painting.



Paints, I have organized it by colors, and have the Games Workshop color tabs, came out with a White Dwarf a long time ago, placed on top of them

I have a tip, not applicable in your case but you reminded me - simply dab a bit of paint on top of the pot to colour code them.

Juckto, thats what I do with my non-GW paints, but yeah essentially, it is a good tip, thanks for adding it, as I left it out! lol.

The Angelus Sanctus: The tray is actually the top half of an Imperial Guard Basilisk box, I use it for priming and basing. I'm priming the terminators and bases tonight and should have a painting tutorial up soon! I get my real camera back tomorrow at 3 so I will have much better pictures of the end result, but don't worry! I will be also expanding the army and will be doing better pictures for all the tutorials soon.



Actually yes, my mom and girlfriend are both supporting this project along with my dad and stepmom, ewho are oblivious that they're about to lose their tripod. I plan on buying atleast one more squad tonight to do a painting tutorial on. Or maybe I'll just save one terminator white to do the tutorial on when I get my good camera back. I started the assault cannon squad, and have the bone almost done, I just need to hihglight it abit more.

On my lamp I use a 35 W T Type. Thats all I can tel you. I broke the glass covering to the lamp years ago when I got Plastic Cement all over it, days later I found glass on my desk but couldn't figure out from what! lol.



I ran out of Brown Ink, so while I wait for a ride to Hobby Town to buy a new pot I assembled both Dreadnoughts, and might I say, the new Venerable Dreadnought isn't that hard to put together! lol. I'll take some pics of the army as it stands now.



Alright so here is a minor update. The pictures aren't great, but it is the best I can do with this crappy camera.









Here you can see the Terminators as they were before sculpting tabbards on them, althought this is only the squad with Assault Cannons.








These pics are of the army after I primed it, they have all had tabbards sculpted onto them and then were primed white. I know my sculpting isn't the best, but I think they came out better than most my past





Here is how the armor will look when it is done. I am writing the tutorial at the moment so expect that soon.


Comments and critisism welcome. Please let me know what you think, and anything you would like to see.




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