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SOB #2

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Heya all


I figured I would just start a new topic for my second SOB as the other one is mainly about metallics.


Okay here is number 2. She took me about 4 hours, I am shaving off time like mad ;) By this rate,as Brother Asureus said to me, I should have them all done by 2020, I think I can put a rush on them and have them done by 2018.


Again I am still experimenting with the metallics and the "european" style of painting using glazes and washes. I lightened up the armor a bit more, to give it a more white appearance and tried using black ink on the metal to clean it up... didn't work sigh...


Here she is, Whadoyathink?





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;) why why... I just think why I can't paint like this? the blending is perfect! this purple and this white/light blue are just amazing! and this hair! just look at her hair! if I try for the next bilions of year to paint a line smaller like this one I will fail and fail and fail! great sister!
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I am terrible at production line painting. I have a very hard time keeping interested in a squad that way, and I always feel like rushing on them and end up spending more time on them just fixing mistakes. Basically I am aterrible army painter as I have a hard time not making every mini a display mini, I really have to fight with myself to reduce the amount of time I spend on a mini.



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I still don't like the metal.. it just doesnt look like Metal, the Eurpean stuff sure does, infact, it looks more like metal than the stuff here, your's looks more like NMM greys. This of course could be in part because of the photo.


I can say this on the plus side though, the hair on this model is 100 times better than the last one, and infact leaves me questioning how it was done, as black hair is very hard to make look good.



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I think the old tried-and-true method of metallic painting can be the trick.


Just start with black and drybrush up until you're satisfied. I usually do Chaos Black, then Boltgun Metal (mixed with Armour Wash), then a final highlight with a dark Mithral Silver.


If I'm feeling particularly ambititious, I do a careful coat of Armour Wash applied with a small brush.


Then - Bob's your Necron, er, Uncle. B)

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Well I am open to suggestions on the metal, I can't say I am 100% satisfied either and am open to trying new techinques to improve it.

You could try this: Paint a basecoat of codx grey and metal colour of your choice (for silvery stuff). If you want other metals then you need another basecoat. Then add some shading colour to that basecoat and shade (glaze/wash). Then add some Mithril Silver to your basecoat or the metallic colour that you used in the basecoat if Mithril Silver is to harsh. Use that for highlights.


And if you want to keep it with your "cascaded washing" technique just paint a few thin layers of Mithril Silver as a basecoat. Use it like your white primer basecoat by just shading down with darker colours where you mix a little mit of a corresponding metallic paint for the midtones. That should give you bright highlights, still blingy midtones but with more saturation and finally deep shadows with no bling bling.

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