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Index Astartes - Sons of Vulkan

Captain Artimum

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The Sons of Vulkan are a Space Marine chapter founded during the 7th founding. They have been mentioned in Imperial Tombes of being visious masters of war. The Sons of Vulkan come from a planet known as Ignis V.


Home World

The planet Ignis V is a World that constantly churns out over a land of frozen mountain ranges, interspersed with volcanos. the landspace is under constant flux, the shifting of tectonic plates forming new mountains. The people of Ignis are strong at will and heart they always make perfect recruits for the Sons of Vulkan.


Combat Doctrine

The Sons of Vulkan like close range fire fights and can easly deal with any enemy in close combat.



The Sons of Vulkan have fought many campagins but out of them all the most well known is the capture of a planet called Itotarin against a Traitor Imperial Guard Army. The planet was taken in just over 15 weeks. This was a honourable win for Captain Artimum.



The chapter has 10 Battle companys. These companys all have 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Terminator Squad, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Scout Squad, 1 Devastator Squad and 6 Tactical Squads. Eatch Company is lead by a Captain.


Colour Scheme and Insignia

The Sons of Vulkan use light red armour with an orange trim. There chapter badge is a Flaming Skull.



The Sons of Vulkan use the Salamanders gene-seed.

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Most of it seems pretty straightforward to me!


“They have been mentioned in Imperial Tombes of being visious masters of war.”

You might consider that Imperial writing would describe most Space Marines as “vicious masters of war,” so it is a fairly superfluous statement.


“The like close range fire fights and can easly deal with any enemy in close combat.”

Any opponent? That’s a pretty powerful generalization.


“These companys all have 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Terminator Squad, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Scout Squad, 1 Devastator Squad and 5 Tactical Squads. Eatch Company is lead by a Captain.”

Are companies limited to 1 squad of scouts for a reason? Companies at home defending the monastery don’t get to use their scouts much, while companies on campaign must rely on only a single scout squad to get the job done.


Also, it doesn’t seem likely that a chapter would reliably have 3 dreads per company at all times. Perhaps you should consider changing that to something like zero to four dreads per company.


“The Sons of Vulkan use light red armour with an orange trim. There chapter badge is a Flaming Skull.”

That sounds pretty slick; I’d like to see what it looks like painted up!

It looks good. You've got your information presented in a very organized manner.


They're almost exactly like their parent chapter - is there anything that sets them apart from the Salamanders? If so, what is it? Maybe we can help you expand. If not, and you just want to play Salamanders with your own paint scheme, well then... :lol: ...you're all set!


The Sons of Vulkan are a Space Marine chapter founded during the 7th founding. They have been mentioned in Imperial Tombes of being visious masters of war. The Sons of Vulkan come from a planet known as Rek V.


Hmm I'm seeing alot of 7th foundins lately...any idea why? Anyways as mentioned the idea that they are Masters of War is well obvious all marines are. Perhaps the tombs have mentioned something specific about their chapter.


Home World

The planet Rek V is a World that constantly churns out over a land of frozen mountain ranges, interspersed with volcanos. the landspace is under constant flux, the shifting of tectonic plates forming new mountains. The people of Rek are strong at will and heart they always make perfect recruits for the Sons of Vulkan.


Hmm sounds like the same general idea as the Salamanders, not that thats bad at all. Then again I guess saying your chapter recruits from an Agri World where the population beleive war is pointless and live out their lives chasing fluffy bunnies.


Combat Doctrine

The Sons of Vulkan like close range fire fights and can easly deal with any enemy in close combat.


Again any enemy? I don't see them dispatching a Carnifex in CC with ease or simply walking into a squad of Howling Banshee's and simply pushing them away. Makes them sound kind of over powered which is good propaganda but not the greatest for fact telling...



The Sons of Vulkan have fought many campagins but out of them all the most well known is the capture of a planet called Itotarin against a Traitor Imperial Guard Army. The planet was taken in just over 15 weeks. This was a honourable win for Captain Artimum.


So did they engage in a gruelling seige with them for 15 weeks? Did they simply attack with drop pods randomly for 15 weeks? Details are your friend here and 15 weeks is about 4 months most likely less, which isn't a long time but it is a long time for a Chapter to be constantly engaged against simple guardsmen. Also you mention many campaigns what others are there?



The chapter has 10 Battle companys. These companys all have 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Terminator Squad, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Scout Squad, 1 Devastator Squad and 5 Tactical Squads. Eatch Company is lead by a Captain.


30 Dreads? I mean thats alot, my chapter has 2....then again it is a new chapter. Why so many? So I see each Company is self sufficent with everything in the mix. But to limit them to only 10 Scouts and 10 Terminators and even 10 Assualt Marines a squad is a little well limited. I mean an average chapter has like 180 Assualt Marines and Devastators which give them some power yours is reduced to 100 why? Details like this will help.


Colour Scheme and Insignia

The Sons of Vulkan use light red armour with an orange trim. There chapter badge is a Flaming Skull.


Interesting.........Red and Orange would love to see a painted marine with those colours.



The Sons of Vulkan use the Salamanders gene-seed.


Obviously :D be kind of odd for a chapter called sons of Vulkan to be of Iron hands decent.


So its a good start but needs more fleshing out IMO. Simply going into more details would help as well as answering these questions


- What geneseed are they?

- What founding were they?

- What is their chapter symbol/colour scheme?

- What is their Homeworld like, and what is the culture of the homeworld? (ie is it a Hive World, a Feral World, a Death World etc)

- Where in the Imperium are they based? (It may help define the kind of enemies they face most often.)

- What is their Combat Doctrine like? (do they prefer Close Combat or ranged fighting?)

- What is their Organisation like (do they follow the Codex or are they a bit different?)

- What is their Belief System?


While you have answered many of the top the ones at the bottom are left lacking and will help to better define your chapter. So keep on turning out posts and let us know how this chapter evolves.


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