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Blast from the past Vs Today's standard.


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Hey guys some of you may remember this guy from about 18 months ago:



Well now I've almost finished this guy:




I would like to know what you guys think please. Better? Worse? anything constructive really please.


Looks better IRL I must say :wink:



Cheers for the replies guys.


The way I did the second one was to prime black, base with bestial brown, then several thinner layers of bleached bone. I did try mixing bone with brown but it came up almost pink?!? You can see on the Crux terminatus, which is why I drybrushed it afterwards with bleached bone.


Artziel, Cheers mate, but I always wanna hear the truth, isn't that what the B&C is famous for? lol

Yeah, it took me a while to get back in the swing of things so I hope my brush control has gotten better.


AJ, you've been PM'd.


ixupi, The lighting and flash on the camera makes the brown look reddish, from the tabletop though I thought it looked ok, I'll have another look to see if I can do anything about it.


Cheers guys, keep 'em coming.

hi fella

i will say the second one looks pretty good, the bone has definately improved and i know they look 100% better in real life but im still not 100% on the amount of brown showing, the transition from brown to bone i think need to be a little subtler? maybe another lighter brown/bone mix before the final bone.

as for the crux i think this colour gives it a very "stoney" look more in keeping with the old fluff explanation of the crux.

well done and keep the pics and models coming fella



awsome, you definatly improved!!!

the reason your bones are coming out red, is because of the pigments used to make beastie brown


try this


2 layers of graveyard earth

1 layer of khaki, or until completely covered

then highlight with bone/khaki, and then straight bone on the fine edges


thats gives you an interesting bone


or....for the long method


2 layers of graveyard earth, or until completely covered

50/50 khaki and graveyeard earth, about two layers will do, just cover the graveyard base

70/30 khaki and ge, leave the last highlight showing

straight khaki highlight

khaki+ bone 50/50 , this is a broad stroke ont he fine edges

stragith bone over that on the very fine sharp edges


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