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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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I hope that I've put this topic in the right place (I'm new to the site)...

Hello, I'm making my first Space Marine army and thought that it might be appropriate to join this forum (since some friends recommended it for SM fanatics). So far my army is not big, but I hope that it will be, someday... I have a dread, some assault marines, scouts with snipers and a tactical squad (not finished). Well I'll get right on to it; I want comments, criticism and suggestions about everything (painting, conversions etc.). I was thinking that I could update this topic as my army expands. Anyway, here we are: The Phantoms


Assault marines


















Urban snipers

















































Tactical squad (only sergeant, for now)







Some stuff is still work in progress (the assault marine bases for example). I've chosen to paint this army white since

a ) I rarely use that colour

and b ) all my other armies have been rather dark

Now, they ended up having not even a little bit of white on them (except for the primer), I settled for "ghostly grey" instead in the end, but they still look kind of white.


I've been hesitating about posting these guys here since i feel that they're not really up to the standards you seem to have in here (haven't explored this forum thoroughly yet, but that which I have seen is truly amazing). Oh, and I wish to apologize if there's any spelling or grammar errors, I'm from Sweden ^_^


Well, let me know what you think.

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firstly, welcome to B&C! Please enjoy your stay, there will be occasional explosions and the odd xenos purging, but otherwise it's cool here. :)


As to your marines: holy crap they're good. My own, albeit limited, expirence, is that the lighter the color, the less forgiving it is to paint, and photograph. You appear to have no problem with that. Again, holy crap. Really beautiful stuff there; I'm especially jealous of the hazard lines, but thats mainly cause I've been painting a lot of them lately and can never seem to get it right.

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Wow, what can I say. Some awesome bases and poses you have. I'd like to be able to try them some time, but my army doesn't exactly shout urban warfare. (ultramarines)

The light sourcing on the assault marines is pretty good. Subtle but adds to the overall effect of the mini.

the rust effect on the dread is excellent, and the painting around the rivets it cool.

The only thing i would recommend is a larger degree of battle damage. not loads of it, just a few scrapes on the shoulderpads and legs, the areas that are likely to be damaged in an urban environment. Like on the scouts, their gloves arent exactly going to be pristine after crawling to those sniping positions, are they?

Overall though, a pretty sweet army so far.

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Indeed, very nice! Welcome to the forums as well! Glad to have another Battle brother to help make this community even better! Would you by chance be interested in adding to the Legio B&C with one of your battle brothers? We could definately use more among the Legio ranks! but anyhow..


Awsome work! I LURVS IT!!!

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yeah these are really good, i especially like the scouts. oh and there's a headless assault marine?




Well, yes, OBVIOUSLY. After all, they're called the PHANTOMS, right? How very appropriate. :ph34r:


Apart from that: DominusExMachina, very good show. The color scheme is fantastic. Quite subtle for a Marine chapter actually. I especially like the rust effect. The snipers are nice though their bases are perhaps a bit over the top. Overall, that off-white color, the rust, the propensity of Marines to seek cover (very sensible) give your chapter a more high-tech and believable feel that you get from most Marines. Unlike most Chapters you see, you can actually believe these guys do some fighting from time to time, rather than sit around polishing their shiny armor, working with fabrics and cloak designs, and electrum-casting extra purity seals despite their Chaplains saying it is an infringement of the Emperor's Intellectual Property and is not to be discussed.


Erm. Yes. What I am trying to say is that you've done a very good job. :devil:


(PS: SpikyJames, no disrespect intended re: bright colors and bling, your Mentors and Ultras are awesome and a major inspiration to me)

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Welcome to the b and c. Love your marines how can you be worried there not good! :ph34r: Wait to you see my Black Templar's when there finished they won't even be close to yours. :devil: Especially like the poses on your assault marines. As for the legio go here to read our history http://bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=45082
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let me say, welcome to the B&C and holy crap, your models are amazing!

Personally I <3 the lens details on the helmets, and the ligthing from the plasma pistol casting onto the power armor, lovely details that make your army really "stand out". Fluff on this DIY chapter would only add to your blog IMO. Once agian welcome, and hope to see more of your marines!

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About that headless marine: that assault marines head was eaten by a beast so foul, so vile and so unspeakably evil that he is rarely mentioned, it's name instils fear whenever it is heard; it's name is Conny and he's my parrot... And further more he has an unusual interest (being a bird and all) in finely painted miniatures, especially those from Games Workshop... I'll make another head for the poor assault marine as soon as I'm finished with my tactical squad.


Thanks all for showing an interest in my chapter. There is no fluff yet, but I have some ideas so I might write some...


About this Legio B&C

So what I do is: paint a black space marine with my chapter insignia on his RIGHT shoulder pad and the B&C skull with cross bones insignia on his LEFT shoulder pad (or banner?). Weapons are red, and so is his helmet if he's a veteran and he has "true grit". Also he should have a black and white "chess board" pattern somewhere on his armour. And then I, what? Take a picture and send it to someone? Also are there any restrictions on the size of the base, since i like making large urban bases... I just want to make sure I've got it right before I get to work... Oh and where did the idea of this chapter come from? It seems like it was made for a competition or something?

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I adore those models! :) Great colour scheme and execution!

Though you might consider adding that beautiful source lightning that you have on your plasma Marine on the Scout with the night vision goggles (unless I am terribly mistaken, and night vision goggles don't cast any light... ;) ).


Cheers; Moribund!


Ps. Where do you live? It's be great to see your models in person!

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Thanks all!


Angel Robertson:

Well basically the bases are made of small stones, bits, balsa wood and lots of sand and wood glue. I have WiP shots of them if anyone would be interested...


Angelos, and everyone else who have commented on the lighting effects from the plasma pistol:

Thanks guys, this is actually my first try at source lightning (that is what it is called right?).


Moribund the Burgermeister:

Thanks, I don't think I'll add any source lightning (?) effects to any of the scouts' goggles. I've tried to make em' look as if though they have en inner glow not really shining. (Although in reality night vision goggles don't cast any light at all)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some progress on my tactical squad, please tell me what you think:










I'm really satisfied with the eyes on this one:




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