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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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thanks everybody!


Truly beautiful. Really, the only way to get white marines to look good is to not paint them white :D


I agree with you Salamander_WAU, the only "pure" white on these models is the primer!


Nice name.


The scouts are exceptional.


Sorry about the name, I just chose a quote from the "Imperial Armour" vol.1 as my name, I didn't know there was anyone with a similar name :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't you worry NemFX, I'm acctually painting one right now... I love the look of marines with hvy bolters so I simply had to include at least one in my army, and since I'm heading toward 2000pts chances are that more will join the ranks of my army.


By the way, nice to see someone else from "the frozen north" (a.k.a. Sweden) MattiasGrozny! It is indeed getting cold...

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Someone called for a hvy bolter? Well, in comes the first devastator in my army (first and, so far, only devastator that is). Fluff to justify the new colour scheme is found under the pictures (for those of you who feel like reading a bit):















The Phantoms - Devastators

+++ a most secret report +++

From: Inquisitor Titus Aelius

To: -:classified:-

Thought for the day: Victory through superior firepower


Heavy weapons are increasingly rare amongst the ranks of the Phantoms due to the chapter being mainly close combat orientated and specialising in city fighting. There is almost no import of new heavy weapons due to the very remote location of the chapters home-world, those that are destroyed in battle are brought back to the chapter

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