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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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This is a fragment from a painting guide that I've written that covers the eye painting (the full one covers the entire thing)

Step eight, B:

The eyes:


1 Start out with Dark angels green



2 Then mix DA green with snot green (50/50) followed by pure snot green



3 Mix snot and scorpion green (50/50). Then paint pure scorpion green on and around the eyes (the trick is careful blending using two very small brushes)



4 Now use livery green, blend on to the eye and enhance the source lighting by painting it on the edges closest to the lens (around the eyes that is)



5 Mix livery green and skull white and blend it on to the middle of the eye, and a thin line around the eye. This is probably the step where it is easiest to make mistakes, use small brushes, stay calm and take your time, don

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ahhh youre the uy that ......um eah read and tried to absorb your wrting on the source lighting....must buy smaller brushes....and meditate for awhile before trying that one again. by the way, love your army! beautifukkky done, fluff is good as well. only ting i dont like is the left leg stepping forward on the dread.....just doesnt come off natural ...uh, you know what i mean . just looks like it would be farther to the side is all. course anything in person i know is different
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  • 3 weeks later...

At last! Emperor be praised, the commander of the phantoms third company is here!








In action against the twisted servants of Grandfather nurgle.








He is basicaly finished but I'm going to add some battle damage and do a little fixing here and there.


He is painted in the same table top standard as the rest of the army with an exeption of his face, I always paint faces as good as I can since I love painting faces.


C&C please.

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Your commander is Avesome. Did you use the veterans lightning claws or another one ? I especially like his posture, wich is very dynamic, and give all his beauty to the mini.

If I ight add, I think that your brown layers are abit too large, I think it would be better if they were a bit slimmer.

Keep on !

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Nice little death guard thing youre got going there:P

Thanks! I have a small death guard army to.



Yes I ordered the veteran lightening claws from GW mail order, they were only delayed by two weeks (so it took four weeks in total to get them)... I did file away the right shoulder pad and replaced it with a terminator honours pad from the command squad box though, that sounds simple but was a lot of work!

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The weathering is amazingly simple, I pressume that you mean the scratches and such. Scratches are painted on by first painting a thin black line and then highlighting it like it was any other hard edge on the model. It's really that simple! If you meant anything else, ask and I shall answer.


Thanks for all the kind words guys, much appreciated! I'm about to start working on the rest of the devestator squad now.

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This is the current plan;

1 Finnish the devastator squad and command squad (working on em' already, got the devvies yesterday)

2 Predator Annihilator

3 Land speeders with multi-meltas


Those are my next three projects. Don't know for sure but I might add a land raider in the future.



Nice observation! I came up with the idea of making my marines even dirtier when I worked with the tactical marines, and since I had already painted the assault marines when I got to work with the tac squad they were forgotten. I did, however, make the same observation last week and so the brown has been added to them recently, I'll post that squad again when their bases are done (and the headless marine headless no more), in fact I'll finish them right now!


Thanks for your comments!

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Ok, so thanks to Yamez the assault team is now entirely finished:









The before headless marine is the one to the far right on the picture. I'll repaint all their eyes to the new standard someday.

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