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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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You're army is amazing, with every new mini I can see definant improvement, and I have seen only the masters do such amazing OSL as you. One thing that does bother me witch may or may not have been mentioned before is that is that the quality of the white varies, even within units. while most look above table top quality (and none below it) there are obvious quality differences. If you can get all the minis up to the quality of your best (The dev and Standard Bearer to name just two) it could well be one of the best executed SM armies i've seen.



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*cries in the corner* These are so good! Why can't I paint like that. The last time I tried highlighting it looked like I'd added banding around the edge of the model. The only time I can get it to work is with ink washes after that then get rid of most of the highlights I've just done. So good job is what I'm trying to say :P The standard bearer is the best for me, simply amazing. I'm gonna have to try the source lighting stuff. Can you give me a mini guide type thing?



Penguin :)

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These are nice. The only thing I would say is that you have to be careful with your colours, you've shaded with a bron colour which is fine and gives a great weathered look, but when you start adding green and blue lighting effects on top of that with red banners and black and yellow checkered chainswords it can distract people's eyes.


These accent colours are also extremley vibrant compared to your subdued main colours. Your scouts are a good example with night vision like goggles but red lenses on their scopes, this makes perfect sense in terms of realism but I tend to think its a little bit overpowering? Personally i'd just stick with one lense colour to use on every gem and eye lense or other shiny bauble you come across.


Your actual painting though is really good! I will however second the comment made that they look a little chalky, when you're dealing with a subtle colour like the offwhite you're using with many different types of colour involved it can get a little bit like that.


BTW. These remind me a lot of Cyril's marine


Is that where you got your colour idea?

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BTW. These remind me a lot of Cyril's marine


Is that where you got your colour idea?


Wow, that is one wicked marine! I haven't seen it before though, I thought that I had invented the colour scheme <_<


The "chalkyness" is all courtessy off my skull white spray, it doesn't produce a smooth surface. I don't know why it does this but it is empty now and I've started using black as an undercoat instead, which I've always preffered anyway (and does produce a smooth surface). You will see that there is no difference in colour, since I use so many layers. And the fact that I matt varnish them afterwards - also using a spray can, probably contributes a bit to the problem. But since I play alot with these guys I feel that it is necessary, I don't want any chipped paint...


I am currently working on the most extensive conversion I've ever made, for my apothecary. Progress is extremely slow due to crazy amounts of schoolwork but I believe that I'll have it finished by next weekend (originaly I planned to be able to show it to you today, on my birthday, just turned 18 :D )


Thanks for all the comments, they are much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I've been so busy working on my devastators that I forgot to give you an update on my command squad. It now includes an apothecary:














The pictures aren't the best but I hope that they'll do.


It's not 100% finished. I'm not so sure I like the lamp on the backpack; I'm considering removing it all together.

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*cries even more and brings out the knife*


That is an awesome model. The only thing I'd change would be the light, it looks a bit cartoony to me, especially compared to the gritty look of everything else.


Overall though, kudos to you for a great model :ph34r:

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i realy like the way that the apothecary is standing next to the marine that is an amazing idea

i like the way he is holding his head and looking at him as if hes comforting him before he blows his brains out :ph34r:

i also think having his foot in the blood is a nice touch

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absolutely only crits i could find were the severed leg, a cut that clean thorough power armor i would imagine to have been made by a power weapon of some sort...ala lightsaber cauterising the wound??

alos, just me but i think it'd be wicked for the dying marines eyes to be dimmer than the apothecaries!! ;)

thanks for sharing such great work, have to say your marines inspired me to try the glowing ees....first round, not so greeat but i tried again and like those results better...so 2 or 3 more times and i may be happy enough to do em all!!^_^


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys I'm back! I've had problems with logging in, forgot my password... But now that the password recovery ting actually works I got a new one ;) So back to business!!!


Since you last heard from me I have come up with a new chapter symbol, made out of paper!




What do you think? Pretty neat, eh?


Here are my devastators (please tell me what you think of the pictures, I've experimented with not using the flash on my camera... not so sure that it turned out well):









there are a few changes to do on these guys though:

- I think that some of the chipping on the srg is to big, so they will be resized

- I will add glow from the eyes on the weapons (las cannon and missile launcher)

- I see now that I forgot to do paint text on some of the purity seals on the srg

- Need to add the chapter symbol on some of them


Note that I have a new way of painting the chipped armour and gold, I will uppdate the old models.


I will soon begin work on a predator annihilator (will get it on Monday) and after that I am going to make a terminator command squad and a terminator chaplain. (You haven't seen the last of me yet :) )

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Was it really that long time ago since I was last active here :) Well it seems it was, here is the devastator fluff:


The Phantoms - Devastators

+++ a most secret report +++

From: Inquisitor Titus Aelius

To: -:classified:-

Thought for the day: Victory through superior firepower


Heavy weapons are increasingly rare amongst the ranks of the Phantoms due to the chapter being mainly close combat orientated and specialising in city fighting. There is almost no import of new heavy weapons due to the very remote location of the chapters home-world, those that are destroyed in battle are brought back to the chapter

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Hey love your work, You are a great painter and you have some excellent conversion work going on. You have a superb grasp of portraying motion. I only have one critique. With the assault marines flying through the air. I would try to hide the wires holding them up. Here is an example how I did mine.


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