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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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Your work improves much as you go on... nice job!


I agree, and that's why I desided to repaint the dreadnought (everythig else will be uppdated as well but the dread is kinda the centerpiece of the army at the moment).






And now EDIT: New pictures:







I think that all of you will agree that it looks much better than before! Even I am quite happy with it, there is still some finishing touches left though.


By the way, in case anyone wonders, "Sepulchra Metalica" means "Metal Grave", it's Latin. And here's the fluff in case you've forgotten it:

The dreadnought "Sepulchra Metallica" of the Phantoms chapter is piloted by the previous captain of their 2: nd company, Reece, who was entombed in this sacred dreadnought some thousand years ago (or back in 033042139 M41 to be more precise) during the first year of The Twelfth Black Crusade, also known as the Gothic War.

It was during the foul servants of Chaos’ attempted boarding of the Phantoms' strike cruiser "Ascendant Justice" that Captain Reece fell before the might of a Chaos space marine terminator squad, legends tell of a bloody close combat, where Reece accompanied by his command squad successfully held his own against the overpowering terminators. By the time the battle for the cruiser was over Reece’s entire command squad lay slain but so did the Chaos terminators. Reece himself was badly wounded having been cut several times by the vile terminators’ power swords. He was deemed worthy to continue to fight for the Emperor and his Chapter, and does so until this very day entombed in his sacred dreadnought.



Please tell me what you think of it.

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it means "over the top"


and in your defence i think it suits as your chapter does a large amount of city fighting, and have been on deployment for a longer than average ammount of time (at least i get that vibe with them being far away from manafactoriums etc)


but that aside, awesome minis, especially fond of the source lighting on all the models. excellent job on all though.


thanks for sharing

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Brilliant tones all over, how did you do the white, is it very thin washes? battle damage is top notch gives a true sense of realism. you've fininally provided me with a method to produce cheap good looking chapter symbols for my DIY, do cut out each one individualy?
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DEM, your Apothecary is amazing - that's an awesome mini !


I'm very curious as to how you managed to do the "blood spreading in the water" effect. Care to shed any light on that ?

And what did you use for the water, while we're at it ?


Great work anyway.




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@ fumble: I used water effects (although not the one GW sell, I already had mine when they released that) mixed with brown ink for the water. You can't really tell from the pictures but the water is much more see through than in the pictures, looks better in real life that is... the blood was made by simply taking an old brush, that you're not to fond of, and load it up with some blood red and apply the red while the water is still not dry, then drag it out with a tooth pick.



So Hertz, what do you say, interested in playing a game when I get these guys up to 1500pts?



Oh and by the way, I'm painting a predator annihilator at the moment. All the really big, empty areas of the hull are a bit tricky...

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This is amazing. I loved them at first, now there even better. The apothecary is amazing, the dread is one of my favorite models that i have seen in a long time. If you keep painting i think you could be the type of painter that continues to revolutionize the hobby because all of your models are so realistic.


I'm Very impressed

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Well after jsut looking through this one thread the quality that started was amazing but you seem to out do yourself at every step! and then proceed to go back and re-do them again... very inspiring is the only term i could use. As that is exactly what i want to do, after a rushed paint job for a tourny i want to go back and re-do my alpha legion next month (if i can find a digital camera might even do a a WIP thread).


I actually wish you could tutor me personally!


for now i hope youl answer a couple of questions (the eyes thing had been answered already), although would the same technique be plausible with blue and red, or would they require a slightly different approach?


is your gold metallic, (im still tossing up between nmm and straight metallic for my fellas) and would you care to share? :)


and most importantly please share how you did the battle damage? pics would be oh so generous but im strugglng to grasp the concept at the mo and i am really keen to use this on my troops (although to a lesser extent, hints how you deicide where to put it would be cool too) :)


thanks in advance and great models bud

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Thanks Alphz ;)


To answer your questions:

1/ I've tried blue source lighting (plasma) and I use approximately the same approach when I do those. I haven't tried red though.


2/ Personally I don't like NMM, I think it's a really cool technique that requires some serious skill to accomplish, but I actually prefer the way metallic metals look. That said here's how I do my gold:

1. Tin bitz.

2. Brazen brass

3. Dwarf bronze

4. Shining gold

5. Mithrill silver (applied very sparingly as a very thin extreme highlight)


I have to give credit to the man who taught me how to do gold in the first place: kudos to the (swede) who calls himself Animerik on Warseer!


3/ I can take some pictures of how I do the battle damage on my predator. It's really simple actually. All I do is I use dark flesh to paint patches of chipping around edges of armour and other exposed areas. I then add shadow with chaos black and highlight the opposite edge with the same colour you highlight the rest of the model. But hey now that I think of it I've already made a quick tutorial! I didn't put maximum effort into it but you'll get the idea, see the second post and a little bit down in here: Special Effects

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Wow nice tutorial mate! Really effectiv way to paint acid dmg it will come handy some day. Must say I love the work you did on the dread and all over the devestators are my favorites. Keep working with them they are wonderful and the new scheme makes the the best marines around IMO keep them coming sir. Happy I could help you with the gold recipe
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Thanks animerik!


Just to show you guys that I'm still doing stuff, here's the finished predator turret:







Now I "only" have to do the rest of the tank... Did I mention that I prime my models black? There are many layers to be done... *sigh* I hate white tanks...

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Your painting is very clean and elegant and your minis are undoubtfully spirited, its a real pleasure to watch.

There is no much you can do to raise over that level of perfection but if you allow me the honor to give a little advise, there are a few things I would do on the dreadnought.

First, I'd try a mix of black Tamiya smoke and orange ink/ orange Tamiya smoke and a tip of violet ink on the moving mecanical parts of the legs. Mini was not painted dusty so some little greasy effects on limited parts could bring something more.

Then, I'd use repeated washes of brown inks (flesh washes and very little amount of black ink, or skaven brown, or brown ink if you are lucky enough to have some left), pure blue inks and orange inks to give a heat effect on the assaut cannon, kinda like the heat effects on the metal of plane reactors or blowtorchs...

I hope we will see more :) .


Dark Sensei

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Thank you Dark Sensei, much appreciated tips, I'll look in to it :blush: And I do actually have some brown ink.


Here is the beginning of my terminator command squad, a terminator chaplain with dual lightening claws :wacko:





Well, what do you think?


By the way, I'm sooooon done with the predator...

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