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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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Im really impressed with how your army is coming along.The glowing eyes,energy weapons the chipped armour are all fantastic looking.I really like the chapter symbol that you came up with,i noticed you said you made it out of paper.Well i have a couple of questions about that.1.what kind of paper did you use,regular writing paper or something like an index card?2.what kind of glue did you use to glue it to the shoulder pad,was it white or just super glue?It would seem that super glue would eat right thru the paper.Cant wait to see more of this unique and fantastic army.
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I'm glad that I could help you wulfgarr.


I made some small last minute changes to the chaplain, he is now primed so no further changes will be made:




I know it's not much, but this is by far my best greenstuffing ever. I've never done anything else than fill gaps with it so this was pretty "wild" for me, I'm trying to get better.



Yes, finally! This model was really boring to paint and I think that the paint job suffered from it. I'm glad to be done with it and now I know that I'll never get a Land Raider!







Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make some nice mud/dirt effects around the tracks and lower part of the hull??


Now on to the funny stuff, painting that chaplain :wacko:

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Yes, finally! This model was really boring to paint and I think that the paint job suffered from it. I'm glad to be done with it and now I know that I'll never get a Land Raider!


I know that feeling .... the only thing fun about painting tanks is the crew and the Daemonic Posession.

The paint job on your Predator is great though, it makes painting tanks seem worthwhile despite the boringness of actually painting tanks. ;)


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make some nice mud/dirt effects around the tracks and lower part of the hull??


What I normally do for grime and mud is some rough glazing on the dirty areas with watered-down Scorched Brown, then some stippling with Snakebite and Graveyard Earth, and then light drybrushing all over the dirty areas with the colours you use to highlight your bases (Codex and Fortress Grey and Kommando Khaki in my case).

It works on Marine legs, so it should work on tank hulls too. :)

To get very muddy tracks, mix some fine sand, fine modelling turf and static grass with Snakebite Leather, some water, a drop of gloss varnish and a drop of PVA, and dab it on the tracks. It should be semi-transparant and look like mud from freshly tank-plowed fields.

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my mud is made up of either vallejo pumice or spackle , mixed with flat earth paint, a lil static grass then applied around the road wheels, in teh tread guards and around the tread teeth...of course thats after the painting on of the dried mud...aforementionned pumice/spackle with flat earth and some khaki or other lightish color, very thin coat of that around the 'splash' areas then hilite with khaki (or other lite color)

cant wait to see that chappy...dang that is a sweet predatir...yeah with the amount of detail you put in..id stay the heck away from the LR as well :angry:

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quick question how did you do those wholes in the hull?

:wub: Seth :D


Painted them on, first dark flesh than shadows on the upper half of them with chaos black and then highlight the bottom with appropriate color.


Hmm, I have a, more or less, crazy idea for the dirt on the predator... I'll try it out and report back if I succed. But first I'll paint the chaplain.

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Your army is comming along very nicely.


I can se that your painting skills are improving quite a bit. Actually you are improving to fast, as the snipers and the first squad of jump marines are now too low a quality in comparison to your devastators.


honoustly i would touch them up a bit. I like the devastators color scheme which i think you should take that scheme and use it on the normal marines as well. The plain grey marines lack contrast in my oppinion which the green would take care of nicely. I can see you love putting together this army as the detail in the basing shows.


keep up the good work

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Hahaha, thank you Ebolahond :) I agree with you, I am improving at a to high rate :mellow: I've come to that conclusion myself and therefore I've already repainted the tactical squad and the assault marines are on my "to do list".


I can see you love putting together this army as the detail in the basing shows.


Hehehe, is it that obvious :tu: I really enjoy basing a lot!


And as for changing the colour scheme of the entire chapter... I actually think that I'll do it!

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Bloody hell. At first I could have sworn the lighting effects were added from an outside source, but seeing those were painted. Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. That's amazing. Definitely two thumbs up. Were I some variety of herectical mutant scum, whose very existance were a blasphemy against all of mankind, I'd give you more.
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Well, as Ebolahond said, you are improving. Your recent works are beautiful compared to your older ones, then again, we all progress in this hobby. Some faster than others.


What I do not suggest is going and repainting the old stuff yet. Keep it till you are satisfied with the rest of the army. I am doing the same thing with my chapter, the All Hallows Guard, and I am glad I waited. It is nice to have a fully painted army, and when you are ready to go back and paint them, then you should go back to touch up or repaint entirly.


Great stuff, though. I have been following this thread the most on the B&C still. xD Sorry for being a stalker. >>; Your devastators have inspired me a lot, I want to paint some of them up, now.


Anywho, looking forward to more, brother.




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Dadadaaa *trumpet* the chaplain is finished! The pictures don't do him justice but it's as good as I can get it. The lightening claws look ace in real life, I really like them being purple. I'm not overly sure that I like the scratches on his armour though, it looks worse than it is in the pictures but they are still not as "3d" as they are on, for example, the devastators since I use black for the shadows in the scratches and his armour is black... Anyway, here's the pictures (I find it hard to take good pictures of black objects, so many light reflections...):







Some close-ups:






And a size comparison picture:




I'd like to thank LunchBoxmtbr for his advice on how to paint the rusted beam, thank you!


Suggestions, spontaneous reactions and thoughts in general welcomed.

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deux...lovely...makes me sik...really dig the scrathces on the armor, think they work fine...makes me sik...cant wait to see more...makes me sik...love teh eyes...makes me sik...cant wait to see your redone scouts and assault guys...those made me sik back then and now your painting like this..makes me mo sik...

brother, truly inspiring stuff, gotta pick up my paint brish now and give it a whirl

many thanks again for sharin you rprogress!!!! :blink:

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Well you out did yourself this time.Great looking chaplain.Really nice to see that you added your chapter symbol to him instead of leaving the winged skeleton on the shoulder pad.I think the look and the color of the lightning claws make him stand out much more.Great job.
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I'd like to thank LunchBoxmtbr for his advice on how to paint the rusted beam, thank you!


everyone want's his advice! and, Mr. Lunchbox, f your reading this, go on X fire more often, Ive been trying to ask you stuff like that for AGES!


Back on subject, I'm not to sure about he purple, and the scratches don't look as good on black, but he's definatley wrokin', especially on the gold and the parchment

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