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The Phantoms - chapter creation

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First, the Chaplain is a great conversion for you. In terms of your abilities, they are definitely not in question. Gorgeous paintjob and good job making the little bits changes you needed to make to make this work.


Astheticly though, its a little off for me. I just can't picture a chaplain without BOTH of his symbols of office. Also... the purple isn't a color I would pick for this. You seem fond of green, in that your eyes are all green. I think that would have gone a little better with the overall theme or really... a brilliant white... something very bright...


...lastly I just don't like GW's actual Terminator chaplain model. There's nothing you can do about that though.

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Hmm, I appreciate your comments guys but I like the purple claws. I tried blue at first but wasn't entirely happy with the result. Purple power weapons isn't something you see everyday and I think that it helps to make the army stand out from the mass of Space Marine armies out there.


Also SeerBrun, you mention two badges of office missing. I realise that one of them is the crozious but I can't figure out the other one. He wears black armour and a skull helmet which is what defines the chaplain. I deem him worthy of selecting whatever wargear he believes to be most fit to smite the enemies of the emperor. It's not like he doesn't own a crozious, he simply doesn't use it for the current mission. That's my way of rationalising it :)


I've been away a while but will speed up on the terminators, hopefully you'll see them around soon.

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Hmm, I appreciate your comments guys but I like the purple claws. I tried blue at first but wasn't entirely happy with the result. Purple power weapons isn't something you see everyday and I think that it helps to make the army stand out from the mass of Space Marine armies out there.


Also SeerBrun, you mention two badges of office missing. I realise that one of them is the crozious but I can't figure out the other one. He wears black armour and a skull helmet which is what defines the chaplain. I deem him worthy of selecting whatever wargear he believes to be most fit to smite the enemies of the emperor. It's not like he doesn't own a crozious, he simply doesn't use it for the current mission. That's my way of rationalising it :)


I've been away a while but will speed up on the terminators, hopefully you'll see them around soon.

One is the Crozius Arcanum, the other is the Rosarius. It is ultimately your choice to arm him however you would like... I just prefer seeing him with those just like I prefer seeing Imperial/Crimson Fists armed with Powerfists over thunderhammers or ordinary power weapons.

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Thanks Hydra.


Ah ok, I get your point SeerBrun. But I didn't realize that the rosarious was missing! I really do want him to have one. I've always thought that it was the cross like thing he has on his stomach? Where is the rosarious on the original model? What does it look like? I want to know so that I can add one if it is missing.

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Oh yeah sorry I realise now that the rosaris is actually there. The Crozius is a badge of office that is usually used in battle too. This is not to say that chaplains will always use it. For example, if the chaplain's chapter or himself prefers to use a different type of weapon rather than a power weapon, then I believe they would use it.
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I don't anticipate anyone complaining. Built into the price of a chaplain is a powerweapon. If people don't want to use the powerweapon, it could be argued that they are, more or less, throwing away points. If someone wants to give themselves a handicap when playing me, more power to them (though it would have been an awfully bad idea).
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Yes, I took that into consideration when I made the conversion. He comes with a free (or at least included in his base pts cost) power weapon, which means that I'm effectivly waisting a couple of points. But I'm not overly worried about that, my aim is to build a good looking force, not necessarily a tournament winning one (although that would be nice as well :evil:).
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Its perfectly legal to arms the chaplain any way you see fit. As it is, he ends up dumping his crozius in favour of re-rolling to wound, looking cool and being totally badass on the charge (Re-Roll misses AND wounds!? ouch)


An idea to appease the 'crozians' would maybe be to have the Crozius hanging off somewhere? Maybe on the empty side of his tabard/purity seal. (And besides, its not like he can use it anyway)


I'd imagine that a Chaplain would know the inherent risks of teleporting and any sort of conflict and would prefer to go into a combat that he may not come back from with is crozius, even if he happens to be ripping things apart with his lightning claws at the time.


Aside from that, *gets down on knees and chants* ALL HAIL THE PAINTER! WE WORSHIP THE PAINTER!

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  • 3 weeks later...




Progress is slow, as usual but hopefully I'll get two more done today :lol: I'm going to freehand paint the number "1" on his banner to represent him coming from the first company. But I don't feel confident in my freehand skillz just yet...


Let me know if you want close-ups...

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Hmm, I appreciate your comments guys but I like the purple claws. I tried blue at first but wasn't entirely happy with the result. Purple power weapons isn't something you see everyday and I think that it helps to make the army stand out from the mass of Space Marine armies out there.

I for one applaud your use of purple power weapons. I am sick to death of blue, aqua and green power weapons. I use purple power weapons on mine and I find with a bit of effort you can really make awesome lightning effects. I should know, I do plenty :)


Once again, awesome job. Brilliant minis. Love your GS work. Hell, I dont touch greenstuff because a) I cant seem to get the right texture for workability like everyone else's, and ;) I can't be bothered waiting for it to set lol.



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Thanks for the comments guys :)


@ Infestus:

well I can give you a quick guide to haw I do the white (be warned, lots of work)

1 - Chaos black undercoat

2 - Codex Grey is painted all over the areas to be white

3 - Codex Grey is mixed with Vallejo Game Color Ghostly Grey about 40/60 or something, I usualy just eyeball it... Then this is roughly blended on top of the codex grey (leaving codex grey for shadows)

4 - I apply a very thin layer of desert yellow (thinned out with water to... I'd say somewhere around 70/30 water to paint), this goes over everything that is going to be white. It is very important that you do not apply to much since it will give your model a wierd color if you do.

5 - Next up is Graveyard earth, again this will be something of a "wash" (atleast I think that is the name for it ;) ). I mix Graveyard Earth with water, this time a bit thicker than the desert yellow, I'd say somewhere around 60/40 water to paint. This goes over all to-be-white-areas as well.

6 - Pick out details with black (such as rivets in the armour, joints etc etc)

7 - Highlight with Pure Vallejo Ghostly Grey.

8 - The rust/dirt is painted on using a mix of 60/40 bestail brown to dark flesh (add a little water to that as well)


And you're done! Just don't forgett to give me some credit when you win your local painting contest :tu:

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Sorry for the double post, but here are the rquested close-ups of the sword:




And a picture taken with the flash on the camera (shows the colors better)




Now I wish to make sure that there is no confusion here, these power weapons I've been doing lately are all done by using ApOks walkthrough that he provided in his awesome black templars terminator GD entry topic a while ago (link: Awesome terminators ahoy!). Although now that I compare them, mine are darker...

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deux...love comin back here and seein you na,e on the replys..feel like i get to see it 1st:)

LOVIN tha purple bro!! ver ynice termi...have decided to give a try at teh deep colors you ise and see what my stuff looks like...course im stuck in 15mm land for at least the next 3 weeks so... :blink:

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WOW, those marines are freakin sweet, great job. I like the chaplain and i love the predator. The dreadnought and marines look good too. I think you have gotten a lot better at painting since the beginning of the thread to now. Way to go on improving on painting. The way the eye lenses glow is also cool. I can't wait to see some more of these guys.
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