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Medusa V Medals

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Well, with my birthday coming up, my father decided to buy me a computer, so now I have my very own computer for the first time since 2002. - No more need to rely on the job or friends for computer access. :devil:

Anyway, this means that my DIY website can finally be updated again soon, but its a lot of work with months worth of updates; writing, fixes and illustrations to be made.

Soooo I've pretty much finished writing up what has happened to my Chapter in the past months, but I'm currently working on the illustrations.

As updates go, a lot of it is about Medusa V and how the Guardian Angels did there, so I naturally wanted to include the medals GW awarded my Chapter for taking part at the BIG M5; I cant just use the illustrations from their site however, so I decided to make my own.

Hopefully GW wont be angry at me for being such a hard working FanBoy, but anyway, for your viewing pleasure, her is the first of the medal illustrations to show up on the site. - The Medusa Star (ever so slightly altered for visual feel).

Hope you like it: ;)




And here is a link to the original by GW


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So these are just illustrations that you have done, correct? For a second there I thought you were actually making real life medals for the campaign!! But nice Star of Medusa regardless
Thanks! If you thought the illustration was the real deal for a moment I guess I did a rather good job at it.

Couldnt get a better compliment than that! :P


I've taken a couple of minutes to rework the gems now, making the shine harder and upping the colour contrast a bit, hopefully the shinyness will take the dullness of plastic out of them. :wink:


I think I will begin working on the Administratum Medal in a couple of minutes time, after that I will be working on:

The Merit of Terra

The Order of the Storm

The Valoris Imperator


Thanks again!

Well, I'm glad to hear that because... Tada, here is more! :P


The Administratum Medal.

don't know if it turned out as well as the Medusa Star, but its good enough to suit my needs.

Here you go! :P




And here is a ling to the original by GW:


Well, I'm glad you like my Chapter. :blink:

Guess they get blown up a lot because their storyline is based on the game and in the game, Marines aren't really as tough as the fluff.

Don't know if I will bother making another medal today, but maybe tomorrow. :P

There is no easy way to explain the process of making any image as it really evolves a bit over time while you use what you know.

All I can say is learn by doing. - I've been using Photoshop for over 12 years now and I still feel I'm on an amature level.

There are a lot of tutorials on the net that can explain techniques, so think your project through, then find out how to do each part of it and practice, practice, practice. - There is no secret to it really, just do it.


Anyway, it seems I miss-labeled the image of the Administratum Medal as the Merit of Terra yesterday, but I've fixed it now.

Ive now made the actual Merit of Terra medal, although I haven't stayed as true to the original GW medal on this one as I have with the others...

So, after a couple of hours work, here is the Merit of Terra; Finally! ;)


Hope you like it!




And here is a ling to the original by GW:


Indeed, all the medals do contain a skull!

GW really, really, really like skulls!

The Order of the Storm and the Valoris Imperator only have small skulls though.


Oh, and thanks thinking its nice, and for the reply! :rolleyes:

Well, here is the Order of the Storm.

Not completely happy with it and I'm thinking that maybe the Aquilla is a bit dark, but I've worked myself blind on this thing for now.

Anyway, dark materials are hard to work with!


Here you go!




And here is a ling to the original by GW:


Thanks for the comment Gator! :huh:

Looking at it today I have to agree that the Aquilla works just fine the way it is, but I cant really see what... something... the red cross section may need, so I'm just gonna leave it the way it is and start working on the Valoris Imperator some time today instead.

I do indeed use Photoshop, but the program only does what I tell it to, so... anything goes. ;)


Thanks again for the comment!

Thanks Storm Dragon! :)

I'm working on the Valoris Imperator right now.

Been a bit lazy today, so I just started it and so I'm not sure if it will be up before tomorrow though.

I'm also thinking about going over the older medals to make a few touch-ups once I'm done with the series as well.


Thanks again! :)

Well, here it is, finally: The Valoris Imperator.

The eagle and the gold look on this practically drove me insane! :)

It could do with a little more work maybe, but for now it will do.

This is the last of the medals I will make, since its all the ones I got.


Here we go:




And here is a link to the original by GW:


D'oh! Wish I could see the originals! The Valoris looks good so far, but is it supposed to be so top heavy? Maybe just enlarging the skull at the bottom would help. As for the order of the storm, the big red cross looks like a first aid symbol. Looks like it would only be for apothecaries. I'd either add another section of color to the middle to break up the red a bit, or have something pinned in the middle, like a laurel branch.


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