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B&C Basic Painting Skills Bootcamp


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Bloodwraith: Ink shouldn't be too thin for blacklining, just be careful with it. I usually just wash the area and paint over it later as I find that works fastest for RAF. For characters I might do it differently, but that all depends on the situation.









will tidy up the belt when we do the next stage. any tips on photography? it keeps coming out much bluer than in rl, its actually quite a bit greener than the photos suggest.

I've finished the basecoating now. Here he is undercoated:




Heh, just noticed I had a similar pic up on the pc screen :P And here he is basecoated:






Sorry about the blurry pictures, its the best I can get out of my camera :( The paint seems very smooth to me IRL. I never watered down my paint before, its amazing the difference it makes. And its actually quicker because the paint dries in under a minute under a lamp. Thanks for that :) My only question now is, could I mix blue ink with dark angels green for the shading? Thanks




Edit: The backpack is painted the same as well, just left off for ease of painting

i use 10 to 1 water and black ink for my dark angels to darken up the recesses, cracks in the armour and whatnot. if you want you can also add a drop of green ink to the mix but the solution should be quite watered down.


but if you go over the DA again you should get the same results. (you may want to get one of the mods to afferm this though)


hope it helps


with the watered down black i usually appy it to the base coat along the recesses, and pretty much any fold or raised area on the armour plates.


when it dries its a judgement call if you need another coat. (if you need to darken it up more, depeding on your shading scheme) its a trial and error thing......(i've made a few trips to the jar of simple green)


primaraly one coat does it well enough for my dark angels. then i usually paint another layer of basecoat giving room to the ink to keep the work.


hope this helps



Hope i'm not butting in here, by no means am i a expert painter. i've just been at it a while (and own all four shades of DA green that were made ;))

er, hello?

I havent had proper access to the internet for a bit and was surprised to see that there have been no more stage 4 pics added, is every one still in?

while I am here, What colours should I highlight my marine with, just scaly green with increasing amounts of white or should I try mixing the scaly green with a lighter shade of the same colour such as hawk turquoise?

About how many layers of highlights do you suggest?

er, hello?

I havent had proper access to the internet for a bit and was surprised to see that there have been no more stage 4 pics added, is every one still in?

while I am here, What colours should I highlight my marine with, just scaly green with increasing amounts of white or should I try mixing the scaly green with a lighter shade of the same colour such as hawk turquoise?

About how many layers of highlights do you suggest?


I have fallen behind a bit, but I have finally managed to get pics of my shaded marine. They are not very good pics but ou can just about see the shading. I have the same questions as RADU really, what colour should I use the highlight my orange? and how many layers? when is the deadline for the highlighting stage stage?




Yes. Well, my tournament Imperial Fists and Dark angel adventures kind of had me ocupied the past week and I must admit to not checking up on the progress (a lot) in that time... :D


For all of you still with the program though, let's continue shall we?


To answer you questions, generally a highlight or three, four go a long way to looking excellent. More, and you'll be looking at blending as well, whilst less might be leaving you with a lesser result.


I found though, that to make a colour really pop, you need to create more contrast between the darkest and the highest colour. This in turn will also make it appear shinier, where less contrast will make the end result look duller. This does not relate directly to the amount of layers though, as that can be just as high with a dull look! Darker colours (like my Dark angels for instance) tend to take less highlights as well due to the nature of their colour.


For Orange, I go from Blazing Orange as a basecolour through Fiery Orange, to Golden Yellow. Looking good so far Horus.


I must admit though to never having painted Scaly Green before. My gut feeling though says to take a lighter shade of green and maybe add a drop of blue to it to match the colour somewhat, but lighter, obviously. I fear that highlighting by mixing white will make the end result look decidedly pale, but I might be wrong. Anyone have any good advice on this?


++EDIT++ @ RADU; having taken another look at your progress, I'd dare to make the assumption that highlighting with lighter mixes of white might well work with that colour. actually, Hawk Turquise appears darker than the colour in your pictures. Maybe adding some Lightning Blue to the mixes might negate the paleness somewhat?


We'll cover the highlighting steps soonish, let's say from wednesday on? That will give everyone a little more time to make ready for the highlighting...

Thanks for the update Daeothar. I have a quick question on highlighting, this may sound stupid, but how do you highlight an area such as the shoulder pads that dont have edges just a round surface? Do you just work towards the centre or a specific point? Same goes for large armour plates such as the legs, do you just leave large areas of base coat? You may be able to tell that ive never highlighted before. :huh:

wow i never realised so much went into highlighting!!!!


I do about 2layers at most! lol, this stage could take some time. . .




EDIT: Realised i hadnt posted pics of my shading stage!








Rubbish pics i know but proof im still doing things!!



I think I understand the highlighting now, my only question is what do we do where we have shaded? I have shaded using vermin brown, do I use the same technique for highlighting and mix vermin brown into my basecoat or do i leave those areas now?

hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know my mom had a life threatening injury just after this began and I hadn't been on here until today.


if the slot is still open, I would like to throw my meager skills back into the pot and see what response I get.


Thanks Everyone!


Pardon my late response; I meant to reply earlier. Please try and catch up if you want. You'll find the posts in the thread quite useful no doubt. If you have any questions, please do not hesite to ask though. Welcome back onboard...

finally found some time to make a start on highlighting, any one else done some yet?

anyway here are some pics of the first stage highlight








and stage 2













am hopefully going to do about 5 stages.stage one was a 4:1 mix of scaly green with hawk turquoise, stage 2 was 4:2 scaly green to hawk turquoise.


sorry about the lighting in the pics but am generally having to paint at night, my only free time :lol:

you can just about make out the highlights although I think the first one is too much of a contrast from the basic colour?

  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


New to the boards - really great work your all doing here. Ive recently taken up 40k again Im currently painting an Ultramarines squad. Im hoping to post some pics up here soon, if I can source a digital camera! Does any body have a good way of painting marines piece by piece like Radu ^^^^ Ive given it a go with my most recent marine, working on the bottom half first then gluing the torso to it. Im not sure where to go from there! Hands and shoulder pads are too small to hold without getting my fingerprints on the model but if I glue them to the torso its hard to get to the inside of them or thier edges for extra detail! Any help would be greatly appreciated




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