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With the release of the Assault on Black Reach box set, the admins of the Bolter and Chainsword and Da Waaagh have gotten together and present to you the Assault on Black Reach painting contest!

Sponsored by:


The Gamers Realm

Dragon Forge Design

This contest is quick, easy and only requires a few things for you to participate. First, you must be a member of either the Bolter and Chainsword or Da Waaagh to participate. Secondly, you will need to have one of the 5 Terminator or 5 Nob minis from the new Assault on Black Reach box set or the same minis from the latest White Dwarf (345 UK/344 US). Everyone from both boards can participate in this event (even mods and admins) because the opposite board will be doing the voting (DaWaagh for Marines and B&C for Orks).


The Rules

1. Only the Terminators and Nobs from the Assault on Black Reach/new White Dwarf release can be used in this contest.

2. No conversions. Stock miniatures only -- just like you see up in the picture above. No extra parts -- even from the AoBR set. No green stuff. Just the minis and their respective base parts (head, arms, body and base). Decals are okay.

3. Stock bases that the minis come with only. These means 40mm for the Termie and 28mm for the Nob. Plinths are not allowed. Detailing the base is up to you beyond that.

3a. Resin scenic bases are allowed.

3b. Normal landscape basing only. No other minis (such as a Tau being used as a corpse for example).

4. One mini only. So that means you are either entering a Terminator at the B&C or a Nob at Da Waaagh.

5. Front, left side, right side and back pictures only. Front picture at a minimum of course. No more than 4 pictures (front, back, left side, right side) in total. No collages, insets or any other type of 'fancy' set up. Please also refrain from putting your painting business/watermark logos on the picture as well as we would like to keep this as anonymous as possible (just like in all the past contests). Pics need to be in JPG or GIF format and no larger than 800x600. If you don't have a program at home to do the cropping with we suggest you download GIMP which is a free image manipulation program.

Examples of said pictures:





6. There is no WIP shot for this contest so you can enter the minis if you've painted them already. However please do not enter said minis if you have already entered them in other contests as we will disqualify you for that.

As in the past, asking questions that are answered in the rules will get you mackareled:


When considering submitting a piece for a competition, you must, without fail, ask said competition's coordinator any and every question you can conceive of in an attempt to bend said competition's rules and restrictions to suit your personal desires. This rule must be especially observed if entry into said competetion involves no fee and includes a prize generously donated by an individual who gains little or nothing from such a venture.

Don't be that guy!!!

How to Enter

Simple enough. Send an email to:


Include the following:

Your real name. We'll need this later if you win.

Your display name -- this means how your name appears next to your posts on the B&C or Waaagh.

Your pictures (zip or rar file is fine or you can just attach them individually).

Please make sure you send them from the email that you use for your Waaagh or B&C account!


Voting will be a bit different than past contests. Bolter and Chainsword members will be voting on the Ork entries from the Waaagh while the Waaghers will be voting on the Terminators from the B&C. Yes if you are signed up at both sites you'll be able to vote in each contest. Voting will be conducted via polling threads (Orks in the thread at the B&C and Marines in the thread at DaWaaagh). Keep in mind that if you select the "see results" option without voting then that goes in as a null vote and you are fresh out of luck on voting. So make sure you vote first!!

Time Line

The contest will run from Sept. 1, 2008 to Sept. 30, 2008. This means we have to have your final entry pics by Sept. 30th. Anything comes in after that and it won't be entered.

Voting will start no later than Oct. 3rd, 2008 and go for 7 days after that. Winners will be announced no later than Oct. 12, 2008.


Prizes provided by:


The Gamers Realm

Dragon Forge Design

Instead of assigning prizes we are letting the winners pick what they want out of a prize package.

So 1st place winner for Ork and Marine will pick from:

Assault on Black Reach Box Set from The Gamers Realm

A $40 Gift Certificate from TheWarstore.com

$25 worth of resin bases from Dragon Forge Design.

2nd Place will get to pick from what is left and then 3rd place winners will get the final items left over.

This means 2 people will get Assault on Black Reach, 2 people will get $40 TheWarstore.com gift certificates and 2 people will get $25 of resin bases!

Does the terminator have to be an ultramarine or can we pick another chapter?


Paint what ever chapter you wish, make one up even.. just don't convert the mini at all.



Good luck to you aand all the other entrants. I look forward to giving away prizes to the winners!

Paint what ever chapter you wish, make one up even.. just don't convert the mini at all.


Does that include drilling out gun barrels? (serious question)


I think your OK with drilling out the gun barrel.


Kergan? Need a final ruling on this..

Rules say:


Decals are okay.


What does that mean? What is a decal? More important, what is not a decal?

decals are those water-trasferable (?) icons on blue sheets you get in most marine and CSM box sets.. personally i hate them, but i can use them

ok! i'm gonna do one when i get the models. i already got a termie but i've slightly converted it by changing the shoulder shield and added a great big feather on the back, so i'm a bit gutted i didn't hear earlier before i did that, so i'll just have to get one from games day. the prizes though, i'm from the uk. will i be paying more for getting it to me?
I am registered on both forums so can i do an ork and a termie?







Guys this is a very basic contest. Take one of the Termies or Nobz, put it together and paint it. We just want everyone to take a stock mini and paint it up, don't change it, don't add to it just paint it.


Since barrel drilling isn't converting then yes you can drill the barrel.



will i be paying more for getting it to me?


Where is it said anywhere that people will be paying to get their prizes?

hi, this is my first post, just one question, I'm from Italy, what happens in the really really unreal case that I win one of the prizes? :P


thanks for Your time


Well as one of the sponsors, Id ask you what you wanted then put it in a box and mail it to you:)


Simple :lol:


I'm sure the others will do just the same.


Now get painting!

For all you guys who already say you converted your figure and your out, I know at my local game store for every marine player theirs an ork player happy to trade an ork for a termie..look for a trade. Also in my LGS, we have warhammer only players not wanting the figs..offer a $1.00 or two for the figures. Better than being left out of the fun!

mine got a little damaged in the post

the terminator became a sorceror within a day of me getting it and is now just waiting for paint ;)

and my nobs choppa was snaped off so he had to be modified


it would be cool to enter but im too busy with the my entry for the emperorschildren.net contest, college starting back up, work and driving lessons

so maby i will enter the next contest

i cant wait to see what everyone comes up with though

I require clarifacation on a rule:

you say that detailing the bases is up to the contestents.

does that mean the I could stick a piece from the citys of death

set lik a lamp post?


Rules were clear here I thought:

3. Stock bases that the minis come with only. Plinths are not allowed. Detailing the base is up to you beyond that.

3a. Resin scenic bases are allowed.

3b. Normal landscape basing only. No other minis (such as a Tau being used as a corpse for example).


No other minis, no plinths, beyond that you can use what you want for your base cover. We know folks are gonna want to use their minis to fit in their armies so we don't want to put too many restrictions on basing beyond the other mini and plinths thing. If something questionable comes up then the HQs of the two sites will review it and make a decision but as long as you follow the rules you should be fine.

Cool competition, and the new mini's go together so easy and with so little effort. I was in GW Canterbury (UK) for a total of two hours and I had my termie cleaned, de-flashed, assembled, undercoated and basecoated. ;)


Now I've just got to find another two or three hours to highlight and finish... easier said than done with my job -_- ... and new Exalted and D&D and Dune games starting this week!


There must be more than 36 hours in a day! :)


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