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Stoneburners - Chapter Champion (Dueling Master) WiP Model

Bryan Blaire

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Bryan, I'm wondering if it would be possible to do a 2-handed grip using some of the Grey Knights swords? Something like the Posta di Falcone or Posta Frontali guards. The storm bolter could just be wrist mounted like on the GK terminator models, but I'm not sure if the GK terminator arms can be repositioned that way though....
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I really like the pose, as Cactus pointed out its definitely something you don't see around much. Originally when I first saw how he was holding the sword I imagined he was steadying it as if it was belted to him and he didn't want it tangling in his legs as he turned, which I also thought was a really cool idea if I'm honest and might end up using down the line.

I love looking through your work it gives me inspiration for my own DAs. Looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks a bunch, you guys!


Perhaps to emphasize the movement you could add a tassel or relic chain to the pommel of the sword to convey the swing direction.


Have you had any thoughts on if you're going to do anything special with the base?

Definitely thought about trying to emphasize the swing, thinking either an additional relic or purity seal. As far as the base, I have some thoughts, need some more Chaos parts, already have the cork I need.


Bryan, I'm wondering if it would be possible to do a 2-handed grip using some of the Grey Knights swords? Something like the Posta di Falcone or Posta Frontali guards. The storm bolter could just be wrist mounted like on the GK terminator models, but I'm not sure if the GK terminator arms can be repositioned that way though....

Sadly, no, I don't think that I have any Terminator arms that are positioned properly and I'm not really up to repositioning that much at this point. Good idea, but everything is basically single handed for Terminators, except for polearms.
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Excellent as always mate! :thumbsup:


I like the new Belial, very original and dynamic, which isn't something you can always say about terminators! :smile.:  Wasn't totally sure about the sword position to begin with, as the way the hand is gripping the guard seemed a bit awkward and unbalanced. Then I thought, terminator armour can lift heavy weapons easily with one hand, so there's no reason why he couldn't hold a blade that way. I also agree that TDA would be flexible enough to allow that level of swordsmanship.


Keep up the good work!



@ facmanpob: Cheers mate, I think you've just given me an idea how to model my own First Company Master :smile.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

:thanks: Spaced Hulk!

So, in the motivation post in Amicus, I posted that I finally got all my Terminators assembled, and without further adieu, here they are, sticky-tacked together so that I can paint them later on:

Deathwalker Command Squad (all members of the Scouring Whirlwind, the Apothecary may or may not get used that often and is armed with the storm bolter from the DA Vets box):


Deathwalker Knights of the Scouring Whirlwind:


And the last squad is simply the Dark Vengeance Terminators, so I've only taken pics of the "twins" and while they aren't completely different, I've tried to differentiate them a little by using a different chest plate, head and storm bolter+arm:



Now, time to assemble some more miniatures and decide what I want to paint!

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Thanks a bunch, Dark Rage, your stuff is always inspiring, so if I've given you any ideas (easy though they might be), that's very cool. :)


:thanks: to everyone for the likes and the comments, I really appreciate them. Hopefully I'll put brush to paint pretty soon, right now I'm still assembling more stuff (have some Devastator squads , one Tact squad and Company Vets to finish up, and some Ravenwing).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Going to have to disappoint Elmo just a little bit more, I've had so much plastic sitting in containers and on sprue for so long, I've been in a building mode, just to get all my kit-bash ideas to take shape. I have now completed all my Command, Tactical and Assault squads (minus one banner bearer and 5 guys for the Assault section that will probably just be another plain kit, or maybe some Vanguard, since I like bling :D) for my Strike Force.

Now the only things unmounted in power armor left to assemble are some Devastator units, and I don't think the sticky tack will hold up the metal weapons well.

Enough talking, the last few unpainted PA images I hope to post:

First, the last few incomplete members of Squad Sebriel, a Tactical Squad from the 7th Company seconded to Furael to help in the combat on Hybreon IV, with a sergeant who excels at melee combat and still likes to get into the mix up close and personal:


Next, Squad Thenulaen, 4th Company, longer ranged squad who will likely be trading a melta-gun for a plasma gun in the near future, but for right now, that's who is getting painted with them. I must say, I really love the new posing options in the new Tact squad kit, very much fun.










Finally, Sgt Thenulaen himself:



Company Veterans to follow!

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Company Veterans (these guys haven't gotten names yet):

Shooting Vets:




Special Weapons bearers:

Plasma Guns and Combi-Plasma:



Melta-gun and Combi-Meltas:




Plasma Cannon bearer:


Close Combat Veterans:








And the guy I like the most out of all of these, he's going to count as a pair of lightning claws:



Well, there you go, hopefully my last unpainted power armor miniatures for a long time!

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Very nice kit bashes mate! :thumbsup: I've been on a bit of a building/converting spree lately as well, the new marine kits really are a lot of fun to use :smile.:


On the last marine (your favourite one), did you cut back the cross guards on the Grey Knight falchions? They look pretty cool (more like gladius blades actually), so I may have to borrow that idea :smile.:

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Very nice kit bashes mate! :tu: I've been on a bit of a building/converting spree lately as well, the new marine kits really are a lot of fun to use :)


On the last marine (your favourite one), did you cut back the cross guards on the Grey Knight falchions? They look pretty cool (more like gladius blades actually), so I may have to borrow that idea :)

Thanks Spaced Hulk, and all the Likes as well! I think the interoperatability of the new kits makes for a lot of interesting configurations.


Yes, on the short blade, I just tried to trim the guard back to be the same width as the power field generator box and blade across. I thought about doing the circular guards for them, but I didn't want them to look too much like the gladius style combat blades (that have no in game effect) and because my latest round guard combat blade turned out kinda wonky. I tried my best to fix it, but I don't think it is lined up well.


I think I have also decided that Sgt Thenulaen will be getting a reconfig on his chest plate, he'll be getting a Mk4 plate of some kind, just because I think the guy is really cool. Probably not a Mk4 helm though, I like the "knight" helm on him.

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  • 5 months later...

So it's been a long while (almost six months) since I last posted anything in these fellas, but the ETL has called and I have answered.




I'm supposed to do my version of Belial, but I never quite worked out exactly how his helm paint would be configured. The colors for the Deathwalkers indicating command level (Sergeants and up, also, those that are Deathwalkers but are in command of other parts of the Chapter, such as Captains) are bone helms with a blood red stripe down the center. I'd like to do something a little different, but not wildly out of place. What would the thoughts be on simply reversing the colors, so the red is the main colors and there is a bone stripe down the middle?


(Some times I want to ask color questions concerning rank just to see if I can make CPT Semper's or Bobz's heads explode. :D )

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I think the red stripe should remain but possibly you could add a trim to the red stripe? I think the old RT ranks were similar like perhaps add a black trim to the red in stead of the yellow trim the sergeant helmet has at bottom or possibly a trim similar to the RT captain ranks.




Also was thinking since your using the knight helm which has more space for it possibly some heraldry on 1 side of the face plate

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Shabbadoo, good call, man, very true, definitely don't want him to look too Ultramarine-ish.


Dark Rage, I like it. I'll toy with the colors in my head some, but the black outlining just might work. May just do a bone or bronze free-hand sword down the middle of the stripe as well and let the rest of the ornate features be found on the rest of his armor.


:tu: guys, appreciate it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Proof that I have been working!

Deathwalkers' Company Master has some paint:



I really like how the polished antique brass appearance turned out and the crimson is also really nice, I think. I tried to make the skull in the little reliquary a bit more bleached white than the rest of the bone colored material. I think the sandy brown outer tabard and the soon to be cape will provide a nice contrast to the green inner color.

So the plan for the helm is to have the bone color with the red stripe down the center, with antique brass edging between the red and bone. Thoughts? Any ideas on whether this would distinguish him enough from the rest of the unit, which will all have the red stripe as well?

The blade will hopefully go well with a red energy field, the reversed grip across the cross guard and I have greenstuffed smooth the curved elbow plate (over the "Steel" engraved text). The other arm is a little more plain and I haven't decided on a color for the storm bolter, I don't want to do an overall brass weapon because I plan on having the recessed area be the brass. I feel like the black storm bolter to match all the other units might be a tad boring, however, I'm not really sure what to do with, as all the other weapon casings really are black. Perhaps the crimson, with bone detailing? Bone with dark green detailing? Just go with the black?

I do really like the way the base came together, it allows me to have the more dynamic leg position while still having the body upright, which cures the "leaning into the bolter firing" issue he had previously. I also like the broken apart Khorne-flake banner pole icon that he's kicking around the battlefield. :) Still need to get some sand on there and then get it painted up like the rock that Gathrael has on his base.

Each of the outer knee plates and the one elbow plate will have some form of freehand on it, still planning on what I want to do for those, but the freehand probably won't come until I'm done with his command squad as well.

Thoughts? Comments, criticism, suggestions for improvement?

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Cool Bryan,


Some thoughts in no particular order:

I think he should have his own coloured stripe, be it bronze, gold, silver or a flat colour such as white like the RT Capt. Vet. in the above pic. He is beyond a veteran and beyond a Captain, he is the FIRST Captain!!!, maybe he could have his own coloured helmet instead/as well but your bone just looks so damned neat no worries if he keeps it.

I think the handles on the ceremonial knives need to be in contrast to the robes as they are a bit lost there.

Can't wait to see your freehand on the knee bits, you always impress there.

Your battle damage is looking great, as is your three coloured robe!

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I think he should have his own coloured stripe, be it bronze, gold, silver or a flat colour such as white like the RT Capt. Vet. in the above pic. He is beyond a veteran and beyond a Captain, he is the FIRST Captain!!!, maybe he could have his own coloured helmet instead/as well but your bone just looks so damned neat no worries if he keeps it.

Hmmmm, what about an antique brass stripe with red edgings adjacent to the bone?


I'm just mostly out of colors in the palette: black, dark green, bone, crimson red, and brass are really all I'm working with.


I think the handles on the ceremonial knives need to be in contrast to the robes as they are a bit lost there.

Probably, but I'm pretty much out of colors on the palette to use on them. I think they will have to just be a bit lost.


Can't wait to see your freehand on the knee bits, you always impress there.

Danke, sir, hopefully they will look nice. I'm still trying to decide if they will all have the same iconography or if each one will be different.


Your battle damage is looking great, as is your three coloured robe!

Thanks! I was actually thinking that the little bib was a second attached drape on the front, but even if it is all one piece, glad it looks good!
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Heh heh, I never could understand the little bib, but well done on it regardless :thumbsup:


Stripe idea sounds great! (esp. with your execution); I also love a limited palette, otherwise things get garish really quickly. I do like the idea of a pure bright white one with red borders though, just seems cleaner and more Firstcaptainish.


Carry on sir.

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What Bobz said :tongue.:


I think the bone helmet with a stripe would work as your edging on the legs is bone too.

How about a dark green bolter but with a black wash so it is really dark green.


Great work as ever Byran, keep it up.


I can't help thinking that it is missing something..... Magnets ;)

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Okay, so here's my thoughts: bone helm with an antique brass stripe down the center, both sides of the stripe edged with crimson, and for my battle-brother Bobz, a white blade icon where the pommel starts at the back of the crown of the helm with the blade traveling down the crest and nose of the helm to have the sword point end at the chin point.


And that leaves me absolutely idea-less for the (Supreme?) Grand Master of the Stoneburners' helm. :D


I like Belmo's idea for the black-green storm bolter body casing, and will probably do bone trim pieces on it with steel and brass metallic fittings.


Thank you gents, back to painting!

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