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Hi everyone,


I have just started my SoB army and don't even have 500 points yet. I played a game with proxies for the other models and joined with a friend to take on two others. In my allotted point choice I chose to take two exorcist tanks. One of my opponents chose to field his Space Wolves. With one exorcist I was able to kill maybe one or two of his Space Wolves every turn. He then proceeded to lay down many points that indicated his displeasure with the exorcist tank and how over-powered it is. I am relatively new to the game and don't really know that much about the other armies. I figured it would be okay to post this here since we're already on the topic of the exorcist tank.


To get to the point: What are some arguments I can use against my friend to show that the exorcist is not insanely over-powered? I appreciate any advice you can give me.

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Saying "this from a space wolf player?!" and laughing would be a start.

It is random, has no option for sponson mounted weapons like the Predator it replaces and is vulnrable to flanks and assaults.  There is no denying that it is a nice wepon to have on the table and that's a good thing since it is the only long ranged anti-armor option the SoB have.  However it is no where near as effective (or cheesy) as dirt cheap missle launcher spam or rune priests with Jaws of the World Wolf.

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So a tank that might only get a single s8 ap1 shot is OP? Tell him to go play a parking lot IG army and then he'll be happy you only have 2 13/11/10 tanks that shoot s8. :P Here's a comparison: IG have a tank that's 14/13/11, it's main gun is s9 ap1, 72" range, and it can also fire a lascannon and 2 plasma cannons. And let's not forget Knight Commander Pask. :/ So... yeah. The Exorcist is hardly over powered.

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As a player who has fielded Space Wolves since Rogue Trader, and Sisters since they first came out, your opponent was just cheesed that you managed to inflict damage on his troops.


You could counter by mentioning :

- the missile launcher spam that some SW players use (full unit,or two, of missile launcher equipped Long Fangs)

- the ability of said Long Fangs to split fire between two different enemy units

- Logan Grimnar (Space Wolf chapter master) taking Wolf guard as troops.



This is just the beginning of a long list of things that can be used.



My advice.....play your SoB's the way they should, and let your opponent(s) deal with the problems they present. The best generals adapt and overcome any situation presented to them.



My .02




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Thank you all for the great advice. Next time we play a match I can bring up some of the stuff. I think Runepriest2007 pretty much had it down when he said that my friend was angry that I actually damaged his troops. I am slowly learning that when some people play they really freak out over the loss of one unit and can't take it. I have a lot to learning being new to the game. I argued that his argument was invalid because he touched one squad in close combat and maimed them. That was why I needed a tank like that and the points cost isn't that ridiculously low.

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warning: the following statement is jesting based upon truth of the "Average" gamer


Power armor players (i.e., Marines) tend to have knee jerk reactions to anything that bypasses their armor save.  Doesn't matter how "bad" the unit actually is, as soon as it denies them armor it's obviously overpowered and broken :)  Regardless of point values, regardless of caveats, or how you have to have two or three things work in tandem... as soon as it's something with a 2+ or 3+ AP it's obviously broken.


So they fear our Exorcists.  Go figure.  We'll ignore the rending heavy bolters or hordes of meltaguns, but a tank that might instagib power armor or terminator armor obviously is broken.


In short.. shrug your shoulders and ignore it.  Good gamers realize that sometimes things don't go their way or a unit might annihilate multiple things before dying.  I've lost multiple hundreds of points of things to one good shot before.  It happens.


In any event, welcome to the Sisterhood!  We have awesome models, so play them with pride :)  Good to see you!

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Considering the SoB's have very little toys to play with compared to a lot of other armies (armor,weapons,etc), play the game to have fun. There will always be opponents who get upset because they can't win every game.


As a SW player, I've had to endure a lot of whining from other players when our newest dex came out. Every army has toys that seem overpowered, but you just have to find a way to get around them.


As a sisters' player, I've had to make due with the "codex" that GW has graciously given us. Adapt and overcome.



Have fun, don't take the game to seriously, and don't forget to post pics of your army  :)




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As said already some players don't know how to have a good time playing if they don't win all the time. These players often play "powerful" armies with shiny new codices. These players also know sisters are utterly unplayable poop. If you tie with this kind of player, emperor forbid, win them it feels to them like they just got beat up by their little sister(no pun intended).


Some people are just bad losers.

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Lol yeah. Nevermind like every unit in our codex can take Melta/MM, and we have heavy bolters that can glance a land raider, and an unkillable melee troll goddess. that s8 ap1 tank with d6 shots is cheap.

I have to deal with a lot of things as a Chaos player, too... like an assault unit with no ranged weapons, no vanguard strike type rules, and no grenades. Not to mention a Dark Angels codex geared specifically to massacre me. That's no fun. As a result, my friend with a Dark Angel army tends to shy away from the s6 ap3 mace wielding unit. I don't mind anything with ap3 or 2 options, I'm used to power weapons. But when an entire squad gets a bonus to ap against an entire codex, and a good bit of his regular army has preferred enemy (me) too, lol... really.  :/ (ok I may still be a tad bitter about those Deathwing Knights lol, moving on)

The Exorcist is s8 ap1 to everyone. Space Wolves, Eldar, Chaos, Daemons, Squats(!), it's an Equal Opportunity Destroyer.

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Hi everyone,


I have just started my SoB army and don't even have 500 points yet. I played a game with proxies for the other models and joined with a friend to take on two others. In my allotted point choice I chose to take two exorcist tanks. One of my opponents chose to field his Space Wolves. With one exorcist I was able to kill maybe one or two of his Space Wolves every turn. He then proceeded to lay down many points that indicated his displeasure with the exorcist tank and how over-powered it is. I am relatively new to the game and don't really know that much about the other armies. I figured it would be okay to post this here since we're already on the topic of the exorcist tank.


To get to the point: What are some arguments I can use against my friend to show that the exorcist is not insanely over-powered? I appreciate any advice you can give me.


how many pts was the battle?

at low levels like 1000pts it can be a killer for any army to face of against 2 exo's


but honestly we dont have much and like everyones said its random . show them their codex and how many options they have then show him ours


why didnt he dedicate more firepower to destroying them if they were hurting his army? or even better get out of the way

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 With one exorcist I was able to kill maybe one or two of his Space Wolves every turn


To get to the point: What are some arguments I can use against my friend to show that the exorcist is not insanely over-powered? I appreciate any advice you can give me.


heres an argument take 1 or 2 space wolf then translate over to say 2 or 3 orks, so against space marines around 5% of all models on table per turn, against orks 10% of 1 squad per turn.


how about a unit of long fangs for 140 points = 5 missile launchers this probably equals or exceeds 1->2 Space marines per turn and could likely destroy half a unit of orks due to blast templates. plus more reliable, plus cover saves if used properly, plus blast templates. for 5 extra points, (admitedly more weapons can hurt em but hey) did i mention frickin blast templates


Every unit in the sisters codex can be thought of as situational, it just so happens that exorcists excel vs space marines and other heavy armour.

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It was 1500 points. 2 exorcists were on my side of the field. One of them lost the launcher on the second turn because of a lucky multi-melta shot from my opponent. I think the next time I will be playing it the same way and not worrying about complaints.

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yep i would stick to the same plan , if they keep falling for the same trick then thats not your fault


no doubt they have been thinking of how to kill your exorcist (MM land speeders come to mind)

so I would have a sneaky plan B if I were you.

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this is purely because he hates having stuff ignore his armour, i play quite a few games with my wolves against a guy that uses 2 russ executioners at 1000 points, tell your friend to play against that and see what he thinks is op. 3 small blast plasma shots per turn with no gets hot and then 3 heavy bolters as well, and it can move before it shoots that.

or try the punisher, that can be over 30 shots per turn and if you put pask in it then it can go tank hunting


tbh playing that list just makes me think of ways to take it out (and also makes me want to use it for my own guard list :p ) i find it fun, but not everyone enjoys getting destroyed by tough lists



but yeah the exorcist seems like it can be a nasty tank, but there are way more unpleasant vehicles out there, and a sw can't complain about something being op

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