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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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OK BrotherSammel, you're in for 400pts! As far as the Titanas Belli is concerned (SG's Challenge) I'm under the impression that only Characters with Terminator or Artificer armour can be entered. But you'd better ask SG to make sure... :unsure:




I, Biggabertha, vow to complete 2 Venerable Dreadnoughts with dual Autocannons for à total of 280 pts before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Unforgiven and failure will doom me to wear the badge of the Oath Breaker until year end!





Did I make it in..?

  On 6/1/2014 at 4:08 PM, JGeils81 said:

Spaced Hulk, I think the points only count if you can physically represent them on the model

Cheers mate thumbsup.gif That's what I thought, but I'm sure I've seen some vows on the other forums which listed Mastery Level 2 as upgrades for their Librarians? Just trying to plan exactly what I need to complete my blood oath smile.png

I did not mean the Titanus Belli, that is why I decided to paint Terminators first, but his oath of vengeance challenge.It said to vow a character if the member has not vowed for the ETL yet, so I just wanted to check if the chaplain qualifies for that.

Regardless of that at least I will have a properly painted Chaplain afterwards to help my battle brothers keep their faith and zeal biggrin.png

  On 6/1/2014 at 5:14 PM, BrotherSamael said:

I did not mean the Titanus Belli, that is why I decided to paint Terminators first, but his oath of vengeance challenge.It said to vow a character if the member has not vowed for the ETL yet, so I just wanted to check if the chaplain qualifies for that.

Regardless of that at least I will have a properly painted Chaplain afterwards to help my battle brothers keep their faith and zeal biggrin.png

Yes absolutely yes! :)


Woo hoo! I have finished (mostly) the legs of my Deathwalker Company Master (no real highlights yet, but those will probably be waiting anyway)! Only two weeks into my vow and I have one whole set of legs finished! Yay!

I Brother Hoots Have another Vow for my Dark Angels Bretheren


I answer the call of EL TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:


1x Librarian @65pts



1x Chaplain @135pts (thumder hammer and plasma pistol)

converted Chaplain


1x Chaplain @90pts


1x Techmarine @ 100 (Bike, PFG, Auspex)

scratch techmarine on bike


1x five man Assault Squad @130 (Vet Sgt. plasma pistol, power axe, meltabomb)

Assault Squad


1x Damocles Command Rhino @65 (smoke launchers)

Scratch built Damocles Rhino


for a total of 585 from the Dark Angels Codex and Imperial Armour 2,


on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and the Lion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


@Semper, I hope thats ok for the forge world rhino semper, let me know if I need to make any alterations

Quick ETL question. Would adding a terminator badge to a sergeant suffice to visibly qualify him as being a veteran sergeant? I've been wracking my brain on what the visual difference between the two would be, and thats about the simplest, but clearest method i've though of to do so.

Good to see Paul and Tanyr declaring completions, and with two months still to go I expect that we'll so more stuff from them yet!


@ Tanyr: Yes it would. If you make a credible attmept to mark him out as a vetran then you deserve the points. Another way is to add some blink, gold shoulder pad rims or white details to associate him with the DW for example. There is no official way to depicting veterancy so it's up to you.








This is a sad day as our most iconic Brother Argos has decided to step down.

His post announcing his decision can be found here: Brother Argos steps back

This has been a difficult decision for him given how much he has put into this community over the years in terms of time and effort and of course money.

Now as our paymaster steps back it's time for the frater that frequent and enjoy this forum to step forward and try to fill in the gap in order to keep the B&C running smoothly.

You will notice a donation button in the top left hand corner of the home page. If you want the B&C to survive do not turn your back to it now. Any amount is welcome, the B&C survival depends on that!

Okay guys,


I thought I had a picture of this one already so I started painting, went to post it after getting up from the chain and found I didn't.  


(2) colors on at this point, but all done yesterday:






Deathwing Command Squad

(5x) Thunderhammer // Stormshield

(1x) Banner of Fortitude


355pts (Not my usual Par, but my son is here so I'm keeping them small and easily completed)





I proudly present my wov complete. Interrogator chaplain:


And beside him I present you brothers with my next vow, which I will do my utmost to complete as soon as possible but not later than last day of this month.

Devastator squad, 4 missile launchers with flakk missiles (not sure yet how to represent them) and veteran sergeant with combi plasma mounting up to 190pts I believe




EDIT: is it me or we have time for wovs till August 1st? Does that mean I have one month extra beside this one!?

Larhendiel, to represent the flakk missiles you should take regular missiles in the launchers, and modify them somehow, like add something to look like a sensor, or extended detonator probe or something and paint them up different. if you magetize them, you could change them out with others if you want later, or have them on the model looking different like they carry both! 

 absolutely love the chaplain by the way...Im still scouring eBay to get one :(  I have tons of other stuff to assemble/paint...but no chappies yet

When is the cutoff for vows to be in for the weekly update? I've completed my private goal of painting up all of my assembled, but unstarted models. All i've left are unassembled models and those unfinished but still too far along to enter into the ETL. It'll take a few days to get a vow to the starting line, but I would like to get it in before the next update.


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