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Rare and cool Templar art

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Can you get some pics of it?



I took a screenshot of that part of the review.


Reading the High Marshall page, he was on persuit of Ghazgull when the rift opened, and the fleet was scattered, and thats when guilliman arrived. he welcomed both primarch and primaris, but didnt make a war council, cause the High Marshall ''knew his mind''.

Guilliman grew frustrated and told him a story about the Sword of the High Marshall.

It was Dorn sword, we know the story, and Sigismund collected the shards, and cant make the rest.

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Can you get some pics of it?



I took a screenshot of that part of the review.


Reading the High Marshall page, he was on persuit of Ghazgull when the rift opened, and the fleet was scattered, and thats when guilliman arrived. he welcomed both primarch and primaris, but didnt make a war council, cause the High Marshall ''knew his mind''.

Guilliman grew frustrated and told him a story about the Sword of the High Marshall.

It was Dorn sword, we know the story, and Sigismund collected the shards, and cant make the rest.


what you mean with the last sentences? (maybe because of my bad english i dont understand it fully)

What means "knew his mind" and what for a war council?

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Anyone found the new Helbrecth and Grimaldus artwork on the Interwebs? Been looking for it but can't find it.


Also looking at Helbrecth tattered cape in the artwork and at the tattered cape in the rumour mill, got my Templar sense tingling.


Why give us new artwork when all other IC are using old ones?

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Basically he took the reinforcements and ignored Guilliman.

That's what he initially did, but Guilliman reminded Helbrecht of the provenance and heritage of the Sword of the High Marshals and his duty to the Imperium. The last sentence says:

Chastised by Guilliman's greater perspective, High Marshal Helbrecht immediately sent forth crusades to aid every Ecclesiarchal world within reach.

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The expression on Helbrecht's face suggests his odd looking foot stepped in something smelly with a particularly unpleasant wet sound.  Or maybe he just doesn't feel the same having his arm back?


Both of their armored footsies bother me really.  Not a big fan of the art in general.

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