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Uh Oh! A month since my last update, too long.  Again, thanks for all the comments!


Unfortunately I just haven't had much time to paint, but I kept picking away and I've managed to finish the first half of my 10 man tactical squad. 








Hopefully I can get a bit more time to update over the next little while.



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Some lovely stuff. The tactical symbol and chapter symbols are looking good. I prefer the blue eye lenses over the red but think green would be even better, this is borne out by the marine with the scanner which has an excellent green glow effect (This is of course a personal preference!). The basing is top notch as are the metallic's. Not sure I can add anything of value other than to say keep it up!

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Absolutely brilliant! The basing and weathering really tie together what might otherwise be a basic paint scheme, and the iconography is crisp yet bold. I have to give extra kudos to the glow on the Auspex, too! biggrin.png

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Thank you for all the positive reinforcement guys,  I'm glad people are enjoying the project.


The change to blue eye lenses seems to be a popular one. I think i'll go back and repaint the first squad eye's as well.


@BurnHeretic: I think you're right, green eye lenses would look good too, but as you say - personal preference! Glad you like the glow on the scanner, that was one of my first tries at it with the airbrush.


@BrotherJim: I do have plans for vehicles.  I've got a Rhino/Razorback on the shelf and my basic list at the start of the thread involves a Predator and Vindicator (subject to change with the new codex).  That will be the next project once I've finished painting this squad and the Librarian.  I try and finish one squad at a time before I even start the next one or I get distracted and end up with a bunch of half finished stuff and feeling overwhelmed.


@KBA: Glad you like, the black lining is all done with secret weapons soft body black wash, I'm a big fan of their washes.



The next half of the tactical squad is cleaned up and ready to be primed.  Hopefully I can find some time to start them this weekend.  


I'm wondering what peoples experiences are with the 25 to 32mm base extenders/adapters?  With all the new kits coming on larger bases i'm debating matching these guys.  I'd rather not rebase the completely as they were a lot of work, so I figured slapping on some extenders may do the trick. 



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@disease - The basing consists of a bit of foam glued to a base, with a mix of cork, H-beam plastic card and razor-wire glued on top, then covered with sand. I undercoat them black, do a base color of Burnt Umber on the dirt and Vallejo Model Air Concrete on the cement. Paint the details whatever color, highlight the concrete with a mix of concrete and white then cover the base with some random weathering powders.


Not much of an update, but some progress has been made. Thought people may want to see a few of the steps I go through.


Base coats done:



Black on the legs finished and everything masked in prep for the white:



Chipping and Black-lining done



As they stand now, I have high-lighted the black armour on everything.  Next steps are to paint the metallics, then the details, add weathering streaks to the white and finally some powders to cap it off.  Hopefully some completed pictures in the next couple of days.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,  here's a little progress shot for the weekend.  Almost finished these 5, just some weathering streaks to do on the arms/shoulders and the banner for the sergeant.  Human eyes are giving me no end of trouble, going to have to revisit the sergeant for that at some point.




Torn between painting the Librarian next, or starting on the Razorback for the first squad.


Also, still looking for input on base extenders - thoughts, experiences, brands etc.



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Yeah sorry about that mate I'm like a goodfish. I do read the words but I read most threads so the details get lost. Poor excuse I know.


Loving the new additions and the blue glow effect is just so wow. Grats.


My vote for the vehicle too. Though I'm interested in seeing some colour on your Libby. He's a beast. Will you paint him in the traditional blue?

Appreiciate the WIP shots too, always nice to see behind the curtain.


Keep it up!

& how much do you charge per squad? :p

*gold fish

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Thanks for the kind words folks!


Looks like popular demand is the Librarian, I will probably start him and poke at the Razorback at the same time.  I also have a Landspeeder I want to build and magnetize, so I'll add that to the list.


I'm starting a commission of a successor Dark Angels chapter, so I'll probably throw some pictures of that up here as I move through it.


All my tactical marines to date are now finished:




Special Weapon:


Bolter Marines:





The combi-bolter and Meltagun are magnetized and I'm just finishing up final touches of the alternate guns.


With the new marine codex out, I'm having trouble with a direction for the army.  So many options, it's hard to choose.  Anyone else having the same problem?


Thanks for looking!

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Always a big fan of your weathering, really cool paint jobs all around too!

As far as direction, take 2 demi company formations with 5 man tac squads, a plasma command squad, a captain and a chaplain.

Now you get free drop pods for the entire army. (and 2 35 point lascannon razorbacks for 2 5-man Lascannon dev squads)

All in a 2,000 point game to boot!

nothin' beats 6 drop pods in the enemy's face turn 1, and 6 more right after, then 2 5-man assault squads with flamers and an eviscerator for good measure. biggrin.png

only thing you'll lack is sternguard melta squads...

but yeah, get LOTS of pods, or proxy with cups, that's what i did. tongue.png

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