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- Taurans -


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You guys sure make it easy for a guy to feel good about his work. Again, thank you for all the positive comments!


@Durus: You are right about the damage to the banners.  I was hoping to make it look weathered through painting, but I think at least a couple bullet holes are required, thank you for the suggestion.


As far as the shoulder from the Chaos vehicle sprue goes, I've looked at it and don't quite think it is what I'm looking for.  I'd say I will try my hand at sculpting the shoulder pad for him.


Here's some progress on the Librarian:








There is still lots of cleanup and additional details left to do on the chest


Progress on the base:

http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk213/x2005eig/Taurans%20Space%20Marines/20150322_123322.jpg  Hmm, might be a bit tall!


http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk213/x2005eig/Taurans%20Space%20Marines/20150322_123803.jpg  That's more like it.






Final picture is current state.  There is still lots to do: add more rubble and debris, gas can, random bits, shell casings and razor wire. I magnetized the 25mm base as shown below, but I think I will remove them. It's pretty secure without the magnets and two are so strong I'm worried I'll pull the librarian off the base, before the base comes out.




Also had a few goodies show up for the painting side of this:



Thanks for looking, C&C always welcome.




Nice looking piece you have going here with this Librarian.

If I might offer a bit of constructive criticism on some of the bits, though:
-Perhaps try flipping the direction of the spear, as he looks to be swinging it more like an axe.  If the blade were pointing with the direction of the movement of the model, it might add a bit more impact to the charging look you have going.

-The head- it looks a bit stoic for someone in full charge.  If you had one with more of a grimace or an open mouthed yell, it might add yet more to the charging pose.
-The banner- its a bit nitpicky of me, but the banner (and the purity seal on it) does not share the same movement of the tabard, and the purity seals on the leg.  Its nearly like the banner isn't moving with the model.
Anyway, just some initial thoughts.  Still curious to see how it progresses.


Thanks for the kind words guys!


@Badaab: I don't think of the weapon as a spear, but rather a polearm so I picture him swinging it in sweeping arc's. I did rotate the blade a bit to display the eagle better though.


His head is the look I'm going for, I think it's more personal taste than anything, but I figure a battle hardened Psyker wouldn't necessarily have to holler every time he charges into battle. Plus the Grey Knight head saves me from sculpting wires, cables etc.


You are right on the banner it doesn't flow with the dynamic of the model.  I've tried to adjust it, but I don't think I'm happy with the result.  It's not glued to the backpack so if anyone has suggestions for a good replacement banner I'm all ears.  Might end up going with the banner from the 10 man squad sergeant and replacing his as he has a more static pose.


Other than that, he and his display base are finished:





Close up of the shoulder:



Few shots on the display base:





Here's a little group shot from before I started getting ready for paint:



Happy to say my compressor is on it's way. I ended up finding an AS 186 Pro from a company here in Canada that offered free shipping.  Really looking forward to getting some practice in with the airbrush and throwing some paint on them.  Might be a bit before another update, but hopefully it it will include some paint in progress!


Here is how they stand now, 5 man squad prepared for painting:



Thanks for looking,



first, how the hell did I miss this.....


second, Taurans! kudos on the choice. adeptus obscurus rules! welcome, you are now a 40k hipster.


third, that force weapon.....the eagle head.......holy crap......frikkin genious!



I will be following this with supreme interest.

Thanks for the compliments!

@deathspectersgt7: You and me both!

@GrandMagnus: The basic shape of the base was done with some pink insulation foam. Same stuff most people use for the base of their board if they make a home made table (obtained at a hardware store).

That reminds me, I have a table in the works, hopefully if I get some time to work on it I can throw a pic or two up here as well.

@The Hydra: I haven't actually true-scaled this project, just reposed legs and arms on many of the models, but thank you!.

I do have some true-scale work on this board from a few years ago: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/247634-Khârn/

@Bloodbath: Thank you for the compliment! The term "40k hipster" makes me sad though sad.png - my beard is not ironic.......I'm just......lazy.

Compressor came today, so tonight I'll be practicing and hopefully over the Easter weekend I can pump out a test model.


@Bloodbath: Thank you for the compliment! The term "40k hipster" makes me sad though sad.png - my beard is not ironic.......I'm just......lazy.

oh no, don't be sad......we on the forums have created the 40K hipster club as an almost elite group of hobbyists that like the obscure, old school, grimdark aspects of the hobby.....you know, the cool stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Been a bit but a little update. Tried a couple of different schemes before I settled on the one here.  Having the airbrush is so helpful.  It's been cold, stormy and wet here, so not having to prime models outside is great. I still need lots of practice, and I'm really glad I got a hold of a few spare models to test on.


Some pics of the first painted model:





He's not quite done, still have to decide what to do with the chest shield and skull, work out a chapter badge and perhaps a knee pad scheme for the squad.  The pictures are a bit over exposed and unfortunately when I sprayed a coat of matt varnish it dried milky (spotted white) and somewhat ruined the darker paints.  Not sure if it wasn't mixed properly or I sprayed it on too thick, I'll have to figure that out before the next one.  The OSL on the eye's turned out pinkish too, so that needs to be fixed.


Thanks for looking




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