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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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@ Cerroneth: Congratulations on your completion and on your follow-up vow. If we are to lack in numbers, we may as well leverage our existing vows by reviewing early! msn-wink.gif

@ Spaced Hulk: Welcome Brother! Good luck with this awesome sum of minis you got there... :tu:


Finally all the parts I needed have arrived, and I am ready for my first vow: A Stormraven - with spare parts of the Nephilim and donning the order's heraldry. With it's twin-linked lascannon, typhoon missile launcher, hurricane bolters, searchlight and locator beacon it is worth 266 points. It features a bellydancer and an idle SpaceMarine in it's cargo area, but I don't think that I can add them, too.

Greetings brothers. I answer the call for reinforcements.

I, FinylCut, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Deathwing Terminator Squad - chainfist, assault cannon

from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 245 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



ETL Update

Today's update. still plugging away as I make time.  I'm going to have to step it up though before we start packing for our move!
Assault squad mostly done, need highlights and touchups
Belial about halfway
Venerable dread, most of the large areas and metal bits done


  On 5/9/2015 at 7:23 PM, Cerroneth said:

I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of Painting, Announce the completion of my first vow.




For My second Vow, I will paint, assemble, and base a Damocles Command Rhino, with Extra Armor and a Hunter-killer Missile for 95 points.




And a Terminator Librarian with the Monster Slayer of Caliban for 140 points.




for a total of 235 points.



  On 5/9/2015 at 10:50 PM, Spaced Hulk said:


From the rain sodden world of Mire, located in the most remote outskirts of the Eastern Fringe, reinforcements have arrived. The Sword Bearers honor their ancient allegiance to the First Legion and draw their blades to support their fellow Sons of the Lion.


I, Spaced Hulk, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:


Erias, the Black Knight, Master of the Sword Bearers Fifth Company, armed with thunder hammer, lightning claw & artificer armour = 155 pts



Devastator Squad Varus, the 'Specters of Mire', of the Sword Bearers 3rd Battle Company= 250 pts

- Veteran Sergeant with boltgun, chainsword & signum

- 4 marines with missile launchers & frak, krak & flak missiles

- 5 marines with boltguns




Revenant 'Shadow' Conclave, consisting of:



Oberon the Gate Keeper, Bearer of the Mourn Blade, High Shadowcaster of the Sword Bearers (counts as Ezekiel) = 145 pts




'Shadowcaster' Librarian, equipped with force sword, conversion field (represented by the skull halo on his power pack) & Foe-smiter = 100 pts



'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, plasma pistol, conversion field & melta bombs = 100 pts



'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, conversion field & the Lions Roar = 100 pts



'Shadowcaster' Librarian, armed with force sword, auspex, melta bombs, power field generator & Monster Slayer Sword = 150 pts


from Codex: Dark Angels for a total of 1000pts on or before August 1st 2015.



Amazed that Ancient Cerroneth repeatedly keeps completing the first oath in all our competitions. I swear the two of you must have an army of servitors working on the construction of your models so you can focus on the painting aspects.


me on the otherhand... I look back at 2013 in shames seeing the three LS tempests which I had managed to put together and undercoat...and still ran out of time to complete...seriously? It's Ravenwing and I had undercoated it black.... Don't know how you gusy do it... but I'm gonna stress myself out this time for a completion.


Really good to see many of the stalwarts of previous competitions getting involved. We now need much new blood! Come on you young cubs... Let's show Chaos what it means to be the First of the Best!



Right now we have 33 participants. Can we double that in the next three weeks? Now it is time to attack and to bolster our numbers! 







So I finished my vow I believe. 2 razorbacks, whirlwind, bikes, dreadnought and aegis defense line.


So, new vow. I vow to complete the following: Devastator Squad with 4 plasma cannons, Interrogator Chaplin with plasma pistol, Supreme Grand Master Arexiel Orobus (Azreal rules) and Cypher, for a total of 660points I think.




A little progress on the command squad.  The banner bearer is magnetized and is holding a chain sword.  Any suggestions on the rope belts?  I was thinking brown?  All in favor?  All opposed? 


I pooched the eyes on the second from the left.  :(  I didn't realize how bad until now.  Still requires touch ups on the pauldrons and white detailing is next too.



Congratulations on your completion The Call of the Hunt! :tu: And I see you waste no time in re-vowing! Good luck mate! 


Now are there any more Unforgiven to join us? This year our ranks are pretty thin... C'mob guys, even a single mini will make the difference!



I, Brother_Bethor, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete units listed below from Codex: Dark Angels of total value of 545 pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end!


My vow:


1. Grand Master Belial - 190 pts




2. Deathwing Terminator Command Squad with following option at cost of 355 pts:

- Deathwing Champion,

- Standard Bearer with Banner of Fortitude,

- Assault Cannon and chainfist,

- all Terminators (except Champion & heavy weapon specialist) are armed with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields.




EDIT! !@#$%& - I've completely forgot to add my Out-of-Competition Vow!


I'm going to build and paint Epic 40k Dark Angels force (rather small one) consisting of few detachments:


Tactical Detachment




Ironwing Detachment




Ravenwing Detachment







Vow completed.  


Now that I have the large time sink models out of the way, allow me to get down to making the Chapter some real points.  


I FarFromSam, further commit myself unto the alter of war and pledge to complete the followling:


A company master with: Artificer armor, infravisor, digital weapons, Displacer field, powerfield generator, and Thunder hammer - 210

Ravenwing Black Knights x3, Melta bomb 131


totaling at 341.  If I should fail I pledge to wear the badge of shame for the rest of the year.  For the First and the Lion

I, GrandMasterSapphon, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

a Dark Vengeance Ravenwing Bike Squadron from Dark Angels with a total value of 95 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Unforgiven and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. For the Lion! A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy!



(btw if someone can tell me how to upload pictures properly I'd appreciate it)





I, stuka06, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

- Belial for 190 points

on or before August 1st, 2015.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Unforgiven and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

I, Harrycane, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

one landraider godhammer pattern (250 points)
and a contemptor mortis pattern dreadnaught with kheres pattern assault cannons (200 points)

from Codex: Dark Angels for a total value of 450 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



@ Brother Bethor: Welcome back Brother! I can honestly say that I'm as eager to see your out-of-competition vow as I am to see those Termies come to life! Good luck!

@ farfromsam: A worthy completion of your transports! Congratulations! thumbsup.gif And I can see you wast no time to go again! That's how the DAs roll!

@ GrandMasterSapphon: Welcome to the ETL! In order to upload pics you need to select the "image" tool from your B&C editor (it's the blue-ish rectangle) and paste the image url in the field provided. I'll do it for you now and you can try next time. Let me know if you still face issues...

Edit: Not that I'm entirely sure what they are (especially the second pic). :lol:

@ stuka06: Can it be? A veteran of old re-joins the fray! Welcome back and good luck! smile.png

@ Harrycane: Now these I want to see... Especially the Contemptor! devil.gif Good choices there, now let's see them take shape! smile.png


  On 5/13/2015 at 6:25 PM, Captain Semper said:

@ GrandMasterSapphon: Welcome to the ETL! In order to upload pics you need to select the "image" tool from your B&C editor (it's the blue-ish rectangle) and paste the image url in the field provided. I'll do it for you now and you can try next time. Let me know if you still face issues...

Edit: Not that I'm entirely sure what they are (especially the second pic). laugh.png

That was me throwing the models in simple green to start fresh... If you need clearer pictures I can get them, my bad....

  On 5/13/2015 at 6:25 PM, Captain Semper said:

@ stuka06: Can it be? A veteran of old re-joins the fray! Welcome back and good luck! smile.png

Oh Captain, my Captain.

Yes, I have returned. Renewed in my conviction for my chapter.

Now, following procedure, here is the before picture for my Vow


And then a peek at the vow that might follow


Time to bring in the "big" guns and to rustle some jimmies.


I Liberame rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete  a small detachment from Codex: Dark Angels and 5 Imperial Knights of total value 3000pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end


3x Knight Paladin 375x3    1125

2x Knight Errant 370x2        740


"Counts As"
Belial 190

Librarian in Terminator Armor 95

Company Master with Artificer Armor, Shroud of Heroes, and Monster Slayer of Caliban 205


5 Company Veteran Squad with Plasma Gun 105

5 Company Veteran Squad with Plasma Gun 105

5 Company Veteran Squad with Plasma Gun and Powerfist 130


Venerable Dreadnought with twin linked Lascannon and Heavy Flamer 160

Venerable Dreadnought with Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer           155





Saving a 5 man squad for the 2nd vow


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