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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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Richmarine, I LOVE your Sons of Horus. Amazing work & Grand Master, that is 1 beast of a dreadnought.




Trying to work out crown placement....








Donna do pauldrons and Golds/metals tomorrow, so no more pictures for a bit :)

Thanks for looking and sorry if I am driving you a mental!! Proud of my freehand on the carapace and leg armour, shoulder guard was an attempt at making a stencil

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Vow 3 complete! biggrin.png

I enjoyed these guys... They came together much faster than the last lot. Very grateful that I bulk-bought bases on my last order as it would've been really annoying to have to wait for them again!


I'll post up Vow 4 when I've figured out what the points are...

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I, MindOfMetal, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux IV and pledge for the following for my third vow with a total of 985pts:


An Archmagos Prime (255pts), a Domitar battle automata (215) and a magos prime (165)

A militia force commander (170pts) and two magos dominus' (180pts for the pair).
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Right, less than 24 hours and I've managed to just about do the Spartan after the Contemptor. Certainly was a tiring task, and I feel like I need a wee break, though that Predator Executioner won't paint itself.


There's a few little bits I need to touch up on the Spartan, but I'm happy enough. I think something easy next, like applying the Oxide paint over the brass bits on the marines and terminators I've already painted, plus Morty.


Got a couple of big games lined up in August so looking forward to getting this, and the rest of the army, on the table.


Pics of the Spartan Assault Tank, Plus what's next on the painting table below it.





















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Ok vow 2 for me in complete.

Still waiting on my bases from dragonforge so temperary bases all around for now. The Ultramarine doesn't like standing at all since his cloak and cherubs are made of metal and he keeps toppling over with just blue tac.

My Dusk Raider Praevian and his two Castellax friends:


And my Ultramarine Legion Champion:


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The quality of the work of the HH crowd is overwhelming! Congratulations brothers and more so for those to those who reported completions! thumbsup.gif

@ Balthamal: Sorry mate - a bit confused... Are you reporting completion of your vow? unsure.png

Just pointing out that we're 2/3 there... So time is now an issue. So get ready for a frantic July! biggrin.png


Alas I wish. I'm just dripping the bits and pieces of my vow out since as things are at the moment (just bought myself a house) getting the time to production line everything just isn't happening. My tactic right now is to sit down and paint whenever I can and hope that I get into the zone so that I power through and finish something in one sitting.

With that being said, further update on the Heavy Support Squad and Whirlwind.

The Whirlwind is actually finished but I'll need daylight to get a better picture, for now this will do. Two down, three to go


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As usual, great work everyone and congratulations to those who have completed! Made a bit more progress on my vow, my tactical squad is complete(minus decals, will get those done some point soon)!




Just Erebus and Lorgar left


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'I wonder, sometimes, if this War would have occured had our Fathers survived to adulthood. Would they have found a peaceful path in this madness, with the Emperor mortally wounded? Or would they have torn the Imperium apart as well, devoured by the same sins that runs through their son's veins? These answers, like so many others, will forever be unanswered. There is only the Truth, as always, no matter how cold and painful. The primarchs died adolescents. The Emperor fell on Ullanor. The greatest of us, the Illyrium Consuls of the XIII Legion, have turned against their rightful liege, and took half of the sixteen Legions with them. They truck with powers outside their control, and the 500 worlds twist with monsters from beyond the Veil.

I stand here, atop the Imperial Palace, and watch the sky burn with my closest brothers and cousins. The Black Watch of the I Legion, led by Master-At-Arms Merir Astelan. The redeemed Templars Sanguine of the IX, with their new Legion Master, High Paladin Sigismund. The last of the Palatine, my III Legion brethren, the Dying 300. We will will die here, but we are calm to this fact. Accepting. Defiant. Proud.

Glory to the Imperium.

We Stand.'

Knight-King Saul Tarvitz, the Voice of the Emperor, the Regent of Terra, Sire of the III Legion



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Update on Dat Vow:

2015 07 01 00.51.40

2015 07 01 00.53.33

2015 07 01 00.53.51

2015 07 01 00.53.58

I continue to experiment with the Methods of painting my Yellows. This time around:

  • the Warders are: Averland -> Flash Gitz -> Cassandora -> Seraphim Sepia and a very faint drybrush of Golden Gryphon.
  • Apothecary and Primus in PA are: White Primer -> cassandora -> Seraphim Sepia (Will use this method for Batch Painting Marines in the Future, most likely)

The Black TDA Apoth was a "Proof of Concept" mini for a way for me to paint Metallics a certain way. On the Right track, needs some refinement. Not that apparent through my Phone Camera though tongue.png

Next up will be my 10 Man Seeker Squad. I'm planning to paint them in an Autumn Camo scheme. Will see how that turns out.


Hidden Content


Though with much more Yellow in the Mix. Decided to go this route to make it field camo but at the same time +/- recognizable as Imperial Fists.

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A pictorial update.

Dreadnought 1


Dreadnought 2


Praetor and Command Squad


Time to sort every single model of the pledge, prime and order up the kanban board!


@nevindar - Nice models nice Dreadnoughts!

Just one thing what chapter does the first Iron-Clad belong to I can't see any iconography!

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Here's another update from me. Had to slow down a bit as work is at that busy stage of the month. I noticed that I forgot I wipe away the streaking grime from the front of the spartan. Updated:


Managed to finally finish the Predator Executioner. Really enjoyed painting it though Im not particularly happy with the back. Also, I managed to add some finishing touches to Mortarion with some Nihilakh Oxide and streaking grime. Pictures of both are below.

All that leaves me left of my 3k pledge is as follows:

2 Rapiers with LDA
2 Apothecaries
5 Destroyers.

Here's a snap of the few bits I've worked on in the last week and a half:


And the rest:




















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