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The Bloodgorged - Daemonkin of Khorne

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I'm using the ETL (my first) to start my Daemonkin. First Vow


T'labldell'phuzda, Bloodthirster of the Insensate Rage, Eater of Gore and Flesh, value of 275 points http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CGzvo2X7VZ8/VUKQBIRzjVI/AAAAAAAAAPw/zCKQ1Qx_yvI/s2048-no/IMG_1287.JPG

Riders of the Wild Hunt, 3 Chaos Bikers, Champion with Axe of Khorne, 2x meltas and Icon of Wrath (not modelled yet), value of 146 pointshttp://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-24wxMrXrKro/VTK8Qzc5LnI/AAAAAAAAAPU/166MXuNf73Q/s2048-no/IMG_1276.JPGhttp://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Cj581aiJWUE/VTK8SNv-gHI/AAAAAAAAAPY/6Jdn3ig_HWc/s2048-no/IMG_1278.JPGhttp://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dzjwpGwtEfE/VTK8TGD5ufI/AAAAAAAAAPc/_8J8CUqRius/s2048-no/IMG_1282.JPG

N'Nakduul, the Naked Slayer, Herald of Khorne, Collar of Khorne, Lesser Loci of Abjuration value of 80 pointshttp://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Lvp6_0vOIvk/VRsNlENxJZI/AAAAAAAAAL8/wU21LGHYNFw/s2048-no/IMG_1226.JPG


These will be a section of the Bloodgorged, travelling the Galaxy and Warp to brutalise followers of the weaker Powers (don't expect any support for non-Khorne vows from this berserk follower of the Blood God).


I'll be starting work on the Bloodthirster next week as the first painted model. I've gone for the naked look, no chest armour, no bling on the wings. I'll be generally following the End Times painting guide as it fits the look I want.


I'll be spending the weekend making up some models for the 2nd vow (I'm not at home and decided not to bring any paints). I'll post up some pictures when there's is progress.


As a slight aside, I'm referencing Slave to Darkness with this for a old school approach. That's where the Eater of Gore and Flesh and Naked Slayer came from. Also used the random daemon name generator.


Comments welcome. First chaos army (40k) for about 18 years and I only remember playing one game with that. Criticisms would be nice. Only way to improve.

Here's my first berserker. He's a big boy. The idea is I will only have 8 berserkers and they will all be this big. I will also be having marines at normal scale. Main questions are, as I don't have much to compare with at the moment, can this mismatch in scale look ok in an army? Also, does he look ok within himself? Is the body too small for the legs? What about the legs and arms?


Thanks for any comments.



To reiterate what I said on the ETL thread:


@ Adra'Melek: While I think you're off to a very cool start with the massive berzerker, you may want to check the proportions on this guy: The arms are a fair bit too short, while his middle section seems too long -- both halves are awesome on their own, but they don't seem to match each other all that well... I think you need to make his middle section quite a bit shorter for the proportions to add up.


EDIT: Kinda like this:



Ok, so I've modified him




This was him before



Cheers both. My lamp is bust at the moment but new bulbs are on the way. I'll take some photos when they get here. Started to put paint on the Eater of Gore and Flesh so I'll have progress for that as well (hopefully). He's got a lot of skin!
I'm thinking up a story for them. I'm inspired by the Bronze Knight fella in Shadowbreed (my first Warhammer book when I was about 11). Eight suits of armour, they fuse with a warrior, giving strength from the slain and driving them to spill blood. When they die the armour falls off and is put on by the next warrior. The warriors of the Bloodgorged fight for the honour, etc., etc.

He's the big guy so far. Just the basecoat, first wash and dry brush. I'm largely following the GW video but I want a dark red look so may vary.




I will try and do more tonight but my lamp is fully broke so need to get a new one. But I'm off tomorrow so lots of daylight!

Thanks Skallagoose. I had to google the reference, it's been a while. Bloodthirster is done and lamp has arrived. So here are some better pictures, along with the Herald WIP.


Blood. Tearing. Gorging. Ripping. Feasting. Blood. Flesh. Gore. Tearing. Blood. Gnawing. Gnashing. Blood. Blood. Blood.

The Eater of Gore and Flesh, tearing at the walls of reality, straining to release Khorne Wrath on the material realm








And the Naked Slayer, not finalised with position on the rock. He seems to be falling backwards a bit. Weapon and banner might balance him a bit.




Whoa, fantastic work on the Thirster! I am still on the fance whether I want my own version to have red skin and black armour or vice versa, but your model certainly constitutes a very strong argument for red skin :)


You'll need to clean up the rim of the base, though ;)

There are a couple of fine join gaps as well. Not sure as of yet if I'll do anything about them. I was 100% doing black skinned daemons but the theme for the Bloodgorged is red so that's what I did.


I'll try and get some photos up of the berserkers now I have light. Still need to green stuff them in places.

Lemon blood? Yum.


Bit of progress on the herald and bikes.


Herald, still need to do black on the scales/small horns/etc. That might be tricky but we'll see.



Trim for the bike needs doing in gunmetal. Just using bronze with a couple of washes for the plates. The recessed icons will be magma style.



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