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  1. Daemon Prince Traditorio is the former Captain of the Sixth Company of the Crimson Knights. Now he's a big Daemon. C&C welcome, sorry for the tresh photography.
  2. THE BROTHERHOOD OF SLAUGHTER SUB-CULT OF THE WRATH The claustrophobic darkness smothered Kaloth and his battle brothers within the Rhino. The air tasted of the rage, anger and frustration of his brothers; familiar senses that tingled within the Marine's mind. Kaloth gritted his teeth, preparing for a potential bloody ruckus between his brothers within the cramped confines, for one or more may succumb to the lust of battle before it had begun, as it had in the past. "++Contact, 30 seconds...++" The vox cast broke the silence within the Rhino, and the tension died with it. The eight Marines began to prepare their weapons for the slaughter to begin. The click of bolt pistol clips being checked, and the buzz of chain weapons reverberated within the metal beast. The sounds excited Kaloth. It reminded him of the feast that would begin. The sweet drought of blood within his gullet, the defiled flesh meeting his mouth, the tearing of muscle with his chain blade; memories of the past that reminded him of his sacred duty to Khorne, the Lord of Battle. "++Contact, 10 seco..." Suddenly, a flash of light blinded Kaloth, as he was lifted into the air by a relentless force. The Rhino and his brothers within were incinerated by a beam of pure energy, their souls condemned to the god of war. Kaloth quickly returned to his senses as he began plummeting towards a line of slender, yellow armoured aliens that began firing at him. He roared with pure, unrelenting fury lifting his chainblade, feeling a red mist overcoming his senses as shuriken blades penetrated his armour. As he plummeted into the ranks of the Eldar, a Guardian disintegrated before the marine's sheer mass. As soon as he butchered the Guardian, he set about his bloody task, ripping and tearing into the xenos scum. As the red mist overwhelmed him, his rage was concentrated into one last glutteral cry: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!!!!!!" http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/125px-Wrath_Logo_zpsb6wzgnwh.jpg Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my new log. I've recently got some more time now to talk about my project with you all. This is the Brotherhood of Slaughter, a sub-sect of The Wrath. Just as twisted as their parent warband, the Brotherhood of Slaughter are little more than power-armoured beasts, pointed by their lords to spill blood, consume flesh and bone, and annihilate all in their path. They worship not just Arbra'Gax, but a plethora of other demi-gods who join them in glorious slaughter. As time goes on, the fluff will be expanded, but at the moment, its a little basic. So, what's the plan for the force? At the moment, I'm just getting what I want, which is not a lot currently. Mostly due to GW prices and little money to spend on the hobby at the moment. But as time goes on, I will be adding to this force. I want to keep a core of Chaos Astartes and Berserkers, and as the game goes on, there are more daemons than mortals. Just like the fluff. So, as you can see, anything can happen here. I usually play against the blasted Eldar, so I do get my butt kicked quite often, but they're bloody games! Enough of that you say, where are the piccies? http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/230%20-%20Copy_zpsdx4sjq31.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/231%20-%20Copy_zpshainyckq.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/232_zpsp2letan2.jpg A Chaos Lord of the Brotherhood of Slaughter, Kaloth, the Unbridled Beast, is little more than a mindless savage. In the perils of combat, he usually takes the lead of the Possessed of the warband, destroying all in his path. He cares little for command. His life is to die on the battlefield, axe in hand, screaming his glutteral praises to Khorne with his last breath. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/233_zpssaljpr1p.jpg The Beasts of Annihilation are a group of cursed individuals within the Brotherhood of Slaughter. They live only to kill, willing to prematurely end their lives by letting the daemon within consume them. The taste of power they have is overwhelming, yet it is not to last. The ranks of these barbarians have a high turnover, yet there are always those who are willing to sacrifice all to enhance their capacity for bloodshed. So, these are the finished ones. I have some WIPS as you can see below: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/234_zpsiuvclwi6.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x292/hellgunboy/235_zpsqyobg80s.jpg I also have a FW World Eaters Dread and some OOP Metal Bloodletters and an OOP Metal 'Thirster. So I have a bit to keep me going, although I do know that I will be getting more. I enjoy playing this army, and I want to always improve the fluff. speaking of which, I have more... The Marine stood amidst the corpses of the fallen, covered in the crimson gore. His butchery was over. Scanning the faces of those he slew, the white, blank eyes of the fallen bored into his mind. This did not phase the fearless Marine, relinquishing his victory in silence, as his handiwork spoke for him and his praise for his god. However, this peace was broken by a familiar sound. The voice. It consumed at the mind of the Marine. It whispered dark and terrible things, of blood, glory and death, all at an unimaginable scale for the sane. The marine clawed at his helmet, the scratching of metal causing the white, powdered bone to reveal the metal beneath. He fell to his knees, looking at the corpse of a poor soul, once a man, now a bloody ruin. The sanity of the Marine began to fight this voice, the last vestige of his humanity. Yet, the beast inside was winning. The madness was overbearing, this unnatural thirst for bloodshed; this alien rage within, consuming the last of his sanity. The Marine threw of his helmet, revealing the distressed emotion featured on his face. Cold sweat dropped from his face as he fought the beast inside, drinking the image of the butchered guardsman. Yet, it was over as soon as the battle begun. A crimson mist fell over his mind, revealing a rictus smile; his body shaking. Wide eyes looked upon the corpse. The daemon within wanted his fill of blood. The Marine could not, and would not disappoint. In the blink of an eye, the Marine tore at the corpse, eating, ripping and tearing at the offal and flesh. Gore sprayed over the Marine’s ravaged armour, but he did care not. Khorne did care not. The enemy could not just be destroyed. Total annihilation of mind, body and soul was the only option. The beast within roared at the red sky above, speaking in a tongue forbidden to be spoken by man. Victory was near over this mortal soul. It was close to freedom from this prison of flesh and bone Will update soon!
  3. So, my old topic seems to have been archived, not surprising since i haven't updated it in years. Anyways, due to me getting a real job and my gf living in another city for a while, I've suddenly found myself with spare time and money. Strange new feeling:) I can't think of a better way to kill time and personal finances than getting into 40K again, so here we go! Expect World Eaters, khornate demon engines and maybe some converted Sisters of Battle (real, unfallen ones, believe it or not). I've started cutting up the plastic contemptor, mostly trying to get rid of the awkward pose. Hathis' thread was a big inspiration for this one. It's mostly reposed for now, and with some AoS bits added. I'm thinking of cutting up a Bloodthirster chestplate to further chaosify it, but i'm a bit reluctant to potentially ruin these pieces. Any ideas for the head are appreciated, I'm thinking of going with one of the MKIII-looking heads from the skull crusher kit. Some work on the trim and trying to clean up the cuts. The knee looks a bit wonky like this, with the armor plate sticking up. Do you guys think i should continue bulking it up or try to rotate it backward a bit more? This would be so much easier if the plastic contemptor wasn't such a horrible model hehe. I got the Frenzied Wartribe box mostly for the amazing bits on the wrathmongers but the legs look great IMO and the idea is to use them on terminators. Here are two early WIPs, I'm smoothing the armor plates on the back of the legs a bit, the exoskeleton-like supports will be added. Unfortunately I don't have any terminator bits available at the moment so i'm taking a bit of a lead of faith with these, but i'm thinking (read hoping) they should be good size-wise. It'll be bit of work to get these done, but terminators are among my favorite units so it'll be worthwhile. And there's this guy, currently competing with the dreadnought about who should get the bloodthirster's chest armor. It was a bit of a hassle to get the horns to fit behind the cables but i like the result! I haven't decided on a face-plate yet, it won't be the skull though since almost every chaos knight goes with that one. Thanks for looking, c&c is appreciated!
  4. So I suppose its time to get this thread sorted as I am about to start work on my World Eaters force after pretty much completing, painting and converting my friends Death Guard force. Over the next few days the last pieces I need/want to actually begin will be arriving. I have quite a few plans for the models, as well as a fair amount of background fluff which I have been working on for a few years. So I suppose its time to start. First off we have my Centurion. Borrox (The sketch is really rough) If you care for a bit of fluff, take a read: its poorly written and pretty bloody. Onto the model. Just to get a view of what I intend to do, my plan is to do a fair bit of work with the Gabriel Seth model probably removing the cape and modelling a new one from green stuff or playing around with the already added cape. I will more than likely remove the Evicerator blade completely for my Flesh Eaters force and replace it with a MKIII Evicerator from the forgeworld weapon upgrade kit keeping the pose as is, or replace the weapon entirely and chuck in a reaver chainaxe and give him a plasma pistol. Will have some updates over the next couple of days.
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/03/legion-focus-world-eaters-aug-3gw-homepage-post-2/ This has been out for a few hours now. How about the Brass Collar of Bhorghaster? If scorn of sorcery applies to that WE now have a 50% chance to explode enemy psychers within 24". So the stratagem Fury of Khorne is pretty damned awesome. The trait Butcher's Nails is amazing. I'm so far not seeing any reason why I shouldn't be playing khorne after this dex releases. Their Alpha Strike potential is off the charts. I'm thinking about running Bikers & Terminators as the advanced force with Berserkers in Rhinos to run up the line. I am sure Khorne or chaos will have another strat that allows them to charge after falling back allowing you to make use of Butcher's Nails pretty much every turn after the first charge. Also, They mentioned a slew of points reductions. I wonder if they are going to release some new models anytime soon for the factions in the codex or if there is going to be a limited edition run for each of the four gods.
  6. Looking for opinions. Is it better to bring Cultists or Daemon detachments with Bloodletters? I've been using max sized units of each in games to great effect. Because they both rely on Stratagems, you can't really use them together effectively. I'm starting to wonder what downsides I'm not seeing. The Cultists are great strategically, Tide of Traitors lets them walk onto an objective in the 4th or 5th turn at full strength and opponents can't do much about it. Just standing around has won me a lot of games. The Bloodletters are great offensively, Denziens of the Warp allows them to reliably clear out any area on the board. They do well against every type of opponent, with 60 AP -3 attacks on the charge. Obviously, morale has a significant affect on each unit and neither one has a really great save. If you had to make a choice, which would you pick?
  7. Hey all! I used to post more regularly but stopped once my webhosting lapsed. Well now I've got a fancy new host at mcgibs.com and I figured I'd reboot my miniature blogging with some of the new things I've done in the meantime. I've been building up my bloody Khorne army for years now, but recently I decided to recolour them. Originally they were traditional red n' brass/gold, but that was way too much red on red. Now they're a nice school-bus yellow with some cool wytchsymbol etching for decoration. The "god neutral" colour also helps justify my apostasy away from mono-Khorne and dip my toe into other flavours of chaos. I've still got buckets of old and new models to paint, but here's some of my recent converts! Renegade Marksmen (Noise Marines) I wanted some proper shooty marines, and noise marines fit the bill perfectly. But glam rockers don't really fit the army theme, so I opted for some upgunned bolter bros. To make them fit with the recent plague and rubric marines proportions, I hacked these guys together with AoS Blood warrior legs. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_noisemarine01_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_noisemarine02.jpg These guys use beefed up autocannons (or mini battlecannons?) for Blastmasters. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_noisemarine03.jpg http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_noisemarine02_turn.gif Overseer (Dark Apostle) This guy was just a blast to make and paint. The AoS whippy guy is such a characterful model, and I did a head and arm swap to make him a little more intimidating. Khorne apostles to not preach! They whip! http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_overseer_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_overseer01.jpg http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_overseer02.jpg Obliterators I was never a fan of the melty-cheese obliterators, so I made these abhuman fellas weilding massive daemon-weapons. Shame they lost their powerfists in 8th though. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_obliterators_yellow.jpg Caco Beholder (Daemon Prince) One of my favorite models so far. I made this guy from a pingpong ball, lots of greenstuff, and assorted WFB and necron bits. The Faceplate from the WFB Chaos Chariot inspired me to make an entire model based around it, and the floating head/meatball daemons from doom are a classic in my mind. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_cacoprince_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_cacoprince01.jpg Kanarak I haven't used him in many games because it's more difficult to field daemons in my lists, but I enjoyed making this good doggo. Bashed from one of the Santa Sled wolves and one of the hands from the AoS Khogorath(?). http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_karanak_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_karanak01.jpg Contemptor Dread If there's one thing I love more than anything else, it's big stompy robots. This guy was a good excersize in converting the oddly posed plastic Calth Contemptor. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_contemptor_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_contemptor01.jpg Decimator My battletech love was bleeding through into this guy. He's not as beefy as the proper forgeworld model, but he's got dreadnought stats so he gets a pass. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_decimator_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_decimator01.jpg http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_decimator02.jpg Dreadnought There's still a place in my heart for the dumb washing-machine dread. http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_dreadnought_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_dreadnought01.jpg Renegade Knight And my biggest stompybot! http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_knight_turn.gif http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_knight01.jpg http://mcgibs.com/wp-content/gallery/miniatures/chaos_knight03.jpg
  8. From the album: KrautScientist‘s Gallery

    © Model converted and painted by KrautScientist

  9. From the album: Pictures

    Blood Gifts

    © Cristi-B

  10. From the album: World Eaters

    This is a Khorne World Eater Icon bearer I converted for one of the Call of Chaos contests held here on the B & C several years ago.
  11. Hello fellow daemon players. Yesterday I found my old codex of Khorne daemonkin and had a fun reread of it. So much flavour and intersting mechanic and it made me wonder, why did GW scrap the army? It was a intersting army with mix of daemons and regular chaos space marine unit with the bloodtithe that made the army unique. The same mechanic is today used by several armies in AoS so why did GW not stick with it in 40k? I would love to get them back as it would bring something new and intersting to modern 40k. But what did you think bout the daemonkin and do anyone know why GW let them go?
  12. Hello everyone, this is the first of our new legions, the Blood God's chosen! Enjoy. The Red Eyes Numeration: The IVth Legion Primogenitor: Theoderaf Cognomen (Prior): Golden Brothers Observed Strategic Tendencies: Psychological Warfare, Terror Tactics, Intense Propaganda Campaigns followed by Teleport Assaults Noteworthy Domains: Certus Minor (Homeworld), Aumet Allegiance: Traitoris Perdita - Khorne Symbol and Colours: A Circle ringed by jagged claws; Gold and Red with Black faceplates Inspiration: Visigoths and Ostrogoths Tactics: The Red Eyes will start by blocking all communications on the planet and sending fake reports to sow confusion and hinder organising resistance. Once the blockade is complete, the Legion will use the hijacked communications to send Imperial propaganda to the inhabitants every moment of every day for several weeks, promising the glory of the Imperium or utter destruction. Throughout this period, supplies will be destroyed and intense reconnaissance will be done until the entire planet’s government and military structures are understood. Then, once preparations are complete, the Legion will begin The Cleansing, where the legion will descend onto the planet en masse, slaughtering all officials and soldiers and any civilians that resist. Personality of the Legion: The Red Eyes are the most fanatic followers and enforcers of the Emperor in the Imperium, and treat his word as gospel. The legion seeks to restore the Imperium to its full glory, and will do whatever is necessary to do it. They are generally admired for their effectiveness by other legions, but their fanaticism puts off many. When they get into combat, they let their rage take over and will slaughter any enemy that gets in front of them, but they never let their anger come out until that point. Geneseed: The Red Eyes are named after their main genetic flaw – their red isises. When in battle or angry, their whole eyes glow red with increasing intensity. Their helmets are designed to allow the glow to come through, looking like their eye lens are burning in order to strike fear into their enemies and friends alike.
  13. So, here's the deal. I own a bit of Daemons now, who I'm rocking summons for with my Word Bearers. I've got three Flamers and a box each of Bloodletters and Daemonettes, each with icon and instrument. I'm trying to decide which one gets to play summon bomb more often. My semi-dedicated summoner is my Master of Possession, pretty much, and he's Undivided, so he can summon either, no problem.
  14. Hello Brothers and Sisters of B&C, My knowledge on the topic of Chaos gods, in particular Khorne, is very minimal and I have been wondering if there are varying levels of devotion (insanity?) upon pledging your soul to Khorne? For example, can a marine be level headed during day to day and completely lose it in close quarters? Do those that pledge themselves to Khorne all end up like the betrayer Khârn unless they die first? The reason is that I love taking stories in a slightly different direction than expected and was considering what would happen to the Celestial Lions if they decided to give the Imperium a giant middle finger after their losses at the hands of the Inquisition. I know I would have been mildly miffed! Add to this that I have some Khorne marines and several loyalist marines and I was thinking that my angry lions could join (until in fighting flares) with a Khornate warband they encounter. I just want to make sure that my 'What If' theory is at least plausible within the canon of Khorne. For the sake of this argument lets just assume that the lions do go renegade because I know that according to canon they are still loyal and this is purely for my own spin. As always, thanks in advance B&C family. Cas
  15. We need a good book series to delve into the finer points of Khorne worship. We already have brilliant titles such as The Lords of Silence and almost/completed series like Fabius Bile and Ahriman, that all dig into their patron god's complexities and the nature of their followers very nicely. In particular I loved Chris Wraight focusing on things like numerology and slothful acceptance in Nurgle worship from a variety of perspectives. That scene of Vorx waving to a fellow Death Guard legionnaire tending to his crops in the soil of the Plague Planet is brilliantly wholesome and picturesque. Likewise I loved Kasperos Telmar dancing with demonettes and Ahriman's entire journey is dripping in scheming and foiling. Really good stuff all round But Khorne is the pup left out. There have been some solid portrayals of Khorne's legions and followers over the years, but nothing that has really got the neurons firing. The best I can think of was that swordsman villain in the final Grey Knights book by Ben Counter. Has Khorne been Flanderized and isn't easy to dissect nowadays? Has 'from whence the blood flows' stymied any hope of an intellectual Khorne book? I disagree. There are a number of directions I would take Khorne worship in without bulldozing any existing material or perceptions What would you focus on - and more importantly what would you want written and by whom?
  16. It only just hit me earlier that this year will be my 30th in the hobby, so I thought it would be a good time to start a new project (yes another one), instead of just 'starting another army' I thought I should do something different to mark the occasion. After some head scratching and beard chewing I have decided to go back to my roots and do a first edition army log. My aim is to build two forces using the original army lists with some RT era terrain for them to fight over, eventually leading to some old school batreps to mark the completion of the project. For the forces in question I have decided to do something we dont see much of every day... SQUATS!!! and MOAR SQUATS!!! Well technically Squats and Khornate Chaos Squats with a smidgeon of World Eaters thrown in as allies. Eventually Ill add in some Tzeentch Squats and some Legion of the Damned as well (dont worry, they will all be in Mk6 armour for that nostalgic vibe). Decided for the bulk of the forces I will use the Wargames Atlantic Einherjar, heavy weapons teams will use the Wargames Atlantic Grognard weapons with Einherjar crewmembers. World Eaters I already have ready to be painted and the LotD will be using the FW Mk6 kit. All scenery will be made out of any old gubbins and doodads I find laying about the house, as was the way back in the Dark Age of Technology. For the moment I will build the forces to 2000 points to start off with to get the bare minimum needed for legal armies done, then I will start adding in more juicy things. Currently flipping between multiple books trying to work out the armies in advance, I think I can squeeze 2k of Squats out of a full box and 4 additional sprues of Einherjar, an actual army for under £40 pleases me greatly, Ill be ordering a couple of sprues at the weekend to build my Warlord and Hearthguard squad, the spare mini will be the basis of my Khorne Squat Lord...
  17. So back in 7th edition I like many others have before me fell for the flavour of the month when the Khorne Daemonkin was released and decided that I would start a new army! I threw together a few boxes of Bloodletters, some Berzerkers and a few other bits and bobs and voila I had myself an army. The two old bloodthirsters certainly helped padding out the points. It was a rushed army back when I was a worse painter and I can't say I put a lot of work and effort into it and thusly it looked terrible and since the Khorne Daemonkin are no longer with us they've been stuffed out in a box somewhere so that I didn't need to look at them. Behold some (admiteddly terrible) pictures of what they looked like. While I learned to paint the colour red reasonably well I cannot say I ever finished a single model, seeing as nothing was ever based. Recently I have been itching to play Warhammer 40.000 again however and since I am still in limbo regarding what to do with my Ultramarine force I wanted something else. At first I made longing looks at a few armies but I've no large sums to spend on lots of boxes beyond what I already have so in the end I dug out my old box of discarded daemons. With some quick maths I figured out what I could muster around a 1500 points in daemons if I put it all together. All in all as things stand I rougly have. x1 Bloodthirster (Old puny metal one) x1 Daemon Prince x2 Heralds (Bloodmasters?) x30 Bloodletters (x2 Squads of 15) x9 Flesh-Hounds (Fantasy Hounds) x3 Bloodcrushers x1 Skullcannon x1 Soul Grinder A neat little army if I can get it all done. I decided I wanted to try and go a bit different from the usual red colours since I had already done that a lot. Recently much of my painting has been focused on the more grimy looking monsters part so figured I can try that for the bloodletters as well. It makes for a pretty quick paint job focused on washes and today I took a bloodletter, primed over the old paintjob and gave it a go. Here is my first test miniature. Not 100% done obviously but enough there to see what I'd be going for. Are a few details I am still on the fence on, the red sword for one which did not came out in a way I am overly thrilled about, I also need to decide for a way to paint the eyes to make them stand out and the biggest choice will be how to base them. The majority do have sand on the bases so I am stuck with that, my current idea is trying to go for some manner of dark grey landscape with snow, perhaps with blood and dead grass details. Any thoughts?
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