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This is a massive disappointment, it's e-book only and I don't read those.

Damn. What a way to again not give your readers what they want. Do hardcover and e-book if you must have your e-book.


And yes, why is it book 34, but that's of smaller concern really. Makes you wonder what could come before this one as this one is expected to be out very early in the year. Maybe one of the anthologies will come before? Like War without End? Because the Garro book is a novella. But that War without End anthology apparently wasn't due until February as per info we had, so that would mean Pharos would come even later...


And that would not fit with them releasing it as an e-book already right now. Surely they would not release an e-book for fans of digital reading now, and have fans who want the regular version wait two or three months? 

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BTW, love the description of this book!



Long-running plot threads tie together in a new full-length Horus Heresy novel. Roboute Guilliman's new Imperium faces its first test as the Night Lords, scattered after the events of Prince of Crows, attack in force. And of course, Curze is still around... the scene with him and Sanguinius facing one another is a Heresy fan's dream come true.





With the noble Emperor Sanguinius ruling from Macragge, Imperium Secundus stands as a lone beacon of hope even as the Warmaster’s forces continue to ravage the rest of the galaxy. Roboute Guilliman, still Master of Ultramar, has convinced his brother that Terra has fallen and that the mysterious Mount Pharos on Sotha now holds the key to mankind’s future. But the Night Lords, those cruel and pitiless sons of Konrad Curze, have been watching from the shadows, and make ready to launch their long-planned attack on the Pharos itself…
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It's an e-book and from what I can guess from adjusting the reading format it looks to be close to the size of the standard HH novel again:) But I may be wrong there.

Happy to have a new book and from Guy Haley, one of my fav authors. As we know, BL every book in every format eventually so perhaps the Feb. HH weekender will have hardbacks for sale?


Have a happy heretical Christmas, everyone! :)

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For $16 I think this is a pretty good deal and don't want to wait to read it:) Guy Haley is also a fantastic writer so I would recommend his works.

I don't think this gives anymore spoiler than anyone will get when they open the book, so here it is. I'm pretty stoked for BL 2016:)


The IX Legion ‘Blood Angels’
Sanguinius, The reluctant emperor, ruler of Imperium Secundus, primarch of the IX Legion
Azkaellon, Commander, Sanguinary Guard
The XIII Legion ‘Ultramarines’
Roboute Guilliman, Master of Ultramar, the Avenging Son, primarch of the XIII Legion
Valentus Dolor, Tetrarch of Ultramar (Occluda), Primarch’s Champion
Titus Prayto, Master of the Presiding Centuria, Librarius
Sergio, Epistolary
Adallus, Captain, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Hespatian, Primus Medicae
Taricus, Apothecary
Genus, Vexillary
Odillio, Sergeant
Achamenides, Sergeant
Solus, Sergeant
Arkus, Squad sergeant, 55th Scout Cohort, ‘Aegida’ Company
Oberdeii, Scout
Tebecai, Scout
Tolomachus, Scout
Solon, Scout
Florian, Scout
Mallius, Scout
Krissaeos, Scout
Lethicus, Sergeant, and legionary commander of the Probity
Caias, Battle-brother
Tiberius, Battle-brother
Hellas, Battle-brother
Gellius, Shipmaster, Probity
Juliana Vratus, Vox-officer
Lucretius Corvo, Honoured captain, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Hephtus, Apothecary
Damius, Vexillary
”“Correlus, Techmarine
Crassus, Sergeant
Bellephon, Battle-brother
Gollodon, Battle-brother
Cerean, Battle-brother
Valentian, Shipmaster, Glorious Nova
Matheris, Helmsman
The First Legion, ‘Dark Angels’
Alcuis, Captain, legionary commander of the Watcher
The VIII Legion, ‘Night Lords’
Krukesh, ‘The Pale’, new lord of the Kyroptera
Gendor Skraivok, ‘The Painted Count’, claw master, 45th Company
Berenon, Battle-brother, formerly of the Librarius
Kellendvar, Headsman
Karrig Vorsh
Forvian, Claw leader
Ancient Carakon, Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought
Benthen Gesh, Claw master, Seventh Company
Wardens of the Pharos
Barabas Dantioch, Disgraced warsmith of the Iron Warriors
Alexis Polux, Captain, 405th Company, Imperial Fists
Carantine, Magos biologis, Mechanicum
Beta-Phi 97, Datasmith
Imperial Personae
Hulio Vitellius, Lieutenant, Sothan First Auxilia (irregular)
Mericus Giraldus, Sergeant, Sothan First Auxilia (irregular)
‘Tiny’ Jonno
Chelvan Quintus
Excerpt From: Guy Haley. “Pharos.” iBooks. 
Govenisk, Sergeant, Sothan First Auxilia (irregular)
Kolom Bolarion, Sergeant, Sothan First Auxilia (irregular)
Other forgotten heroes and lost souls, as the vagaries of the Pharos permit”
Excerpt From: Guy Haley. “Pharos.” iBooks. 
Excerpt From: Guy Haley. “Pharos.” iBooks. 
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For $16 I think this is a pretty good deal and don't want to wait to read it:) Guy Haley is also a fantastic writer so I would recommend his works.

I don't think this gives anymore spoiler than anyone will get when they open the book, so here it is. I'm pretty stoked for BL 2016:)


Other forgotten heroes and lost souls, as the vagaries of the Pharos permit”
Excerpt From: Guy Haley. “Pharos.” iBooks. 



Thanks Vet. Does the Dramatis personae end with that line?


I'm missing Conrad Kurze in this character list, and he's been confirmed to be in this book.

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Why hello, is that the fourth and last Tetrarch right there? Nice to finally have them all named.


Edit: Maybe not, because now I can only think of three including this new fellow.


The FW Book 5 Tempest includes the names of the four Tetrarchs, although this guy is not one of them. Did one die on Calth? I haven't been keeping track.

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Why hello, is that the fourth and last Tetrarch right there? Nice to finally have them all named.


Edit: Maybe not, because now I can only think of three including this new fellow.

The FW Book 5 Tempest includes the names of the four Tetrarchs, although this guy is not one of them. Did one die on Calth? I haven't been keeping track.

Wow, completely forgot.


I don't remember the scene all that well, but I remember it being commented uponin Know No Fear that with Calth's ascendancy that there might be a new member to the Tetrarchy. I don't recall if they mention a renaming to the Quintarchy or not.


While logically it would, if not then I suppose there is the chance for others.

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I think you're right, there was mention of making Calth the fifth planet to get a Tetrarch, and it would make them Pentarchs and someone wondered if they'd have to be renamed? Foggy memory there.


But in this case, I think the Tetrarch mentioned in Tempest is MIA on Calth and replaced by the guy mentioned in Pharos. Check the names:

Tempest = Eben Frain, Tetrarch of Occluda

Pharos = Valentus Dolor, Tetrarch of Ultramar (Occluda)


The other 3 original Tetrarch domains being Iax, Konor and Saramanth. Dang looks like I need to read Pharos to find out what's up :P

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I am reading Pharos now and I just couldn't wait for the hard copy.


There's some big footsteps to fill with Ultramarines and some of the other players in this novel being previously touched upon by Abnett. So I'm trying not to expect too much but so far the mood and pacing is promising. There's quite the cast in this one.


I have to take a break from it and find a few cocktails before the family comes over! ( wife's family is worse than Angron when you put a turkey in front of them!)


I hope to put some real time into the book AFTER I do my Boxing Day vow: a dreadnought named after ADB's Ultramarines short story!

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Highly recommend it. A lot of import happens, and I hope that Guy Haley is given many more opportunitites to do full HH novels. The series will benefit hugely from his inclusion.


So many spoilers, but this one is related to 40k and although it was commonly known/assumed it's nice to see it confirmed on paper




At the end, the Great Devourer turns its gaze upon the galaxy...




A nice link to 40k!

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Highly recommend it. A lot of import happens, and I hope that Guy Haley is given many more opportunitites to do full HH novels. The series will benefit hugely from his inclusion.


So many spoilers, but this one is related to 40k and although it was commonly known/assumed it's nice to see it confirmed on paper




At the end, the Great Devourer turns its gaze upon the galaxy...




A nice link to 40k!

Yup, I just finished it. It was extremely well done, and Haley's portrayal of Sanguinius is probably the best we've gotten in the series so far. Guilliman is great, and I have started to love Captain Corvo. All in all, I'd give it a 7.5-8/10. A good read, but not topping Know No Fear, Betrayer or The First Heretic in my eyes. 

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Any chance of in-depth spoilers please fellas?


Loving the link to 40k too. Does this means the light has been shone towards Terra at all? Considering the Kids are seemingly heading towards there like they were to Macragge and Sotha.



Massive spoilers, do not open if you are going to read the novel anytime soon




They did not manage to illuminate all the way to Terra. They got close - Dorn on the Phalanx - but the events happen that block their plans. Imperium Secundus is still not aware of the survival of the throne world.


The plot follows on from A Dark and Shadowed Place, in Death and Defiance (also by Guy Haley). Events can be summarised as such


  • The Night Lords amass in the shadows and launch various attacks which culminate in them taking the space station that oversees Sotha, where the lighthouse (Pharos) is situated. There are roughly 20,000-25,000 Night Lords in the fleet, commanded by Krukesh the Pale (Prince of Crows, Dark and Shadowed Place)
  • Sanguinius remains on Macragge for the duration of the novel. The Lion has run off, and Guilliman is furious for him for not fulfilling his role as 'Lord Protector' of Imperium Secundus. At one point, he converses with Curze for about a chapter. It is a fantastic section that deals with inevitability in the setting.
  • While Guilliman attempts to get to Pharos, another fleet (led by Corvo, the hero of Astagar) is on its way to save and deny the lighthouse to the Traitors
  • The Night Lords launch a full scale assault on Sotha, which is defended by a bunch of Ultramarine initiates (I loved their inclusion), humans, Lighthouse 'Keepers' (from various Legions) and some Ultramarines led by Pollux and Dantioch.
  • The VIII Legion takes insanely high casualties all the time (my only qualm with their portrayal - I get that they are not as disciplined etc but the numbers are simply vast, even when not factoring in the siege situation into account) but eventually, the Night Lord Skraivok stirkes a deal with a daemon which allows the Night Lords to bypass the alien defences and teleport in, capturing Dantioch. Pollux is captured elsewhere when he is caught off attempting to retreat
  • Krukesh forces Dantioch to use Pharos to his benefit, but does not want to attempt to locate Curze and avoids saving Sevatar (it is possible to move through the Pharos to your destination). He orders Dantioch to find the Nightfall, so he can seize control and rule the Legion himself
  • Dantioch dies, but kills a bunch of Atramentar and hurls Krukesh the Pale & Skraivok onto the bridge of the Nightfall, where Skraivok shoots Krukesh in the head
  • The novel ends with Sanguinius exercising his authority as Emperor for the first time and ordering Guilliman to bring the Lion to him, as well as the realisation that Pharos (not the Astronomicon) had brought the Tyranids to Ultramar and the galaxy at large.
  • Additionally, Skraivok relays the news to the Nightfall that Ultramar is not aware of the survival of Terra. This, presumably, will bring about the assault on Terra, as Horus has nothing to fear from Ultramar interfering at this point



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The link to 40k is a nice touch.



Is it mentioned what the motivation is behind the Lion taking off? Seems kind of a dick move towards Sanguinious.




He is being a dick to pretty much everybody, but his motives are unknown at this point




He doesn't appear in the novel at all, but is involved in a few ways


  • It was his advice that had persuaded Guilliman not to heavily fortify Sotha, trusting in secrecy over strength, which obviously backfires as the Night Lords are able to take the planet
  • The Lion also directly orders the Ultramarines present to hide the effect the lighthouse has on their dreams etc from others
  • The Lion is out 'patrolling the outer marches.'



But where is he? If he really is patrolling the outer marches, he should have caught this infiltration of Ultramar,’ said Guilliman. ‘I question how much farther he has been able to travel without our knowledge.'


'‘The Lion keeps his own secrets close, pries those of others from them, and then mocks them for their lack of understanding.'


Both quotes by Guilliman


  • So basically, he's off being secretive and selfish. Sanguinius at the beginning of the novel says he will not rebuke the Lion so as to place one brother over the other, but as he appears willing to take on the mantle of Emperor at the end of the novel this may change. Needless to say, the Lion's influence has caused quite a few problems already



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No problem! It's definitely a great read, and I'd recommend purchasing it to support the author (even if you have to wait for a forma you prefer). The spoilers don't do it justice.


I'm not so sure re: the Lion, but I am really looking forward to Imperium Secundus being wrapped up, and also seeing Horus' reaction to the news about Ultramar. If there were more 'Pharos' than 'Deathfire', the world would be a better place. Bring on more Guy Haley!

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At the end, the Great Devourer turns its gaze upon the galaxy...




A nice link to 40k!


At one of the last meetings I was at, I pleaded with them not to do that, as part of the "Let's not subvert absolutely every fact in 40K" pitch. I knew they'd do it anyway (conservatism has no place at those meetings), but I wanted to register at least some opposition with the idea that not everything needs to be explained in the Heresy. Not everything in the setting needs to be attributed to something that happened 10,000 years before. There's continuity, and then there's "Actually, Darth Vader was the one to build C3-P0! And he was besties with R2-D2, too! And Yoda knew Chewbacca! And that cool bounty hunter Boba Fett is actually the template for all the Stormtroopers! And--" etc.


I think

the Great Devourer being drawn by the light of the Astronomican is a far, far darker, stronger, more thematic and appropriate idea - the vital salvation of Mankind is also its undoing; it's the Emperor's own beacon that's drawing darkness from another galaxy - than the Tyranids showing up in the galaxy just because a previously unknown artefact that has next to nothing to do with anything else in the galaxy once hiccuped during the Horus Heresy.



But on the flip side, I dig that people love it. If you're going to lose a fight, there's no better result than that.

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