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My Crusade has officially reached 100, 101 to be exact. After several years of Templar reboots and repainting/trading away to friends starting Templar for even more guys I have done it. 101 Marines painted.


1 Marshal
1 Emperors Champion
1 Tech Marine
3 Chaplains
1 Apothecary
13 Sword Brethren

71 Initiates
10 Neophytes


So I present to you the official Crusade Of Oaths, 4669 points of Righteous Zeal Fully painted.




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There is still more to come. Thanks for looking.

Imperator Vult!


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God-Emperor these make me so jealous of your skill! Everything is so lovingly converted, painted or themed. Especially love the use of yellow on heavy weapons!


That Marshall on bike is awesome! The Dreadnoughts are amazing, makes me want to buy both the Forge World ones. How long did it take you for all this after restarting the army? Do you paint the brass etchings or leave them bare on the front of the tanks?

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What an amazing effort that truly does honor Sigismund and Dorn.


I've always been impressed with your attention to details, because those are the things that lift a crusade up and make it distinctive.


Things I love about your crusade:


1. Fire Raptor

2. Dreads, especially the partial crosses on the DCCWs

3. The fact that all the figures look like you painted them as the same time. Everything still fits together.


<stands and applauds>


I too have a goal of 100 for my crusade, though that is due to the 100 initiates that were with Grimaldus at Helsreach.


You have certainly raised the bar for all of us.


Again, well done!

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God-Emperor these make me so jealous of your skill! Everything is so lovingly converted, painted or themed. Especially love the use of yellow on heavy weapons!


That Marshall on bike is awesome! The Dreadnoughts are amazing, makes me want to buy both the Forge World ones. How long did it take you for all this after restarting the army? Do you paint the brass etchings or leave them bare on the front of the tanks?


Thanks! I got the idea of the Yellow heavy weapons from Blanches depiction of Templar in 3rd ed. It was the cover of the first 40k boxed set I ever owned (BT vs DE). I fully restarted the Templar maybe 6 years ago, since them I've made a few trades to players who don't like to paint. Usually this was a win win for me because they were models that didn't quite fit the same color scheme or were on the older 28mm bases. I've been working on it since.


The etched brass is painted with Vallejo old gold, and washed with Nihilakh oxide. I wish they had a more green oxide to use actually But I do like the blue as well.



Amazing! Big fan of the heat discolouration on the assault cannons and the crosses on the Rhino hatches.


Thanks man! It's a quick airbrush job for the Cannons, the Crosses are from the FW decal sheet OOP.



Everything is so well done !


Love the coats of arms. Did you convert a MKIII helmet for this cool marshall biker ?

Thanks, the Crusade badge is an inverted Armageddon badge with yellow instead of white since I liked how the yellow looked on the weapons so much. The helmet is a converted mkIII Imperial fist upgrade set helm, the one with the full vision visor. I mocked mine up to match @Firepower and @Krikey converted Highmarshal.



What an amazing effort that truly does honor Sigismund and Dorn.


I've always been impressed with your attention to details, because those are the things that lift a crusade up and make it distinctive.


Things I love about your crusade:


1. Fire Raptor

2. Dreads, especially the partial crosses on the DCCWs

3. The fact that all the figures look like you painted them as the same time. Everything still fits together.


<stands and applauds>


I too have a goal of 100 for my crusade, though that is due to the 100 initiates that were with Grimaldus at Helsreach.


You have certainly raised the bar for all of us.


Again, well done!


Thanks Brother, as I mentioned above I have done as best I could to keep the army Uniform going as far as Selling guys that didn't fit the scheme and those predators have been repainted about 4 times LOL. 3rd time for the Rhinos and the LRC.

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