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+++Space Marines Outpost+++

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Welcome to the Space Marines Outpost. Space Marines belong to the “Adeptus Astartes” Faction.


Here you must also post your “before” and “after” pics of your vows as well as many WIP you may want to share. You may also use this thread to discuss the progress of the event with your fellow participants, exchange ideas, offer and receive modelling/painting advice and generally have some ETL–related fun!

You can draw units from the following lists:
· Codex: Space Marines
· Codex: Imperial Knights
· Vigilus Campaign Books: All units with the Adeptus Astartes Keyword
· Imperial Armour Index - Forces of the Space Marines:

o All units with the <Chapter> keyword

o All units with a named Space Marine Chapter keyword other than Grey Knights

· Imperial Armour Index – Forces of the Astra Militarum:

o All units from the Questor Imperialis list

o All units from the Adeptus Titanicus list

· Index Imperium 2:

o All units from the Fortifications list


Army lists are constantly updated through a number of publications: new Codices, Chapter Approved, White Dwarf, Forge World PDFs (even experimental ones), Errata, you name it. You must always make sure that you use the most recent list to “price” your units.

That said, the original Indices that were released at the dawn of the 40k 8thEdition, in some cases contain units that did not make it to the Codex (or any subsequent publication). In that case you may still use them and “price” them from the Index list. Note that this applies ONLY to the units that did not make it to the Codex. You may not use the Index to “price” units that appear in the Codex or any later publication. If in doubt, contact me to avoid confusion.

Before you post you vow make sure you familiarise yourself with the ETL VII rules. You can find a link below:


Also, please take the time to go through the Spirit of the ETL to give you an insight of the “unwritten” rules. You can find the link below:



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LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (alphabetical order):

Apocalypton: Vow 1 (362) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (162) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (493) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (193) COMPLETE
Brother Argent: Vow 1 (360) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (218) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (108) COMPLETE

Brother Casman: Vow 1 (234) COMPLETE

Brother Cristopher: Vow 1 (270) COMPLETE

Brother Quixote: Vow 1 (386)

Burias-Drak'shal: Vow 1 (2,598)
Burni: Vow 1 (2,123)

Cadorn: Vow 1 (124) COMPLETE

Canadian_F_H: Vow 1 (415) COMPLETE
CaptnRussia: Vow 1 (225) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,987) COMPLETE
CausticCossack: Vow 1 (420) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (190) COMPLETE
Chaplain Corvid: Vow 1 (168)
Chaplain Matthias: Vow 1 (338) COMPLETE
Chaplain Mollusc: Vow 1 (178)
Disruptor_fe404: Vow 1 (180) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (150) COMPLETE
Dracos: Vow 1 (370) COMPLETE
Eberious: Vow 1 (446) COMPLETE
Falcongek: Vow 1 (156) COMPLETE
Focslain: Vow 1 (1,507) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (111) COMPLETE
golfdeltafoxtrot: Vow 1 (55) COPMPETE | Vow 2 (220) COMPLETE
Halandaar: Vow 1 (1,311) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,399) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,544) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (1,222) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (413) COMPLETE
h0U5e: Vow 1 (1,549)
JAG Templar: Vow 1 (353) COMPLETE
jerethdatiger: Vow 1 (210) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (837) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,087) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (1,062) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (1,158) COMPLETE

JJ-McGuinness: Vow 1 (438) COMPLETE

Kierdale: Vow 1 (119) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (92) COMPLETE
Khornehunter57x: Vow 1 (297) COMPLETE
Larkyn: Vow 1 (387)
longjohnsilver: Vow 1 (149) COMPLETE
MajorNese: Vow 1 (868) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (297) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (91) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (310) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (227) COMPLETE

Malus Trux: Vow 1 (1,055)

MarshallRigaud: Vow 1 (118) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (220) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (535) COMPLETE

Marshal Vespasian: Vow 1 (351) COMPLETE

Metzombie: Vow 1 (466) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (159) COMPLETE
NovemberIX: Vow 1 (1,505) COMPLETE
Nusquam: Vow 1 (1,206) COMPLETE
Oxydo: Vow 1 (269) COMPLETE
phoenix01: Vow 1 (145) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (205) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (385) COMPLETE
Primarch83: Vow 1 (2,502)
Razblood: Vow 1 (670) COMPLETE
Reinhard: Vow 1 (165) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (236) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (373) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (74) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (77) COMPLETE
Rizara: Vow 1 (769)
robofish7591: Vow 1 (863)
sarabando: Vow 1 (230)
ST.Lazarus: Vow 1 (192) COMPLETE
TheOneTrueZon: Vow 1 (225) COMPLETE
thewarriorhunter: Vow 1 (86) COMPLETE
Toxichobbit: Vow 1 (444) COMPLETE
TrawlingCleaner: Vow 1 (772) COMPLETE
VulkanLives: Vow 1 (3,321) COMPLETE
Wakkomaster: Vow 1 (670) COMPLETE
War Angel: Vow 1 (313) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (169) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (85) COMPLETE
Ultrad81: Vow 1 (270) COMPLETE

I, Disruptor_fe404, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one Predator of total value 180 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



...Am I the first?! :blush.:

I robofish7591 rise to the challenge of E T TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one captain in terminator armor, two 5 man tactical terminator squads, and a 10 man tartaros terminator squad with a total value of 863 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Honor and courage!


And a breakdown of what my vow contains...

A terminator captain with a power fist and plasma blaster (counts as combi-plasma if that is alright)

A 5 man tactical terminator squad with a teleport homer, chainfist, cyclone rocket launcher, and power sword/storm bolter on the sergeant

A 5 man tactical terminator squad with a teleport homer, assault cannon, chainfist, and power sword/storm bolter on the sergeant

A 10 man tartaros terminator squad with two reaper autocannons, two grenade harnesses, two chainfists, and a power sword/volkite charger on the sergeant.

863 points

Just a small one to start.

I Kierdale rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete One Space Marine Captain in Terminator armour (armed with a combo-melta and powerfist) of total value 119 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Honour to the 888th chapter!

Points from Chapter Approved 2018

TDA captain 95

Powerfist 9

Combi-melta 15


I Halandaar rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete the below listed units on or before September 1st, 2019, for a total of 1311 Points. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

  • Pedro Kantor
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour (Boltstorm Gauntlet, Master-Crafted Power Sword)
  • Primaris Librarian (Bolt Pistol, Force Sword)
  • 2 Primaris Lieutenants (Bolt Pistols, Power Swords)
  • 5 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Power Fist)
  • 5 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Power Fist, Auxillary Grenade Launcher)
  • 10 Tactical Marines (Boltguns)
  • 3 Aggressors (Flamestorm Gauntlets)
  • 3 Aggressors (Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Launchers)
  • 5 Company Veterans (Storm Bolters, Storm Shields, Thunder Hammer)
  • Venerable Dreadnought (Twin Lascannon, Storm Bolter, Dreadnought CCW)

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I Toxichobbit rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete 1 Primaris Captain, 1 Captain in Gravis Armour, 2 Primaris Lieutenants and 5 Intercessors of total value 444 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

I also vow to paint at least one son of each of the loyalist Primarchs before event's end.

Primaris Captain (92)
Plasma pistol, power fist, frag & krak grenades.

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Captain in Gravis Armour (118)
Boltstorm gauntlet, master-crafted power sword.

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Primaris Lieutenant (74)
Bolt pistol, power sword, frag & krak grenades.

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Primaris Lieutenant (75)
Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle, bolt pistol, frag & krak grenades.

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Intercessor Squad (85)
Intercessor Sergeant
Bolt rifle, bolt pistol, frag & krak grenades.
4 Intercessors

Bolt rifles, bolt pistols, frag & krak grenades.

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I ,TrawlingCleaner, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete 1 Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter and Power Axe (My chapter master, Roorland Taurí), 1 Terminator Librarian with force axe, 2x Primaris Intercessor squads with 2 grenade launchers each all with Bolt Rifles, a squad of 5 terminators with 1 chainfist and a land speeder with twin heavy bolters of total value 772 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


These are for my Iron Taurans and I have a tournament on 27th of July, so I'm up against it but diamonds are made under pressure :sweat: 












I, longjohnsilver, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX VII, on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and for the glory of the Ravenspire, vowing to complete 5 tactical marines with a gravgun and a Rhino with a stormbolter, for a total of 149 points, before 1st September 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.




I, Oxydo, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one 10 man Reiver Squad with Grapnel Launchers and one Primaris Ancient for a total value of 269 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Reiver + Primaris Ancient ETL vow

I, Reinhard, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Black Templars of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one 5 man squad of hellblasters with plasma incinerators for a total value of 165 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear!


PS: These are the points values from my codex, I don't think they've changed since? If anyone knows otherwise please let me know and I'll update accordingly

I, +CHAPLAIN MATTHIAS+, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete One Captain in Terminator Armor(101pts), One Primaris Lieutenant with BP and Power Sword(74pts), One Primaris Lieutenant with Auto Bolt Rifle(74pts), and One squad of Sternguard Veterans(89pts) of total value 338 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



All of my entries and vows will at least have some light conversions. But I plan to include at least one heavy conversion with each vow. For this first one, the Sternguard Veterans are going to be my heavy conversion.



Terminator Captain BEFORE

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Primaris Lieutenants BEFORE

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Sternguards BEFORE

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EDIT: Wow. every little mistake turns out to be really visible in photos. Looks like I have more scraping to do. I can still see a bunch of Dark Angels icons.




The NovemberIX shall rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX again on the side of the Codex Astartes, The Liber and the Index and vow to complete


  • 1 Damocles Command Rhino
  • 1 Techmarine on bike with harness, power Axe and combiwep
  • 1 Relic Predator with Magna Melta
  • 1 Deredeo dreadnought with Arachnus heavy lascannon battery
  • 1 rapier carrier with Laser Destroyer
  • 1 Whirlwind Scorpius
  • 3 Whirlwind
  • 1 Whirlwind Hyperios
  • 1 Stormhawk Interceptor



...of total value 1,505 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me in the fires of time, and to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end



I Wakkomaster rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete 1 Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour, 2 Primaris Lieutenents, 1 Primaris Ancient, 5 Hellblasters and 10 Intercessors (2 squads of five) of total value 670 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



This is the current state of my vow:


P 20190601 151425



Further news will shortly be available here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/348423-wakkos-wacky-gallery-chronicles-of-a-journey/

I, SARABANDO, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one 10 man Infiltrator squad with Helix Adept for a total value of 230 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



I, Dracos of the Ordo Astartes, as a friend to the Warhawks <Raven Guard> rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow in the name of the Shadow Council to complete two squads of five Aggressors of total value 370 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

I Nusquam rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX in the name of the Raptors chapter on the side of the Space Marines and vow to complete 


  • 2x10 Infiltrators
  • 2x3 Suppressors
  • 2x3Eliminators
  • Lias v3.0
  • Phobo Librarian
  • Phobos LT


of total value 1,206 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


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I, CausticCossack, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX for the honor of the Imperial Fists on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete a six-man squad of all-Bolter Centurion Devastators of total value 420 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of Him on Earth!


Centurion Devastators Pre Paint


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