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Well after some time away crusading overseas to FL for GuardianCon and Halo: Outpost Discovery, I'm back and out with the paintbrushes again to finish my Primaris Watch Captain, glad to see how progress has gone whilst I've been away!


Expect photos later on once the paint has dried. :D



And here's the promised progress in pict form of my counts as Deathwatch Primaris Captain from the Legio B&C:

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Washes will be next, I'm going to try the contrast on the Cloak to see how it pans out, then it's touch up, highlighting and adding the boltrifle's magazine and the backpack.


And I am very happy to report a completion of my Primaris Captain in the colours of the Legio B&C! :biggrin.:

Thus here is Primaris Captain Aeran Nohs, seconded form the Night Griffons:

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Not the cleanest model of mine by far, but am very happy with its outcomes since I rarely paint these days and need to get back into the groove and make more Deathwatch counts as Legio Marines.

All that's left now is to add a tale to the Mark of the LIBER thread, especially since it is my region of duty. :biggrin.: I wonder if there's anything I can try next in my arsenal of sprues...


Right then, let's get some more action. Emperor guide my hand!

I, "Brother Cambrius" rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Deathwatch and vow to complete 5 Deathwatch Veterans at a value of 150pts in the colours of the Legio B&C, on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

The Squad will contain:

1x Vet Sgt with Xenophase Blade + Combi Plasma

1x Veteran with Infernus Heavy Bolter

1x Veteran with Boltgun and Power Axe

1x Veteran with Combi Plasma and Thunder Hammer

1x Veteran with Deathwatch Shotgun and Bolt Pistol


Let's see how we do. Wish me luck.


Hey guys, any progress to report?

Basecoat is down on the models, now onto adding some colour and adding photos once my internet is restored at home.


To my fellow Deathwatch Vow takers, let us not falter in the final weeks! Mark the Eternal Vigil with completed Vows and fresh models to keep the watch against the foul Xenos!



Long time no post. Been a busy July and August is looking to be just as busy. But, I’m working my way through these 2 squads.


I’ve completed the Watch Captain, 4 vets, and 2 intercessors. Highlights are started on my remaining 4 intercessors and when they’re complete, I’ll knock out the veteran sergeant.






Hopefully the photos are decent enough to see. I really need to find a hosting site or something.


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