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Dwango last won the day on May 15 2022

Dwango had the most liked content!

About Dwango

Profile Information

  • Location
    North Yorkshire, England
  • Interests
    Sports, boxed sets and plastic crack.
  • Faction
    30k dark angels

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  • Armies played
    Red corsairs, Craftworlds, Harlequins, Death Guard, 30k Dark Angels, Chaos Knights

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  1. Going to add to my vow. Two krios tanks and a rapid fire dice box.
  2. I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete a 1 blood slaughterer, 1 vultarax and a wraithlord (not pictured) by month's end.
  3. Just going to add this to my Feb vow. I have already started painting it, just forgot to add it in here. It's a decimator conversion, with my first bit of proper green stuff sculpting (not just cabling).
  4. Awesome. Yeah, it's Vardis at the Leeds GT. Never been but heard good things.
  5. Nice one! What are you taking? I'll be running my dark mech. Just got my ticket to the heresy event at the Leeds GT too.
  6. Nice one. Well I hope to see you there!
  7. This is a 1 day, 3 Game, 3000 point Horus Heresy Matched Play event. Using 3 missions from Campaigns of The Age of Darkness – The Siege of Cthonia. Tickets can be bought here - https://www.leodisgames.com/products/scouring-of-leodis-prime-ii-21st-june The address - Leodis Games Unit 10 Springfield Mill Bagley Lane Leeds LS285LY If you're local and fancy a day of battling in the age of darkness get yourself down. Cheers. @Xenith here you go bud. If you can make it we may get chance to roll some dice!
  8. Thanks @Grotsmasha for organising this again! Also to @Firedrake Cordovaand @Khulu for helping in what must be a mammoth task! It's really appreciated!
  9. It would have been good to see you buddy. Twas a very fun event. Nice! I'll post in here again if another one comes up. There's a gaming group in Harrogate that have just started hosting events. They have one in march, sold out though, but I can post if they do another one too. Incase you can get to Harrogate.
  10. Vow complete. Only managed 1 speeder. I'll push the other 2 into February.
  11. Are you wanting info on how to do bases or for to apply the effects on the minis themselves? For dust on bases I use weathering powders then seal them in with isopropyl alcohol. Blood I use a mix of blood angels red contrast and cygor brown contrast 1:1. This is for dried blood. Then blood for the blood god technical for wet blood. Mud, I use rhinox hide then dry brush progressively lighter brown. You can use this method on legs too to represent dried on mud. You could use some typhus corrosion before priming to get a textured effect.
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