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  1. Hey folks, Hopefully not jumping the gun here on the official release of the new game but I know a fair few people are busy on the printers, getting proxies or even classic minis for a new Legions Imperialis force. So, like the thread in the Age of Darkness forum, this is a thread for any WIP work or just hobby chat around the game and miniatures - or anything related really! For starters a bit of an off-piste project that is just in embryonic stages as I test various miniature ranges; a Great Crusade-era Craftworld Eldar force, and this is the first Guardian detachment. I've been reading up on some background and may try and go for a Craftworld that is ultimately lost at some point in the millennia leading up to 40k. But for now they have jumped out of the frying pan (escaping the birth of Slaanesh and destruction of their civilisation) and into the fire (directly into the path of the Great Crusade!) Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has in the pipeline!
  2. I'm going to put links to any of my tutorials at the start of this thread for easy navigation. Below this will be the original first post. Greenstuff Smoothing Video Greenstuff Smoothing Video 2 Making capes from tissue Changing model colors in Photoshop A better paint stripper than Simple Green. Let's get this going again. Starting off with the 4 Iron Warriors Chaos Lords I'll be trying to complete for Grotsmasha's Captain Conversion Challenge, one for each chaos god. First up, Maesteros, follower of Slaanesh and the path of martial perfection. http://i.imgur.com/v8JToIv.jpg Parts list so far is finecast legs from the beaky Sternguard, Khorne Berzerker torso with the lower beltbuckle area cut away and replaced with a length of plastic tubing to elongate the abdomen, Mark IV Maximus helm from Red Scorpions veteran upgrade pack, and a chaos marine left arm. The crest has been removed from the helm and armor studs added to differentiate it somewhat from the loyalist version. Unlike what the fluff tells us about Chaos Marines, I think they would all be scavenging any loyalists they killed, and there will be parts from all over the various marine kits that I own used in these conversions to reflect that. http://i.imgur.com/dbUXWpA.jpg More GS work on the legs and foot, and I removed the studs from the leg because they looked like crap and replaced them with the same .05 rivets I used on the helm. I like the bigger armor studs anyway. I tried to modify the face plate of the helmet to bulk it up a bit make the eye area look more sinister, but after a few days of looking at it now, I'm not sure if I like it. http://i.imgur.com/WDEpdpQ.jpg Finally getting around to decorating the chest. Small cuts from a strip of plastic half-round for the anchor points of the tubes, which will be covered up later with GS. Hooray for the tube making tool! Also, tip of the hat to Darth Potato for showing me the picture that inspired the chest decorations: http://i.imgur.com/hsDcdWU.jpg Evolution of the polearm he's using: http://i.imgur.com/IMyQpjP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oBU0K0k.jpg It was originally way too long, so I shortened it up and changed the angle that it sits at, but it might still be a bit too long. Still have no idea what to do for the right arm. Next up is Borgestus, follower of Nurgle, and a few shots of trial poses for him: http://i.imgur.com/kuwvKnw.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/nIJcvRa.jpg I really wanted a two-handed pose, but it's proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, thanks to the bulkiness of the terminator armor, so it will probably be the second pose or maybe another variation. I've also done a lot of work on building a new torso for this guy, and I'll try to have progress pictures of that posted later today. Parts list as shown is loyalist termie legs (because the chaos termie legs all look HORRIBLE), chaos termie toso, and GK head and arms. As of now, the torso front is from a GK and has been chopped up and modified quite a lot. Last, is Varko, follower of the Blood God. I originally thought of giving him a very still and static pose to contrast the raging fury most Khorne marines are modeled with, but most of the Four are already going to be posed like that, and what can I say? I love action poses. So, going way back to the hallowed antiquity of 40k for the inspiration: http://i.imgur.com/ppc34uB.jpg I've always liked that art for the sense of frenetic motion it imparts, and I think GW tried to capture that feel with their plastic berzerkers and failed miserably. Instead of this, we got marines with ork hands that looked like they're ice skating. My rough sketch of Varko: http://i.imgur.com/E1eNPL9.jpg The right arm has no hand on it because I'm going to have to do a lot of work on it to get the pose I'm wanting, but I stuck it on there to check the overall balance of the figure. My first idea was to give him twin lightning claws, but, I gotta be honest, it's a real pain in the butt trying to get a pose with those things that doesn't look goofy, aside from the Wolverine pose with the hands out to the side, of which there have already been several figures from GW with that pose and I didn't want to replicate it. Instead, he'll be hefting two power axes and my bits order for the second one should be here in a few days. Parts list is loyalist assault legs (because the khorne berzerker ones suck and they've never made a good replacement for chaos), chaos torso that may or may not change, right arm from BA Death Company, left arm from FW Red Scorpion veteran upgrade pack, and head from FW Khorne Berzerker upgrade pack with the Ears of Khorne™ removed, and the axe is from a one of the Chosen in the Dark Vengeance box set. As always, thanks for looking. -BCK
  3. Anyone here plays this video game? I do and I must admit is far more entertaining than I suspected. Nearly absorbing If some plays it, my username there is AGRAMARLUNAWOLF,so we can duel. And if someone wants to try it (is free, afterall) in this link you can enter, and we can gain ,both, some gold coins: https://horuslegions.page.link/KedwrgKkW9STTuwh9 The official Web page is https://www.horusheresylegions.com/ See you on the Battle fields!
  4. It's finally time to start a thread here in B&C too, brethren. My loyalist splinter of XIV Legio Astartes, known as the Echoes of Eisenstein, is a labour of love that has now taken three years and lost all brakes a while back. When I got hold of my first Betrayal at Calth set, the path to damnation was set and I knew I had to go and start a whole army of truescaled marines. There would be no respite. There would be no models left unconverted. There would be only chopping and the laughter of ever growing mountains of grey soldiers waiting for their day. Inspired by Veteran Sergeant on DakkaDakka, the spiral into endless cuts and lenghtenings had begun. From so humble a beginning... https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/cxICLMQF8jr-Chm6sB_J4aXblfYqaEzYBsJ2k9Gc1NWiLbuoKvXLQvFOkMQ-hvNDA4yIzd1GABb6mrHXpiSKKQgQ7pL416dN2O5evQCZUuH7ni4O2l2z1fuSjmetKXD8_gaqeBPmCQlrzUlZKVghYNf7ILpwJyPR5YgS09srBpq30io8he9pjrklTKPBGsY8vqPltPUJn1h5ylmGu6PfztbuC3gwSRbcbvdd8q4EVA7dAaXavFEiM1Gx33J9n6yhYIX8rvIhsjtt83GovbT0XyRY1kBRwOb20kNbU2IxGmyQhb7BYfQSVaxeDfodfysz-kTpSKreino_UsLkzBIwZPkWbZNqN6Jb9fZ0mSfxyMYApIYH88HZrVC5zkQncqVsOZJypjt9eoP8f5WaZnaSSwYurw4Bhzc9xVu5_vXf1YOQPc5GD498D3sEUkgFjQpPLgKjO5c8EceDm8JW5vplLaZaK_diDdthqNd_jh732HkNSs1QT5Q6F-0wdu3TAN2fmHXPDD_WYb9fnBxTaAD0nI6bqv6C64z9Ht1hWvXHCTCnIBpwjoUXUM4VxkktYDTyuNAQnSbQEdt95HV2Qd4kO6syiYOFRBYYwxK7lJQC9i3W7cRgvTrU=w1625-h914-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nAJFauMlF32XU_l84vwul0467NkVzlz7hDszZllum2-Tvx_0d1zqAR_uu5H8JopFYqQ3DNO9Wedalvi6oHwyhEQdxuG1c8Y3Jcdg_NpQUxvDqB7k0Q24FKBvpc9oDBM4sGx23EO2kGsqKFyC6zBuK3emH-zsiF7FCYNn5MdbZM71cWnsT0dX8voaotIeHnwQrDKRV9Tr-jenA38Mi8TM9zTR4i2eWPtFKLa2DpBsrDGT9-et8c1hWlVv1UtJM5U9Z_uVxrUMbXmQOHj86355ju8Kye7JWWnUdc5bJ3TmIT7ZipKvs3KzZoDTXDuhQPZ6U0Ky1ex4XKvfvf4u4Ij2iffLzS8_50Llfl--ve4I0KMe_9ECAAfdAQMJLpWL4zK1qeSyQn_Y_JS_REI2gClSG1kK_A2F6VvcMr_NgI_rs_NRLSDdmghTLiCGDof42wbYjDT1V0VmUusiv4K2p614tqOSCnyDHm0LfHZMu2BCYRsbDl_stWYzxlNIxflv37vWjhLzrGRG6iBdBaPxeJMOw-7a5qyTA-Y32hyUzuIWFfS8UQnR6KYyl7E_8b0V_4-DpdSgtpyuPo91slwtbTnDmox1dAmKWFjxGLhOCVFEGiidx8e27dwq4qhMbZNehi3ZmSQxSegwuwJFy7bkEdcsXQ7z4oXnQe8nYruKuirsg=w1625-h914-no 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https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019345-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019348-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019349-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019347-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019335-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG With even an eager new recruit trying to sneak into the comparison picture! So, welcome to gawk at my insanity where I'll ever so slowly go through the same process with the rest of the 150+ guys I have either unbuilt or unstripped from previous owners of 5 boxes of Calth and Prospero, scratch tanks from busted Rhino carcasses, learn how to paint through my irrational biases ("dang my steel just looks bad in true metal but brass and copper, yaaaas queen!") and occasionally create piles of terrain out of ice cream boxes and my significant other's diabetes waste. Not even joking there https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/29a28eef14b8eb0f1200cee0031753e2_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/1c925d506f8f5859e95907a73260983b_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/17/94358936b6f1a9b4335b0feb8a17e829_103099.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FPST-emK9xkOGZWBmgX0j77STx_FHmDr4R9PPKq1ruYkM4akNPB1hR4AEIQZlgcZuKv3sQURm8LmyYvcGbyGvp3LRuO48LW99v6EHO-9Sf4NOR6fVF2VJM8uF5fRPzUNGtMS-nJdp-tgq3r44dhngVDY7x3w0NWbO99imJpcepVXZ9E5NKBxB7njWNTQomF5ZPpYg34l8_7IoJ9mAB9rFrBTgp-5Ho0LMwmsPxGyZZ9I4X755wnGHe0FulklbM5fdHiGb3I0YHGk1yKHRVmtZwGEQ1yUvV3qz3jAet77cM1mpJRXMi2cizeduIlVPeVxsel1ggz7HtTEjHFtLfiCfYNuJlircb84ZOr-vvotAKtTQI-X-RQlwDI5V2BC82yH5lRG-k1fWqwAGPd4Ha8Flc1QbLAwWlFD-Bpq8qqZIsnlmDpl8080U0UKSlFlaIQfe33ofQhY3FxSC6ApC2hOGQ1-8tFmeANidaWE8HkZqxuCzJVKxdL1k2syYv_dGGv4iZcu6yHbuDucKfimDtHrOFWpZ4rBhX5KJpVnwgNfwW7QC2U9t3FN-I-6_9bRT5K3ywxS95JsC96-uThVmdCFeJ_brH_8EcoEcpinL-2HBXlCyQnZ6CCV48m7a_Yhm4fiQ2PT6G0aTFa4omttKkrlwcbfHBvd2RK8=w1620-h912-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Ssx4RGNJIAvPYFx6Ok6F5amrVkJ5-jp2_77KnstQVwpc8d-zvOwkfrU_agihKzAJ__BFesdwrgNWH3uiQ08aYNBBlslTbFO43hKTRB72UwAheeq8wDUvJZA7PtOUMQq7ayxHaWGosDcnVkR8Gu6ZCVZQDW5AAZuB5JXSCmmAcNdyPSR3Atm7nEbSJhfMZoALGEfErpSYFYlnPdJfhYmes_dKKeWh5fSv55AUVjaEaKVSCSvH03-HcPu35rwaewFQYA4YgeGdShJrkiwAuK85sDKmxarNaAtO643Alt5uvTBkAv_4qlCBYep6KvPL1k0qmHh5sZHUrOlW0yyeEuKENg-LVnIjb818D8cvJCNzH3VSL-k2nsSKsSSG2e43RST5EQodjkz531viHa_6pfqvvq9vWkIEOiHQT0PtAItHqZ5LhrFJUd3gPS55rOwb1BFUCXfFmpE4IS2m_9TCGNTOX5idXBzpf6VSXKIvubVbuynLxs6HgNiZc1AxvJwtcK1ZYw0t1pPo39KlK_tmrxcVEoRxcAOKZd6jumJ2Ps_bLLSsIHq7deW2e12qkLkeBmAhYlhlg4oE_lDdLGqRfn8FxUY1RwvShQ-uZ_sakqOFt8wjXi0aXxj0jbPUQRkWMIBxqidvaAqtM9pzK68hTQA-JjuwBLnJE9i=w1620-h912-no Count the seven, brethren (and drop a comment while at it, yo!). EDIT: oh blimey, is there a limit how much pictures one post can handle or why did half of them turn to links? Hope those work, at least?
  5. Welcome to my Blood Angels painting blog! My army is based on the 4th Company, along with reinforcements from other companies. The disposition of my assembled, part painted and fully painted forces are as follows: ++GLORY TO THE FOURTH!++ ++Angels of the Blood++ ++Chapter Command++ ++High Command++ Commander Cervan Dante - High Lord of the Blood Angels The Sanguinor ++Sanguinary Priesthood++ Brother Corbulo - Sanguinary Highest Priest Brother Olburoc - Sanguinary Higher Priest Sanguinary High Priest ++Reclusium++ Reclusiarch Xenith - JP, Crozius, Powerfist Chaplain Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost Chaplain Diabocca - JP, Crozius and Infernus Pistol Chaplain - JP, Crozius, Grav Pistol Chaplain - TDA, Crozius, Storm Bolter Chaplain Tarentus - TDA, Crozius, Combi Flamer ++Librarius++ Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death High Epistolary Nostiphem, Master of Twilight Chief Librarian Primaris Mephiston, third of his name. Codicier Librarian - JP, Force Halberd Lexicanum Librarian - TDA, Force Sword, Combi Plasma Lexicanum Librarian - JP, Force Sword, hand flamer Epistolary - Force Stave Epistolary - TDA, Force Stave Lexicanum Varus - Storm Bolter, Force Stave ++Sanguinary Guard (10 Marines)++ Sanguinary Ancient Remiel, The Exaltation The Host of Mikhael (5), The Grace of Sanguinius The Host of Gabriel (4), The Strength of Sanguinius ++The Lost Company (12 Marines)++ Death Company Captain w/ TH Death Company Squad (6 with jump packs) Death Company Squad (5 with jump packs) ++1st Company (50 Marines)++ Brother Captain Donato Captain Karlaen, The Shield of Baal Company Ancient Darrago (SB/PF) Company Ancient (TH) 1st Sternguard Squad (5) 2nd Vanguard Squad (7) 3rd Vanguard Squad (5) ++Terminator Squads: 29 Brothers++ Redemptor, 1st Assault Terminator Squad (4 w/THSS) Invictor, 2nd Tactical Terminator Squad (5 w/AC) Avengor, 3rd Assault Terminator Squad (5 w/LC) Damnator, 4th Tactical Terminator Squad Alphaeus (5 w/HF) Venator, 5th Assault Terminator Squad Victorno (2xTH, 2xLC) Vindictor, 6th Tactical Terminator Squad ( 2x SB, CML) Destructor, 7th Terminator Squad (5x Cataphractii) Vexator: 8th Terminator Squad Signator, 9th Support Terminator Squad: (Brother Ferruan, 1CML; 1AC) Praetor: 10th Terminator Squad ++3rd Company (12 Marines)++ Captain Erasmus Tycho Psycho Tycho Games Day Captain Machiavi, Lieutenant to Tycho. 6th - Tactical Squad (10) ++4th Company (102 Marines)++ Captain De Bosola, the Lord Adjudicator Company Champion 1st - Tactical Squad Venusian (10 flamer, hand flamer, heavy flamer) 2nd - Tactical Squad Terranostro (10 melta, combi melta, multimelta) 3rd- Tactical Squad Solon (10 plasma, combi plas, plasma cannon) 4th - Tactical Squad Mercurio (10 flamer, heavy bolter) 5th - Tactical Squad Jovor (10, Grav gun, grav cannon) 6th - Tactical Squad Santurini (10 Combi plas, plasma gun, las cannon) 7th - Assault Squad Neptus (10) 8th - Assault Squad Marsellus (10) 9th - Devastator Squad Plutaxo (10) 10th - Devastator Squad Urannon (10) ++5th Company (17 Marines)++ Captain Sendini - Keeper of the Arsenal Primaris Lieutenant Verrocchio Primaris Ancient 1st Intercessor Squad Donato (5) 2nd Intercessor Squad Calpurnius (5) 7th Inceptor Squad Giorginone (3) 9th Aggressor Squad Bronzino (3) ++6th Company (1 Marine)++ Captain Raxiatel, Caller of the Fires ++7th Company (2 Marines)++ 1st Squadron (1 Land Speeder Tornado) ++8th Company (24 Marines)++ 1st - Assault Squad (9) 5th Bike Squadron (3) 7th Squadron (2 Attack Bikes) 8th Squadron (2 Land Speeder Typhoons) 10th Squadron (2 Attack Bikes) ++10th Company (28 Marines)++ 1st Squad - (10 BP/CCW) 2nd Squad (5 Shotguns) 3rd Squad - (4 sniper rifles, HB) 4th Squad - 5 Shotguns 7th Squad (3 bikes) Land Speeder Storm ++Hall of Ancients (7 Brothers)++ #2 Imperator Furioso - Dreadnought w/Multimelta #2 Balthasar the Prophet - Furioso Librarian #3 Kaspar the Destroyer - Death Company Dreadnought #4 Ancient Borgio - Dreadnought #5 Bellerophon - Contemptor Dreadnought #6 Leviathan Class Dreadnought #7 Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought ++Motor Pool (19)++ #1 Eternal Vigil - Whirlwind #2 Iron Blood - Baal Class Predator (Magnetised) #3 Iron Faith - Baal Class Predator (Flamestorm) #4 Praetorian of Baal - Destructor Class Predator (Auto-Las) #5 Wall of Terra - Vindicator #6 Tyrant's Bane - Land Raider Proteus #7 Invictus - Land Raider Crusader #8 Wrath of Heaven - Hunter/Stalker Support Tank #9 Interfector - Sicaran Venator #10 Aegis Eternal - Land Raider Excelsior #11 Iron Fire - Baal Class Predator' (Heresy-Era Brrrrrt Pattern) #20 Midae Ultio - Kratos Assault Tank #21 Spartan Assault Tank #22 Martyr - Deimos Vindicator #23 Sword of Damocles - Predator Annihilator #24 Typhon Siege Tank - Metatron #1 Chaeron - Death Company Rhino #2 Razorback (TLAC) #3 Rhino Primaris #4 Razorback (TLHB) #4 Rhino Drop Pod ++Air Support++ #1 Thunder's Echo - Stormhawk My painting backlog can be found here: XBA: The Grey Pile of Shame Credit is due to DiegoGisbertLlorens on Deviant Art for the artwork in my signature, and also to teef, who's banner I used in the first post.
  6. So, this is my first thread here on the B&C and for it I'll be documenting progress on my latest army, the Alpha Legion (30k) So here goes nothing: First up my Praetor Now the autocannons: Thanks for taking the time to look, C&C welcome Apologies for poor quality, only camera I have is my phone
  7. Álvaro Jiménez is another spanish artist, who recently had worked in Games Workshop products and franchises, specially in Everguild's Horus Heresy Legions, Cubicle 7 W40K RPG and so. But not only his work can be appreciated in this games and companies. He also worked for Bandai Namco, Bethesda, FromSoftware, Blizzard, Dire Wolf Digital, Corvus Belli (Infinity),... By the way, today is his birthday. Cheers! You can find more about him and his art in those links: Twitter Instagram Cara Some art:
  8. Last pict recovered from the auto-transmissions of Vigilator Doratian Grekis of the Legion: Ultramarines >++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++ >How? How did they get to the surface? And in such numbers? Consul, respond! Large [audio >corrupted] force sighted in the eastern hills. Come in? Anyone? Is anyone..... >++SIGNAL LOST++ >... >+ATTEMPTING TO RE-ESTABLISH CONNECTION++ >... >... >++SIGNAL RETREIVED++ >incoming data packet... >receiving... >++ERROR 40004...data corrupted. >Begin auto purge... >Audio log deleted >Pict log deleted >All logs deleted >END.
  9. Ok people, I’m taking the plunge and I’m going to build an HH Dark Angels force. I have recently read Descent of Angels and now I’m hooked. Also imo Lion’el Johnson is the best Primarch model. Before I get too carried away I’m thinking of painting them black, green and bone rather than the usual black and red. (I’m currently working on a Black Templars project so I’d like there to be some differentiation between the two armies) So is there any lore reason I can’t use the traditional palette on my 30k Dark Angels? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. I just see right now a post in Chapter Master Valrak's Twitter account, (Here) who states that a new boxed set for Horus Heresy is probably in the way. He is not saying it's a new edition,but he said that in the box are Salamanders and Iron Warriors. And shows this decals, that are in the new Command Squad box: Post Also sais that this maybe linked with a past rumors about plastic full Mk II. What do you think about this?
  11. Captain Pioneer is a youtuber located is USA how makes really good animation videos using action figures with Stop Motion technique, mixed with digital and other visual effects. Nowadays, is maken videos using Joy Toy action figures from Warhammer (W40k and Horus Heresy), for his *I think is HIS* YouTube channel and also, Joy Toy is using them as promotion of their own products range in their social media. In fact, I discovered Captain Pioneer thanks Joy Toy account in Twitter. Some videos here: For now, we have 29 videos in this channel about Warhammer action figures: And if you like Transformers,Gundams and similar stuff, you're lucky, because there're lot of videos about them. More https://youtube.com/@CaptainPioneer?si=yAKx1dHg0z6retnu Enjoy
  12. I found this yesterday in The Army Painter's Twitter official account (The Army Painter), made by Mengel Miniatures (Tyler). The results are amazing in the pics. I you want to try,here you have the information. Enjoy.
  13. Hi! So I was given a random assault intercessor by my son, which I converted into a vanguard vet using spare parts I had in my bits box, including a sanguinary guard jump pack. This has inspired me to start a Raven Guard army, as I’ve always loved the idea of an all-beaky force. Here’s the first guy. I’m quite proud of the hand painted symbol on the shoulder pad. Found a great image at www.fromthewarp.blogspot.com which gave me a step-by-step method that made this really much simpler than I thought it would be. Also posted a screenshot of that image in case it’s handy for anyone. Next up will be my attempt at Kayvaan Shrike!
  14. If someone is looking for ideas for their own projects or just want to enjoy some well made illustrations, this link is plenty of that and much more. https://earltheartist.tumblr.com/ Mostly are illustrations of Astartes but not only. Even some not related with Warhammer at all but still interesting. Enjoy!
  15. After seeing and lurking in Dragonlover's thread on lurking I though I'd try and motivate myself to start posting more, even if it's just a small update in this thread. So the main aim will be to show the progress as I paint my Loyalist Emperor's Children. Which will hopefully also stop me from getting distracted by other projects on hold. But we'll see how long I last with just the one. So onto a couple pictures. First up is my Leviathan I completed a couple months ago. I know it's not 'new' but it shows what is complete for the project so far. There is also some infantry but after trying Retributor Gold they've been moved back onto the paint table to be updated. I've also recently completed my Loyal Son the Praetor for the Legion. I couldn't resist the new Blood Angel Praetor, and thought, if the Blood Angels can use our Palatine blades, I'm going to claim the Praetors So what's currently receiving paint which shouldn't take too long to appear is the updated and expanded first Palatine, and Tactical Squad supporting a Primus Medicae. Then onto lots of support marines, while doing everything I can to avoid painting Drop Pods. So, back to lurking while painting.
  16. I'm still discovering lot of amazing artist in Internet and I must confess, I just found one of my favourites. David OK is a freelance artist from Canada (Vancouver, British Colombia if I'm not wrong), who makes really amazing illustrations themed in science fiction environments. And have some W40K and Horus Heresy art... Well judge yourselves under this lines. That Khârn art is just perfect, for me, and makes me want a miniature of both versions of this character. A past version looking at a future version of himself. Sadly, there are few illustrations themed in Warhammer...for now. I hope this artist can make more of this kind in a near future. Many,many more! Personal web Extra link
  17. I just found in my phone, during some cleaning, this picture. Before erase it dye lack of space in memory, I left it here. Maybe someone find this useful. All with Citadel paints.
  18. I've been thinking about things during the thread locking, really about the nature of design shift in 2nd edition and how it impacted player's enjoyment of their models and armies. I mentioned it above, but solar aux were the imperial guard equivalent. No, not in the narrative sense; IG was classically the mass human resources of the imperium on display, while the solar aux were more of an specialized subset. But in everything else, they were the analog; the normal humans in 40k; the large body count of infantry that were backed up by some very heavily armoured and armed tanks; reliance on shooting over melee. People bought into either the unique look, or they bought into the imperial guard archetype. The archetype that's been the same for edition after edition after edition; that maintained the same concepts through most of the forge world off shoots, and even persevered into 8th+ edition of modern 40k. The tanks were the heroes and draws of the army, the dudes were there to support in any way they could (whether that was veteran squads/command special weapon squads in 5th, or screening the tanks in every edition, or simply to score). But the designers upended the power of a lot, and tanks are artillery certainly aren't the draw of the army from a rules perspective. I'm very confused why people are being told they shouldn't be frustrated with that direction, and to basically collect a different archetype of army to play it "properly". To do a quick (or not) comparison, we just got the old world released a couple of weeks ago. I've only looked through 3 or so of the bad guy armies, but guess what? The armies have kept their archetypes. They've kept the unique hooks that drew people to them in the first place. They (mostly) respected their legacy collectors by having the units function the same way they did when they bought them in 6th or 7th. The details might be different on how some things work, but I look at the tomb kings list and i think "yes, this is the continuation of the faction I started in 7th (with the 6th Ed book). I have blocks of badly statted chaf that dont run and can be healed back. I have two important characters that both improve units in unique ways. My army can't march but can still move surprisingly fast. There's a bunch of killing blow throughout the higher tier units.". Idk if the points are right, but the function is there. The tomb scorpion can deepstrike, killing blow everything with its claws, and poison attack with its tail; the same reasons I bought some when I was 13. The bonegiant can high roll a unit into the ground if you're lucky. The casket melts people's faces off. The destroyer of eternities has the coolest name ever and gives killing blow. Why would the developers go to such work to preserve the feel of the armies? Why didn't they decide to change all the weapon statlines and force armies to revamp their entire archetype as a result? Were they just not as smart as the heresy 2nd team? These are all rhetorical and facetious, btw. It's because they cared about the armies identities and the people that collected them. Also, just to touch on the whole "narratively, legions should beat up on humans super duper easily" argument. Like ya, but also, like no? Marines lose to humans all the time in the lore; they get held up, repulsed, ground down, and whatever else'd a ton in classic 40k lore. The point of the big guns to support the guard was to kill the big stuff, be that crazy bug alien, mecha suit, Arnold terminators, or space marines. There was about 1.8 million marines in the crusade; we're saying the galaxy got reconquered with only that minute amount of threat that needed marines to deal with? Everything else was worse armoured than them? No. The new narrative doesn't hold water with the actual narrative.
  19. WarCom Article. A good look at the updated Mark II here!
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