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Cpt_Reaper last won the day on March 17 2013

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About Cpt_Reaper

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  • Location
    Victoria, Australia
  • Interests
    Tabletop gaming, RPGs, PC Gaming, writing, anime, sci-fi and fantasy
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    Angels of Shadow

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  • Armies played
    Angels of Shadow (DA), Iron Warriors, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Dark Eldar

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  1. Karanak and the Seeker Chariot. Both of which are available Online Only (although the latter is currently Temporarily Out of Stock)
  2. No update to Guard Legends document, so Infantry Squads and Krieg Marshals are still just gone (despite the latter being referenced in the Legendary Units document) I am not surprised, yet still disappointed.
  3. As it says on the tin... https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/goxjzhii/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-heres-whats-changed-in-the-41st-millennium/ Of note, and because it's not mentioned in the article, Karanak and the Seeker Chariot are both sent to Legends for...reasons.
  4. The day I use anything other than Revell Contacta is the day I've been replaced with a changeling. Also on the clogged needle, I pull it out from the bottle and hold it with a set of pliers. Run a lighter over it and it'll burn the glue out. DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE NEEDLE IN THE BOTTLE.
  5. The email address is 40KFAQ@gwplc.com
  6. Honestly if GW is putting this little effort into Legends, I doubt it'll be a thing in 11th.
  7. I probably know the answer to this but...is it worth emailing the FAQ team about legends units?
  8. Oh wow...they're just gone
  9. So the Guard got our updated Legends document. It isn't worse than I feared but rather it was the worst case scenario. It was a simple moving of 98% of imperial armour to Legends ant not an ounce of effort more. Arvus Lighter has no weapon options despite the kit now containing them no Malcador Vanquisher sheet at all (and of course no Malcador Tank Commander) So yeah...feeling a bit annoyed but not necessarily let down
  10. The old Planetary Empires has a few mechanics that could be used with a few updates seeing as it was written for 4th or 5th edition. For anyone unfamiliar, it was a box set of plastic hex tiles and included tokens for features such as forts, power generators, star pots and hive cities if you mail ordered one. Games played in a Planetary Empires campaign are played at either 1000 or 2000 points, but you The player who controls less territory gets a bonus 50 points for their army per 1 additional tile the enemy controls. So if you had 7 and your opponent had 9, you'd get an extra 100 points in the game to represent better logistics due to a smaller territory The map contains a number of Manufactorum locations. The value of which is dependant on your chosen faction. Before playing a game you compare how many points your total controlled manufactorums are worth compared to your opponent. The player with higher points gets a bonus 50 points to spend on their army, 100 if they double and 150 if they triple. Winning a battle doesn't guarantee you take an enemy tile. You roll 2d6 if you win a battle. It's only a 3+ to take a tile adjacent to one you control, but a 7+ if it isn't. You then add modifiers depending on if you had a pyric victory, the tile is has fortifications or contains certain terrain like ruins.
  11. If 11th is a proper edition that builds on 10th, rather than another infernal reset then the crusade books should carry over to the new edition.
  12. Using Space Marines as the yard stick as, besides being the poster-child army, their lore composition is the easiest to parse I believe that at 2000 points one should be able to field a full Demi-Company worth of infantry. For those of us who played in yesteryear, at 2000 points you should fill up the old Force Org Chart. Additionally, every squad in this hypothetical 2000 point list should be at maximum size and with a default loadout. Now I know Marines have gotten a lot more robust in a vacuum with the second wound, but I maintain that 2000 points should allow for at least 5 10-man squads of marines (thank you primaris squads for being annoying with 3-6 man squads). Throwing a quick list together, a captain+company heroes, 3x10 intercessors, 1x10 jump intercessors and 1x10 devastators comes in at 1015 points. Plenty of room to add supplemental forces like transports, a few tanks or some specialised infantry. As much as I do not miss formations from 7th (or any edition as a whole between 5-7), they do make for a good approximation of what a 2k army should look like for a faction. If GW stopped being moronic and brought back granular wargear costs, balancing would be a lot easier. TL;DR - 2k points should be fit a full 50ish marine demi-company with default loadout. Apply equivalent formation to each faction.
  13. Forgive me, but I slapped together a list to see how an all cavalry list would look. Granted it's using current points, so might have to change up a few things. Lord Solar - Cavalry commander. Could be swapped for the new Krieg commander 4x 10 cadians - mainly for sticky objectives. 3x 10 Rough Riders 3x10 Death Riders 3x2 Armoured Sentinels 3x2 Scout Sentinels currently sitting at 1910 points, but again will likely change with the new codex. If Legends is your cup of tea/coffee/caffeinated beverage, then you could also run a few Tauros and Venators in place of Sentinels
  14. The decision to separate Horus Heresy kits from 40k is, was and will continue to be the wrong choice. That's what Imperial Armour was all about. Combined with the baffling choices with the Guard Codex and GW will need to make some big changes to win back the good will from me. They didn't even have the common decency to update the Legends documents when dropping these points. Imperial Armour needs to be a thing again. A real, actual document and/or book that allows use of all those new plastic kits they release for HH. GW needs to give up on the splitting 30k and 40k models mindset they have. I guess all I can do is email the FAQ department...again. And get ignored, again. Also Sentinels should be units of 1-3. And stop bullying Valkyrie owners.
  15. How about some Sentinels? They'd bring mobile heavy guns to supplement your riders.
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