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Battlefield Scenics Fortification Wall
m-p-constructions posted a blog entry in m-p-constructions Tabletop Terrain
Storming the fortress or defending it, is one of the coolest scenarios for tabletop battles in my opinion. I proudly present the first element of the coming fortification series. Highly modular and versatile you can build a fortified site any size you see fit. This PDF will give you a modular Fortification Wall Design. The Fortification fits all 28mm tabletop games with a Modern or Future-Fantasy setting. Make sure to check out the fitting models of the fortification series available and coming soon. Get the set here: During the design process we had lots of fun planing, building and storming our fortress. I hope you have lots either. C&C is very welcome! Just print, build and play! -
Original thread start from here. First posts are copy-pasted as regard 40k content, the rest will be running updates. Welcome! This is the log where I'll post anything which I've converted and/or painted for others. Most of my hobby work is not done for my own armies, but rather for my brother's and our friends' collections. It's a great way to experience modelling and painting all miniatures in Warhammer without buying them. Background might be added later on as my friends work that out. This update is however not about something as lethal as cats. It's about something pathetic in comparison, namely a Maulerfiend conversion I've been working on-and-off with for a Skaven-collecting friend of mine. It's based on a sketch he drew. My buddy magnetized a rectangular base so that it could be used as a K'daai Destroyer. He was so eager about the conversion that he managed to sneak it past other projects in my queue... Still, the sculpting was surprisingly quick work and was over before you knew it. Couldn't have done it so fast three years ago: And here's the painted version, alongside his brother. Not painted by me (though the Squats in the foreground are): The CSM-collecting friend, let's call him J.A.B, inspected the newer starter kit Chaos Space Marine lord and Khârn, as well as the new Primaris Marines and probably a few older Space Marine character sculpts. He concluded that hip armour looks good and solves the silly look achieved by the thin thighs of plastic Space Marine legs. Some weeks ago, he visited his parents, brought a gaggle of heretical Marines and asked me to make hip armour on them. Quicksculpted, without time-consuming rivets, difficult spikes or suchlike. He was content, and after returning home to his study town he sent down Berzerkers to receive like treatment, and a FW Necron centipede which needed replacement antennae. I've tinkered with them since they arrived yesterday. Below are the results. Note "KIL KIL KIL" on the knife Berzerker's segmented plates. Also see his painted Lord of Change. WIP for my brother's little power armoured collection. Grey Knight legs and helmets and Sanguinary Guard shoulder pads and torsos. Hip plates added to remedy thin thighs syndrome. Cloaks from Anvil Industry to be added later: A Dark Eldar turned into an Eldar Fire Dragon converted for my brother. He thoroughly checked the Dark Eldar sprues back when they were new, and meticulously came up with ways to turn all manner of DE weaponry into Eldar Aspect Warriors with a little converting. More to come: Converted Slaaneshi Daemonprince for a friend: My friend told me to axe the @$$ and instead go for a lean Daemon Prince of Arrogance look, not Lust. As per his instructions, there is now also shin armour plates with images of Elf torture: What else? I also added two lone flowing pteruges dangling from its belt. I'll show you the painted end result whenever he finish this creation: Kill Team A mate of ours has moved back home after years of studying abroad, while a friend of my brother have returned to the hobby after a long break. Combine this with the recently released Kill Team, and we've got a hobby frenzy cooking with making characters, goons and terrain for a mash-up campaign between Kill Team and RPGs. Here is the first harvest of quick-sculpting and conversions, soon back to commercial sculpts. Kastellan Ironstrider, a mate's cyborg: Badoom! Broadbeard, a loudmouth one-Dwarf illegal radio station sending live from his heists and battles. My character: Gnorke Radfizzle, a Gnome sharpshooter with rad weapons, for my brother's friend: The gang so far: Gnorke Radfizzle's car: The friend who has written all the rules and organizes the whole effort has had me convert a gaggle of goons. Here's psyker Spikeskull: And Badoom! Broadbeard's hateful rival, Adman: And finally Gnorke Radfizzle painted by said friend (I had nothing to do with painting). My brother's mate is in for a treat! I've painted nothing of the Kill Team stuff, only converted it. All painted by Johan von Elak, for your display here. Badoom! Broadbeard: During most of our Kill Team-RPG games we've actually had music playing to represent both the immediate sonic barrage emitted by Broadbeard's loudspekers, and the music he transmits across hacked radio channels (with comments of media moguls jumping from windows as their enterprises gets destroyed by Broadbeard's escapades). He obviously also report live from the field, and is the lousiest sneak, at skulking up on enemies, you've ever encountered. Clearly, the audio-disturbed mister Broadbeard has ruined many lives through his noisome adventures. Which leads us to...
- 44 replies
Containers, you can´t have enough of them
m-p-constructions posted a blog entry in m-p-constructions Tabletop Terrain
Containers are perhaps the most basic and versatile peace of tabletop terrain. This set will give you seven different Containerdesigns fitting for 28mm tabletop games with a Modern or Future-Fantasy setting. You can get the set here: I hope this set will let you have as much fun in your games as i have since using them. Just Print, build and play! -
Hey Guys! So, like so many others here, I've decided to create a PLOG (or BLOG) for the creation of my primaris army. Important: I plan to actually try and get around to painting this stuff, unlike my hundreds of standard Blood Angels Astartes. The original goal had been to build the starter set and get those painted, but a nice chap I know offered to trade his Primaris for my Death Guard, which i (unsurprisingly) accepted. I had also ordered a few bits from Bits and Kits too... Anyway, so why do I care about Primaris? For me they look how I've always imagined marines, the proportions look so much better than just about any True Scale marine I've seen, although there are a few that I thing come pretty close. I also am in the minority, in that I like the way the background is going, I actually like the idea that the Imperium isn't on a total back foot for the first time in probably the full 10 millenia since the Heresy! I can totally get behind the idea that a secret project to create better Astartes was sanctioned but because of the bureaucracy and shear inefficiency of the Imperium, such a project could then languish when it was desperately needed. Sure, I get that it's "Just GW trying to sell models", of course it is, its a business. But for me at least, I actually like the way the background is going (WE MOVED FORWARD IN TIME! HOORAY!!). As some of you may know, I've been in the hobby around 21 years now. And I've also been a member of this forum for the since 2004, I've seen so many inspirational things come out of this forum and I'm always greatful for the awesome stuff people come up with! So thanks for that As any of you that came across my old Blood Angels blog, or maybe some of my older porjects even on here will know, I usually like to do fairly substantial conversions, lots of reposing and sculpting. I imagine this project will eventually get more of that too, but for now, I'm focusing on keeping things reasonably simple, so I can get things to a point I'm happy to paint in a reasonable amount of time and (hopefully!) actually get stuff painted. I'll still be doing conversions on things of course, but probably not much in the way of heavy sculpting beyond stuff like hair and little details. The concept for my army, will be the soldiers assigned to 2nd Company to replenish it after the events of Angels Blade/Traitors Hate and then the Devastation of Baal. Once that book (or other helpful sources) comes out, I'll probably do a minor reshuffle to fit whatever official format GW Assigns Primaris in the Blood Angels chapter. I am hoping the info on existing Astartes being 'upgraded' proves to be true, but if not I'll work around it. But I'd like to 'upgrade' my Aphael to Primaris status, probably once I've got the new captain in hand and can work it out. Anyway, so here's what I've done so far! EVERY IMAGE IS CLICKABLE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION What you see above is Four Intercessor squads, Two Hellblaster squads, Three Ancients, Four Lieutenants and a Captain in Gravis Armour. There are also a set of Intercessors, but I cannot finish building those till I have painted the heads and sprayed the bodies. For the Lieutenants, I have built two stock, with a a shoulder pad change on one of them and some BA blood drop bling added to both - didnt bother taking extra pictures of those two. I then have a second ranged Lieutenant with a bit more of an involved conversion: He has a hand from one lieutenant, body from the other, an arm from a lieutenant with the hand from a sergeant, a shoulder pad swap, replaced the pistol on his waist with one from the mk3 kit, head from a hellblaster sergeant. Overall I'm pretty happy that I've managed to make him quite distinctive from the standard two. I then have probably my favourite model so far - Again, the conversion is simple, but I feel it's worked very nicely for pose, leaning forward like he has just completed an arcing slash with the sword. I need to sculpt hair on him still, unsure on exact style I'll go for, probably messy short hair. For the Intercessors, Squad 1: This squad has a few shoulder pad swaps (every squad has a few), Sergeant is close to stock, different right arm (one from a lieutenant, with the bolter from the sergeant, used the sergeant arm, but replaced the hand with one holding a bolter clip from the blood angels tactical squad. Sqaud 2: This unit is almost built stock, just some shoulder pad changes. Squad 3: This squad again had a few shoulder pad changes, sergeant uses a bionic arm from devastators, head is a sergeant head with hair shaved down (he'll stay bald), quite happy with how he looks. Squad 4: This unit is again, fairly stock, simple head swap on the walking and shooting marine, sergeant had a shoulder swap (this was the first unit I built) Next Is Ancient 1 and Hellblaster Squad 2: The Hellblaster squad has every model with a shoulder swap, sergeant uses head from a Lieutentant and has both pads swapped.Ancient is totally stock except for a tiny bit of BA bling added to his belt (one of the scroll pouches). Ancient 2, Hellblaster Squad 1 and Ancient 3: Ancient 2 has a head from assault squad and both shoulder pads replaced. Hellblasters have a couple pads replaced but are otherwise totally standard, Ancient 3 has a bolter arm from a sergeant, head from devastators and a little bling added to his backpack, banner top replaced with a bit from BA tactical kit - I see this Ancient as a marine that was 'upgraded', or if that turns out to not be something that happens, one of the first BA Primaris, along the lines of the Ancient from Dark Imperium Book. And finally, a shot of Everything that is built as it stands: The Gravis Captains back isn't stuck on, so I can paint the helmet easier. It's a stock model, I'm thinking of trying to do a fairly elaborate conversion with the second, but thats low priority for now. So, still to build I have: a third hellblaster squad, a fifth intercessor squad, a second inceptor squad, a second gravis captain and two more lieutenants. I plan to build the Inceptors for sure, but may hold off on the others for now. I will definitely be picking up two Repulsors, a Redemptor, both the regular and birthday Captains, the Librarian and probably just the one set of Reivers for the time being. I personally love the Repulsor, it looks awesome, I'm very interested to see the rules for it, I am excited to see how it plays and hopeful that it'll help with Primaris playability on the table - I recognise that they aren't deemed good currently. The Redemptor looks great, I am interested to see what build options it has, something with a smaller central plate would be good, and I'm really wanting an exposed helmet sat in there instead of the sarcophagus, but think I may be able to convert that using spare BA dread bits anyway. The HQ models all look good, albeit a little unexciting, but they'll also likely be where I focus most of my conversion efforts. The Reivers show great promise in concept, and I absolutely love the stripped down armour, but the poses aren't great, so I'll see what I can do there... a fellow Frater over in the BA forum suggested they might look good with Alabaster Death Masks... and now I need to at least look at that for an option!. Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! C&C welcome as always.
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The following is a fanfiction I've been working on off on for sometime. I'll be posting in parts by chapter. Broken Talon Prologue The two Blackshields stood facing each other, each in their Mk4 battle plate daubed in black, almost all sign of their original legion destroyed aside from the cobalt blue of their left pauldron and a faded Ultima rune barely visible on the right. All around them was the final preparations of their warband as battle brothers, serfs, and even the occasional Imperial Army trooper readied the flight of Xiphon Interceptors, Thunderhawks, Stormbirds, and more for the final attack to come. “Well Captain, here we are again.” the slightly shorter of the two said with grin, his face stocky and dark with a scar stretching across his cheek bone. His deep brown eyes shone with a humor undulled by years of civil war, even the abandonment of legion. “So it seems.” The other replied solemnly, his complexion tan and dark brown hair close cropped, his green eyes hard, but a certain softness to them that belied his nature of a care for those of his cause, beyond simple ties of brotherhood. He sighed and looked at the waiting aircraft around them as the noise of starting engines began to fill the air, “I fear this may be the last time we see each other, Idris.” “Oh please, you’ve said that before, yet we’re still here!” the other laughed, wrapping his knuckles against the chestplate of his commander and friend, before letting his voice drop, “Though I do see what you mean. The scions spoke to me, they say evil witchcraft permeates that destroyer. I do have my reservations at fighting warpcraft without a psyker, but we will make do.” The other nodded, “We always do.” he replied, removing his helmet from his side and clicking it into place with a hiss of pressure sealant, “Regardless, some of us need to survive. Word is that things on Terra are soon to come to an end, and we need to be ready. If we do not survive, destroy the site from orbit.” the Captain replied, “We cannot allow Calavon to fall. It is up to us to ensure these mortals have a home after we are gone.” “What? Again?” the other complained seemingly oblivious to the reasoning of his Commander, “Every time! You get to go charge off with the final battle while I have to stay on the ship?” “You know it's for the best. Or do you really want Chabor to take over our merry little band to meet the victor of Terra?” the Captain asked, a wry grin coloring his tone to his old friend even through the modulating tone of his helmet’s vox. Nearby a Knight in white and blue livery strode by on its way to the front, shaking the ground slightly with each footfall, but the Astartes paid it no heed. “Oh by the Emperor…” the other put on an aghast look, before putting on his own helmet with play for urgency, “I best ensure that never happens. He would probably do more damage to us than the enemy!” he laughed, coming out as a bark through his helmet. The pair of Legionnaires clasped gauntlets, and nodded to each other, “Good hunting Captain, see you back aboard the Triumph. Kill a few Word Bearers for me will you?” The Captain grinned under his helm, “If there’s enough left after I’ve had my own count, I think I could manage.” Flak fire exploded all around as the downed Word Bearers destroyer fired what batteries it had operational at the incoming flight of warbirds from the Blackshield Warband known as the Broken Talons. The Captain flew his own Thunderhawk, expertly avoiding each flak burst with a skill borne of decades of flying for his original Legion, far beyond what the psycho-indoctrination of other Astartes allowed. The flak fire suddenly lifted as auspex alert chimes warned of Word Bearer Xiphons storming in. This was their final stand, and so were throwing what pitiful remnants they had left at the Warband. Their attempt to usurp the Knight World of Calavon had failed, and the Broken Talons were simply there to tear out the last of their corruption. The warband’s own Xiphons split and engaged the incoming hostiles in what was by numbers an even fight, but under their Captain, the Broken Talons had become exceptional pilots all even by Legionary standards. Even as the transports dived at the downed space vessel, the first Word Bearer Xiphon fell flaming from the sky. The Thunderhawk, flanked by Stormbirds came to a screaming landing outside an identified rent in the hull torn upon by its crash landing. The Captain left the pilot’s seat for another more junior officer to take his place as he grabbed his Tigris pattern bolter and roared into his vox, “Let us put down these rabid traitor dogs once and for all!” as he strode into the transport compartment of the Thunderhawk. The warriors of assorted legions all exclaimed their own approvals and war-chants as the ramp began to lower. Even then, the remaining mortal servants of the Word Bearers who had attacked Calavon charged out from the wreck, heedless of the hundreds of meters of space between them and the legionnaires. The Captain strode out firing, his camo-line cloak flowing behind him as his warriors followed, joined by heavy bolter fire from the gunships. From the Stormbirds other warriors in black emerged firing, slaughtering the mortal host with as much dispassion as the Captain’s group. Under the fusilade of fire, the mortals charging them obliterated, and despite their headlong reckless charge, not a single one came close enough to attempt to deploy their suicide packs and melta charges. Those only added to their self destruction, tearing great chunks out of their numbers before the horde finally came to a trickle then ceased. The Captain opened a general vox to his host, “Onwards! The Word Bearers cower in their shelter, they think they're safe, but we shall show them the error of their ways. Be ready for anything those cowardly dogs think they might throw at us!”. A hundred strong, the warband moved into wreck, as the gunships rose to tear at the remaining weapons of the destroyer. For having fallen from orbit, the vessel remained surprisingly intact, its crew having managed an expert controlled crash, but as with any space vessel, its interior was still a veritable maze. Yet unlike in a space battle, there were only two objectives - the Warp Engines, and the bridge. The former in case the Word Bearers sought to coax them to life to self distrust, and the latter for being the likely center of operations of the Word Bearers. The Captain led one detachment towards the Bridge, and as they approached through the enclosed corridors of the small vessel, traitor resistance steadily switched from mortal chaff to enemy legionnaires. The Warband’s numbers advantage however proved decisive as the Word Bearers, worn by attrition in the war for Calavon, were badly outnumbered. When one choke point was found, teams were simply routed around through the maze of passages to flank it. As the Captain and his command squad entered the final room before the Bridge, three Word Bearers from behind makeshift barricades opened fire, attempting to turn the space between them and the loyalist Warband into a kill zone. The Captain led a charge, a bolt round ricocheting off his pauldron and spinning him, yet he caught himself and fell upon the traitors, his power sword plunging through ceramite with ease as his brothers tore the other two apart. “Casualties?” He asked, pulling his blade from the traitor’s twin hearts and looking back to the crowd of black legionnaires around him, almost adding to the gloom of the dark room. “Pratus lost a hand to a bolt shell, but he’ll live. The Claw detachment reports one fallen, Kaeston, geneseed recovered.” The apothecary Vaskon reported with a salute. An Astartes near him with a freshly sealed wound where his right hand once was nodded. The Captain was processing this, he felt a prickle along the back of his neck and a metallic tang fill his mouth, “Quick, get this door open. I would rather not discover what surprises the traitors have in store by completing them.” he said, moving aside as legionnaires moved forward and attached melta charges to the sealed armored doors to the bridge. The warband took cover as a stark white flash and bang of melta charges blew the doors in, then charged forward. The bridge was a charnel house, a handful of Word Bearer legionnaires ritualistically sacrificing the remains of their mortal command staff. All around symbols daubed in blood that hurt to look at covered the small bridge of the destroyer, centered around a single Word Bearer sorcerer chanting in guttural tones as he held aloft a strange stone knife. The Captain raised his bolt pistol and fired as the ritual reached its crescendo and the sorcerer swiped down with the blade. The shot staggered the sorcerer as he cut, and with horror the Captain watched a tremendous tear in reality rip open from the slash. The yawning black tear into nothingness seemed to want to consume all, tugging hard at the Captain and even the Word Bearers. the Sorcerer caught hold of a command console just in time to avoid being sucked in. His comrades were not so lucky, being consumed by the widening portal with screams of anger. The eyes of the unhelmed, ritualistically scarred sorcerer glared with inhuman hatred at the blackshields as they fought against the sucking void of the tear. “May the Gods toss you like the sands of time itself so that you might live to see all you fight for crumble and die! Your false emperor shall fall!” he cursed at them, his voice barely audible over the screaming void. The sorcerer suddenly let go of the console he was clinging to, being yanked off his feet and swallowed by the yawning cut in reality. As if in response, the portal seemed to drag at the blackshields with even more vigor. One was pulled off their feet, the Captain catching them quickly by the gauntlet as he held onto the breached bulkhead door. Others began to tumble, one after the other being consumed as even their own superhuman strength failed against the power of the vortex. Just as the Captain thought he might hold on through, the weakened door to the bridge cracked and crumbled sending him and the legionnaires clinging to it spilling towards the void. Time seemed to stretch as he approached its gaping maw as brothers he had fought alongside for years cartwheeled helplessly next to him. The darkness seemed to reach out for them, and suddenly, all was still. The Captain was alone, falling…falling…falling, blind to the miasma of the place between spaces he had been flung. His howls echoed in his ears, but his brothers were gone. And still he fell, for an instant and an eternity, damned to a future he knew not, where suspicion ruled, and he like the rest of the galaxy would know no peace.
40k Battlefield Trophies Set
Lord Marshal posted a topic in + NEWS, RUMORS, AND BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS +
Dead People Bits -
Salamanders Chapter Sah’rk-Hunters - 4th Scout Squad
Mike Zulu posted a blog entry in The Strifes of the Matteus Subsector
+++INTRODUCTION+++ The Sa’hrk-Hunters were the 4th Scout Squad of the Salamanders 7th Company, and were the only Scout Squad to deploy to Dakota Minor in 884M41. They did not participate in the siege of Dakota Primus, out of concern of losing the remaining future Space Marines. Once the siege was thwarted and the bulk of Imperial forces redeployed to the Adatok Wastelands to finish the Orks, Scout Sergeant Kareldek took his neophytes into the hab-blocks of Dakota Primus to flush out and destroy any stubborn Ork remnants. Sergeant Kareldek and the Scout Marines of the Sah’rk-Hunters (4th Scout Squad, 7th Company) The Sah’rk-Hunters take their name after the saurian pack-predators that roam the deserts of Nocturne. Sergeant Kareldek would frequent these deserts to test the skill and prowess of his newer neophytes. The Sah’rk-Hunters engage a hold-out of Orks and Gretchin within the Dakotra Primus hab-blocks. Two squads of scouts from the Chapters 7th Company accompanied the Yttrius Crusade, prior to the Salamanders’ arrival in the Matteus Subsector. More than two thirds of their number were killed or incapacitated, leaving only five active members by the beginning of the Dakota Minor attack. They were initially held back during the Siege of Dakota Primus, out of concern of losing the remaining future Space Marines. After the Dakota Primus siege, Captain R’Keth instructed Sergeant Kareldek to assist the DMDC in the decontamination efforts and continue their tutelage in the field. +++SQUAD MEMBERS+++ The 4th Scout Squad consisted of the following members: Aru Kareldek (Sergeant) Inducted 808M41 Full impantation Kareldek is a veteran Astartes whom recently dedicated himself to teaching the future of the chapter. He was formerly a Sergeant of the 6th Company 3rd Tactical Squad, but after a bitter feud with his Captain he was re-assigned as Sergeant of the 7th Company. He does not begrudge this sanction, as it renewed his sense of purpose within the Chapter. He has established himself as a stern but wise instructor. Scout Sergeant Aru Kareldek Fel Corr Inducted 878M41 Implant Phase: 18 The most senior neophyte, Corr is eagerly awaiting his final implants and ascending to the mantle of Space Marine. He is ambitious and overly willing to prove himself to Kareldek and his fellow battle-brothers, often to the veteran Astartes’ frustration. Scout Marine Fel Corr Xavidi Cikar Inducted 880M41 Implant Phase: 15 A devout neophyte, Cikar much idolises the Primarch Vulkan, and strives to live by his ideals and abilities on and off the battlefield. He has demonstrated an artistic flair in his works, though his blacksmithing skills need improvement. Kareldek has remarked that Cikar was the most promising initiate he has taught thus far. Scout Marine Xavidi Cikar N’Kar Augean Inducted 880M41 Implant Phase: 15 Augean is the lone survivor of the 5th Scout Squad, whom had fallen in combat during the ill-fated Yttrius Crusade. His exuberance has waned given these recent events, prompting concern from Kareldek and the Reclusiam. He is a gifted marksmen and well-versed in maintaining the Astartes arsenal. Scout Marine N'Kar Augean Kadmas Sat’ra Inducted 883M41 Implant Phase: 13 The youngest Aspirant, Sat’ra is still hesitant and subservient. He is still learning the Astartes arsenal; as of present he is mastering the flamer. He looks to Kareldek for guidance on many issues, despite the Sergeant’s attempts to nurture the individualism and self-reliance befitting a Salamander. Scout Marine Kadmas Sat'ra +++END ARTICLE+++-
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The story of Humanity in the dark future is the descent of Man into fanatic barbarism: The story of a fall from shining heights of power, knowledge and bliss in ancient times, to a present nightmare of ignorance, misery and slaughter. Descendant Degeneration "Ancient Man lived a life free of hardship and deprivation, for he had built himself an abundant paradise and banished what was ill in life. In these gardens sprawling across the stars, Man did not kill Man, and Man did not abduct Woman, and Man did not beat Child, for all lived a life of bliss. Hope reigned supreme, a hope sprung from Man's great achievements, and Man worshipped his own high knowledge. For Man had utterly mastered nature, and his craft and cunning tapped into the very powers of creation itself. And Man of Gold had created Man of Stone to work for him, and Man of Stone had in turn created Man of Iron to work for him. And thus this earthly trinity of Man bestrode the stars like a colossus, and Man stood strong and unchallenged by mortals. And Man dared the cosmos to best him, and for a time nothing in the heavens answered his challenge, and Man concluded that nothing holy existed, and even if divinity did exist, then Man's might was far superior. Yet Man's own arrogance rose to meet his challenge, and in his hubris Man was cut down by his own creations. Man of Iron turned on Man of Stone, and when Man of Stone had fallen did Man of Iron turn on Man of Gold. A great slaughter across the stars ensued, and Man barely survived the war in paradise which he had brought upon himself. Yet even so Man's hubris and unbelief persisted, for Man still clung onto the remains of his estates, and Man was determined to rebuild and rise higher than ever before. The devastation had been great, yet Man stood triumphant even against the might of his own treacherous craft. And Man dared creation itself to interfere with his worldly ascendance. And Dark Ones of Hell festering at the roots of the universe heard Man's call of defiance, and they cast Man down utterly by sending him witches and unholy ravages, strife and madness. The false Golden Age of Man had proven to be nothing but a Dark Age of Technology, an era empty of faith and bereft of divine blessings, and thus did paradise burn. And so Man was torn from his pedestal, and in his fall did Man topple his own works. Man bled and Man suffered. Man killed Man, and Man abducted Woman, and Man beat Child, and Man ate his own kin in desperation during Old Night. Doom was laden upon Man, and Man almost died to the last for his baleful sins, yet the goodness in the heart of the hidden Emperor would not allow such a righteous end to befall wretched Man. For He on Terra arose amid the carnage and devastation and revealed Himself to be the only true protector of Mankind, chosen by all the gods of old, whom He now superseded. And the Emperor saved Man and reclaimed the lost stars, and for a time all was well. Yet the wickedness in the heart of Man proved too strong, and so Man betrayed his saviour and nigh-on slew the Emperor. And the Emperor ascended into godhood and decreed Man to do eternal penance for his abominable sins. And thus it shall be, as the God-Emperor Himself decreed: Man will be made to repent. We swear everlasting hatred toward the deviant and the mutant. We swear everlasting hatred toward the alien and the witch. We swear everlasting hatred toward the unbeliever and the heretic. We swear everlasting hatred toward the sinner and the unrepentant. With the God-Emperor as our witness, we swear to purge blasphemy and sin from this world. We swear to scour the land and rid it of filth. We swear to harrow the abodes of Man and bring him to redemption. For we will harbour no pity. No remorse. No mercy. Hate! An emotion as deep as it is pure. Hate! An emotion as true as it is just. Hate! Let it flow, let it guide you. Hate! Hate! Hate!" - Ancestral Sins of Man, pamphlet penned in M.38 by Cardinal Ignatius Paulinus Hieronymus of Salem Proctor - - - One of the very best aspects of Warhammer 40'000 is its overarching history for Humanity. It starts with soaring hopes and dazzling progress, with unfettered science, technology and optimism. Yet it end in flames and darkness, in despair and ignorance, where only feeble sparks of the great ancient light remains. The Emperor's bloody conquest across the Milky Way galaxy succeeded in uniting most of the Human worlds, yet even during the Imperium's short-lived age of progress did it manage to quell alternative sources of Human rebirth, such as the Auretian Technocracy. The Imperium of the Great Crusade stamped out any middle ground factions, such as the peaceful, nomadic and xenophile Diasporex, leaving little left but the two ruthless, polar opposites of tyrannic Imperium and bloodthirsty Chaos. When the Emperor fell, the Human renaissance died with him, and his merciless Imperium descended into a long age of rotting stagnation and fanatic savagery. This lost promise of Humanity's ancient ascendancy has always been the most intriguing aspect of the dark future to me. The above little painting was inspired by listening to 's well-crafted videos on this very topic. I warmly recommend them.
Hey everyone, welcome to my WIP thread, showcasing my ongoing work on my main 40k army, my World Eaters, and their allies, the band of traitorous Imperial Guard known to the galaxy as "Urash's Marauders". I realise that some of you probably already know my thread in the Hall of Honour section. Now I've chosen to open a WIP thread for two reasons: One, I am far better (and faster) at converting and kitbashing than I am at painting. So this thread will give me the chance to keep posting new stuff even while I haven't managed to finish the paintjob on the models in question Two, the number of truly creative and spectacular threads in this section - like Brother Heinrich's Night Lords or 1000Heathen's Heresy thread, to name but two - is truly astounding and inspiring, and I would like to be a part of that ;-) Like I said, my World Eaters have always been, and continue to be, my most important 40k project. I worked on them back when I was a teenager, and they are the army i pretty much immediately returned to when getting back into the hobby in late 2010 after a longer hiatus. So before I show you the unpainted, work in progress stuff - warts and all - let me just share a few impressions of the painted part of my World Eaters as it stands right now: Here's a look at almost all of the painted models. I give you Khorne's Eternal Hunt: My World Eaters' background is that they are the remnants of the 12th Astartes legion's 4th assault company. While most of the legion fractured into small warbands after the Skalathrax campaign, the 4th still functions as a fairly coherent fighting force. And even though this force is reasonably similar to other World Eaters’ forces all over the galaxy, there’s one marked difference: The legionaries of the 4th are still clinging fiercely to their martial honour, a remnant of their past as the Warhounds Astartes legion. They feel that it is only their honour that still gives them purpose, and so they are eternally trawling the galaxy for powerful warriors and worthy prey, a never ending hunt in the service of the Blood God – hence the name. Let me show you some more pictures: A model I am really proud of is my converted Heldrake, called the "Hellrazor": Building and painting Chaos Lords in Terminator armour is a lasting addiction of mine, so here are some of them: And there’s an equally large collection of Chaos Lords in power armour, of course. Among them my converted Dark Apostle (shown on the left): Then there’s a small collection of champions and models I painted just for fun (among them the starts of a dedicated gladiator squad). While several of those concepts may be spun off into an own squad, all of these “stragglers” together can almost make up another berzerker squad: And finally, there’s the beginnings of a small detachment of traitorous Space Wolves, led by one "Joras Turnpelt". These will be used as "regular" Chaos Space Marines (optionally granted the Mark of Khorne), whenever the battle plan calls for some bolter-wielding personnel: All in all, that's quite a collection already: In addition to the models seen above, there are also some more recent additions (or simply models I am pretty proud of). Such as... custom Dark Apostle Stian Gul (wielding a huge warhorn, since hearing its sounds will always prove more inciting to the World Eaters than any sermon could ever hope to be) and my custom Warpsmith Deracin, Keeper of the Forge: Both models were completely build from various plastic parts. And there's my newest Daemon Engine, dubbed the "Wargrinder": And, last but not least, my World Eaters can be accompanied by an allied regiment of Traitor Guard, Urash's Marauders. This is still a fairly small detachment, and I mostly use the project to build and paint whatever takes my fancy: So yeah, so much for the recap of the painted part of my army. If you would like to see more of those guys, you're very welcome to head over to my Hall of Honour thread and check them out. And now for the less finished stuff Let me just start by posting some of the things that I am currently working on (or that have already been built but still lack some colour). First up, my Chaos Terminators. I have been in love with Terminators as a unit type for a very long time, and this has nothing to do with their rules. There’s just something about these colossal, armoured behemoths that really clicks with me. And from a converter’s perspective, the added size compared to regular Marines offers lots of room for customisation, dramatic posing etc. Alas, the original metal Chaos Terminators were always a tad too expensive for my teenage self, back in the 90s, and by the time the new plastic Chaos Terminators came around in 2007, I was still on my hobby hiatus. But when I returned to wargaming in 2010, a box of Terminators was a part of the first order I ever placed with GW, and the resulting squad was actually among the first things I built. Over time, I kept adding more models to the squad, since I wanted them to be a fitting retinue for my Chaos Lords. So here are pretty much all the Terminators I’ve come up with so far: First up, a Terminator wielding a chainfist and a Combi-Melta: As you can see, I added Khornate bunny ears to the model’s armour – a trait shared by pretty much all of my “regular” Terminators. On a related note, I am really glad that I didn’t break off all the weapon arms when the newly released codex said these guys could get either the combi-weapon or the special CC weapon. This oversight was fortunately corrected in the FAQ. Phew! Here’s a Terminator with a Heavy Flamer. You know, for the “Burn!” in “Kill! Maim! Burn!” Funnily, this is also one of the few models actually wearing a Terminator helmet… In this case, it’s the one with the Rhinoceros like horn which I quite like. And while we are on the subject of special weapons, here’s a Terminator with a Reaper Autocannon: this model was actually converted from an AOBR loyal Terminator! I added some WFB Marauder shoulder pads to the Terminator’s knees to mask their loyal heritage… This next model was built to be the squad’s champion: Again, the model is armed with a chainfist and Combi-Melta. I used a leftover head from the FW Lord Zhufor kit to show this guy’s status as a champion. And now, let me show you my favourite conversions in the squad: This guy was also converted from an AOBR Termie — from the very model that came as a giveaway with WD when 5th edition was released, to be exact. When I built this guy in early 2010, I was quite proud of myself for figuring out that the chaos bitz could be combined with the loyal AOBR models. It’s surely been some time since then, and I like to imagine that my more recent conversions are quite a bit more ingenious. But this is where it started Here’s my favourite detail about the model, though: When I built it, I didn’t have enough chaos shoulder pads. So I used a really old WFB skeleton as a stand-in on the model’s right arm. Take a look: Pretty nifty, huh? Then there’s this guy, also converted from an AOBR model, from the sergeant in fact. I really went all out on this guy back then, adding lots of skull trophies, chains, some very nice Chaos Knight pauldrons, and all new weapons. The horns came from the “Khornate head” from the regular CSM kit. The Pteryges loincloth worn by the model fits with the gladiatorial look of the World Eaters rather nicely. And finally, the squad’s (and company’s) standard bearer, brother Verak: Since the model is carrying an icon (from the WFB Warriors of Chaos) in its right hand, I had to find a way to combine the bolter and power fist, so I built a little “DIY Talon of Horus” by adding regular Bolters and an ammo feed from an old CSM heavy Bolter to the fist. I also used a shaved down berzerker head as a stylised helmet for the model, showing its special status in the squad. Although this guy was one of the first conversions I did after getting back into the hobby, he still holds up rather nicely, doesn’t he? Unfortunately, I have only managed to paint a single regular Terminator up until now. In fact, it was the first Terminator I ever painted. Here he is: This was my test model for the squad, so you may be able to spot how I was still finding my feet painting Terminators. I’ll definitely need to drill out the barrels at some point, since they look rather horrible. The base will also have to be changed to reflect the current look of my bases, but apart from that, I think this guy works out alright. The problem remains that these guys are quite a bit less fun to paint than they are to convert. These are also some of my older conversions, so they may lack the flair of some of the more current models. In addition to the rank and file Termies, I always like to convert a Chaos Lord or two. Here are some examples: First up, a Chaos Lord in Terminator armour wielding a pair of lightning claws: This guy may also be the start of a small, dedicated LC unit: As you can see, the Chaos Termie Lord kit formed the base for the conversion (although the torso front came from the regular Chaos Terminators). I added a pair of SW Lightning claws, since I liked the extra sharp look of the claws. The head and right shoulderpad came from the FW World Eaters Terminators, while the Khornate bunny ears were cut off a WFB Finecast champion of Khorne. It seems like a very easy kitbash, but it took me ages to get the pose on this guy right. The second model I managed to complete has already appeared in some of my fluff is Brother Hokar, the 4th assault company's Master of the Guard. The idea of using the great Chaos Knight pauldrons as a sort of cowl was lifted from Lamby’s excellent “Legion of Thorns” thread. I think it really adds character to a Terminator! I also had the idea of arming him in a rather unconventional way by giving him a spear and shield. I wanted this to reflect the World Eaters’ gladiatorial traditions: I imagine that gladiators in the grimdark of the far future would be trained to use different weapon configurations (pretty much like the gladiators in ancient Rome), so I thought it would be interesting to explore different loadouts for no other reason than to give some additional character to the individual models. I can imagine a bodyguard for Lorimar where every member is wielding a highly individual combination of weapons — wouldn’t that be cool? Anyway, as you can see, the model’s legs came from a SW Terminator. I felt the trophy pelt was a nice callback to the 4th assault company’s role as a hunting party. I used some bits from the Skullcrusher kit to make the armour on the legs look slightly more chaotic. Hokar also uses a shield from the Skullcrusher kit. Many people are skeptical of shields on Khorne models, but I felt that, as Master of the Guard, Hokar should really be equipped for defense as well as offense. Plus everyone who has seen the fantastically corny Spartacus series knows shields can be used in fairly creative ways… Phew, with this huge first post out of the way, let me welcome you once again to this WIP thread! Expect to see more updates soon! And, of course, I would be happy to hear any feedback, ideas, suggestions or questions you might have! In any case, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!
Hi All! I have not ventured into this forum much despite owning a few Inquisitors, I usually keep them more aligned with my IG collection and WIP as they generally don't have their own retinue. I had been holding out for a dedicated Custodes subforum and now with the release of the new FW Beta rules for ALL the units I've decided now is the time to start this thread. I do have a fairly reasonable collection so far, albeit mostly unpainted. I blame that on deciding to go with the Solar Watch colour scheme... The guys have sooo much detail... I do think it is worth it in the end. My hobby goals for this year are to finish some random guard projects I haven't completed and then focus on getting a painted and playable Custodes army. Some pic's of my collection so far My initial purchase I actually have Trajann at a semi decent TT quality, but apparently not uploaded any pics of him yet I've built most my bikes! Although I do have 1-2? boxes left to build since I did these... My first bike and scheme testing, Vallejo colours helped me achieve the ivory and gold I wanted The Terminators are possibly some of my most favourite models in 40k atm And this is essentially my only fully painted model in a year or so of collecting... My xmaspresent from last year Which is now doubly so thanks for FW's release today! He's already washed, ready to assemble and magnetise Over the long weekend last week I managed to build 10 Custodians to finish of my battalion requirement I already had assembled and magentised 1 box, these guys I didn't bother with Local store had a 40-50% clearance sale on GW the other week picked up some more models that I probably didn't need... Hopefully will order some of the new Venatari soon too Having finally kicked off this thread, I hope it spurs me more to finish this army sooner! And for those wondering
Afternoon all. An intresting little story article has dropped on WarCom this afternoon with some new background for Warzone Chalnath. Story takes the form of a command meeting transcript discussing the redeployment of Tempestus units to engage the T'au. Could be evidence that the rumoured jump scion vs Vespid kill team box is real and we might not have to wait too long for a reveal? Chalnath Dispatches – At All Costs - Warhammer Community ( Let the hype and speculation begin!
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Glad to see it hasn't been left to rot. -
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