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Aqui last won the day on October 6 2018

Aqui had the most liked content!

About Aqui

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  • Location
    Byzantium, Segmentum Pacificus
  • Faction
    Order of the Dauntless Spirit

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    Order of the Dauntless Spirit



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  1. As much as it's good to finally have JPC back, I would have liked the option for her to have a bolt pistol or Inferno pistol as the alternative to the hand flamer. But, it is what it is.
  2. I would have liked the JPC to have had the option for a Bolt pistol or Inferno pistol, but the fact that she finally exists again, I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.
  3. Congratulations! :) May I suggest: Ophelia VII Terra Macragge Baal Ferris Tyran Armaggedon Et al :)
  4. Only thing I can think of, is that all Sisters aspire to visit Terra or Ophelia VII (depending on which of the Sainted Sisters their Order comes from) on a pilgrimage. Pretty sure sending new Sisters to Terra just to make them "offical" isn't very efficient. Even for a huge bureaucratic, nonsensical empire like the Imperium. Travel to Terra or Ophelia VII could take years, and sending Sisters off like that could mean the difference between holding a system and losing it. I dare say that each Order has a rite of passage for newly promoted Sisters in their Chapels.
  5. Good to see you back! ^_^
  6. Watch this space...
  7. Ecclesiarchy? he could of meant Adeptus Ministorum, aka Ecclesiarchy Yeah, I had a mental furball and typed the wrong thing :lol:
  8. Priests are Munitorium, not Sisterhood. They deal with the civilians' worship of Him on Earth, and merely join Orders in battle alongside, not part of of it. Whilst the Sisterhood are disciplined overall, it's not impossible for some Sisters to need reminding of their vows, and require some battlefield discipline.
  9. I'll be able to make a (Mercy) Celestine, (Pharah) Seraphim and a (Brigette) Celestian Sacresant now (if I use a mace) :lol: But seriously, it's beyond time that Celestians got better options, albeit a variant. And there's more still to come...apparently.
  10. I've been absent from the Chapels for way too long. I hadn't noticed this until now! Nice stuff ^_^
  11. Grimdark Landmate, ftw!
  12. Welcome back! ^_^ 1 yes. The core book, is the BRB for want of a better term. The other rules are for other game types. There are also some suppliment books that have more rules for factions, but that doesn't affect us too much. 2 yes, but the Repressor is now a "Legends" unit, i.e. can't be used in tournaments. Our Codex came at the literal end of 8th ed. 3 Not sure, I still haven't got the 9th ed rules and organised myself yet. 4 Old models and their base sizes are completely valid. GW has said many times that a GW model can still be used, with its original size base. 5 The regulars are still about, just not the focus any more. Just so you know, Kill Team has been updated and Sisters have rules for it, albeit not that great. I've forgotten which book they're in though. Good to see you here again! ^_^
  13. This is a free program that works like Photoshop: https://www.gimp.org/
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