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About Varred

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    Blood Angels, Imperial Fists

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  • Armies played
    Space Marines Tyranids

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  • Member 1 year

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  1. I'd love to hear more about this. I don't mind the spoiler when I have to wait so long to read it myself. Damn, pray tell more. Or PM please. Must know that :cuss and the regular release of the book is at least 6 months away :(
  2. Okay. Last minute completition. (i think at least. It's 23:03 here ) http://i.imgur.com/rgJJdQd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QB0IFs3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JsHK4PW.jpg And a pic with both of my entries together http://i.imgur.com/RWgkU1c.jpg I really had no time this month. But somehow he is finished. Congrats to all that finished their vows! Cheers to all Varred EDIT: @Trokair I gave him red coat to be consistent with my Captain and 3rd Co. markings, but felt that only the pauldron wasnt enough to make him a true Fist so i did a Yellow inner coat exactly the same as armour of my fists. And as to the hammer, yes i lenghtened the hilt just a bit above the hand. I think it rocks now and thanks for the criticism and suggestions :D
  3. @Trokair Well done with this lord! He looks awesome :D And yes, my Librarian is nearing completiton. In fact i have some more WIPs today. Only base and battle damage left to do. Here he is: http://i.imgur.com/nrgSc9l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W596tzP.jpg All works presented in this thread are awesome and some are straight jaw dropping. Very very good job on that Night Lord Mikhal, he is awesome. And to BCK, you simply have to paint it. It would be a shame such skilled sculpting waste away unpainted and what better motivation than this little thread there is? Cheers to all Varred
  4. Agree the shaft is a bit too short, but i wanted to base that hammer on this one: http://news.toyark.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/12/Damtoys-Orgrim-Warcraft-Statue-009.jpg The logic behind hammer and it's physics is based on human strength. Also according to those physics, the smaller the hitting point the better, so they should probably use a pickaxe instead og a hammer. But they are Space Marines, and my concept was simmilar to the Warcraft movie maker i think. It is big enough to create that force with a short hammer. Like hitting a nail on the head. But yeah, still the shatf should be longer. Cheers Varred
  5. Sorry for the double post, but as soon as i replied to Mikhail's suggestion, I went straight away to the workbench. Turns out I had some deathwatch minis i was never going to use (fun fact, next GW codex is Deathwatch and they are super OP . I can bet on that), so I got right away to work. The weapon needs some touch ups and GS work, but it is after midnight here and I am going to sleep. I present You the hammer of Dorn (oddly on a librarian but who cares) http://i.imgur.com/3toUBPn.jpg Cheers Varred
  6. U can see how i did Captain in this thread, but i am undecided on his armour. ​On one hand IF are codex compliant. Even more than the smurfs since the introduction of Tyrranic War Vets, but on the other hand he will not look as a fist would have. I'll look into what maces or hammers do i have in my bitsbox. Cheers Varred
  7. Here comes my Librarian. I don't know how to make him look more like an Impreial Fist. Any thoughts? http://i.imgur.com/MEyX76M.jpg Cheers Varred
  8. I, Varred, challenge Trokair to step into the Arena with me, where we shall both build, paint, and base a CHARACTER ON FOOT, I shall bring forth a PRIMARIS LIBRARIAN before the deadline of August 31st, 2017. If they accept and complete the challenge, eternal glory will be theirs. If they accept and fail, they shall wear the badge of shame until the end of 018M02.
  9. Ok guys! I think as I and GreyRaven finished our vows, I am open for another challenge! He who may be bravo enough to challenge me to another rund of our little competition may do so! Just make sure It is character on foot or a unit of some kind. BRING IT ON BROTHER!!! Cheers Varred
  10. Sadly I can only do post numbers, as i don't know how to provide links. GRC's finished post #141 And mine: #279 Cheers Varred
  11. My entry should have a link to final finished photo, and GreyRavenC's photos aren't linked i think. We are all flawed though so no pressure. Just thought i'd share it with you. Cheers Varred
  12. Not sure if the list is up to date tho :)
  13. I think indeed we are :D And i am not so sure I can accept Your defeat. Your model is really good too :D My camera somewhat flattened the highlights sadly but i didnt do extreme highlights like some do. Also, there are no decals on the Captain :P And only one on the Intercessor, but it cn't be seen on the photo :D Cheers Varred
  14. Another one finished! This time a Captain: http://i.imgur.com/1njPLYM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jrBUsUU.jpg And with a friend: http://i.imgur.com/ajhpXmK.jpg Cheers Varred
  15. Hey all! Here are my first two finished Primaris imperial Fists! Hope you like them! http://i.imgur.com/ajhpXmK.jpg Cheers Varred
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