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elmo last won the day on April 30 2022

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About elmo

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  • Location
    In the corner - painting
  • Faction
    T'au/Dark Angels/711th CCAB

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  • Armies played
    Tau, DA, IG, Orcs and Goblins



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  1. More photos - I think I missed a couple of HWTs but I plan to do a collection photo soon so I will get them in then. The gaps will get filled with the rest of the collection.
  2. First of all... apologies for going dark over the last 6 months. There were a few RL issues and motivational problems, which meant my productivity was lacking. I am slowly getting back into the hobby, albeit the next project will be WTOW, but I managed to finish off my vow for The Barracks plus a few extra models. Plus found a template for the printer as a squad holder as a storage solution Here is a holder photo of the troops and I hope to get better photos uploaded as weather permits.
  3. No photos this weekend but I have painted another 12 torsos and leg assemblies. Next up the last 11 torsos and leg assemblies then a couple of weeks painting arms, heads and equipment then I will be done. Planning for mid August to have completed my vow then maybe a couple of cheeky characters to finish off.
  4. Working through the Heavy Weapon Teams crew with 3 seated and 6 kneeling crewmen. All from Anvil Industry. https://anvilindustry.co.uk/medium-armour-torso https://anvilindustry.co.uk/fatigue-legs-kneeling-sitting
  5. The 20 snap fit are now complete less unit markings which I will add once the full pledge is complete and I can work out who goes where Next up is to start on the kneeling and sitting Guardsmen for the HWTs. Hopefully the 9 will be done by the end of next week then I will do the arms and start on the standing Guardsmen for the HWTs.
  6. First 20 snap fit now completed. Moving on to the kneeling troops for the HWT next.
  7. Now up to 20 Arms next then I will start on some kneeling HWT guys..
  8. Been working on the first of 20 snap fit IG and after trimming the excess plastic (chest piece and rifle butt/arm) they were primed in matt black. Then the fun began..... 3 coats of watered down Vallejo Light sand Wash with Agrax Earthshade Drybrush with Vallejo Light sand Blotches with Vallejo Parasite Brown Spots of Matt Black Spots on the black of Matt White Castellan Green (Drybrush Vallejo Camo Green) Leadbelcher (Black Wash) Bronzed Flesh (Wash with Agrax Earthshade then highlight Bronzed Flesh) Warlock Bronze (Black Wash) Zandri Dust (Wash with Agrax Earthshade) Matt Black (Drybrush Shadow Grey) I think that was it Next up the remaining Snap fit bodies then on to their arms/lasguns. Busy busy...
  9. Been working on the first of 20 snap fit IG and after trimming the excess plastic (chest piece and rifle butt/arm) got around to priming last Sunday and spent a couple of hours per evening painting them up. Here is how they look now... Another 10 to do then I will get around to the Rifles/arms.
  10. I, painting servitor E1m0 heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 13 HWTs and 26 Guardsmen for 68 pts for the Glory of Imperial Guard and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. They have now been primed and HWT bases are being printed
  11. All primed now and 3D printing bases for the HWTs
  12. Back in The Barracks for Call to Arms 2024. I will be clearing out some of the pile of shame and working on Guardsmen and HW teams. This is what I have found so far but I have 3 old Sentinels too which I might get around to as well.
  13. Well... I am interested Will be mainly clearing out my grey guardsmen though so not high points value.
  14. I am seeing mini-Bobz everywhere Keep up the great work
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