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Kierdale last won the day on September 24 2023

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About Kierdale

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    IG: Kierdale's World Shrine Garrison. SM: Scythes of the Emperor. CSM: Psychopomps.



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  1. Next time! These is so much stuff you can use. Aside from the obvious stuff, there’s UV resin, cheap types of clay and the like for terrain and basing too.
  2. And another ¥100 store, Seria, has these beam-sets with rubber connections. The connections won’t take paint but the beams spray up fine. Two pieces make a square-cross section beam, but you can also put them together in a zig-zag way… I bought multiple sets.
  3. If you happen to be in (or pass through) Japan, hundred-yen-stores are a wargamer’s best friend. Daiso now has these mech-stands for Y100 each…easily adaptable as terrain. I’ll post more pics once I’ve got one quickly painted up.
  4. May they take a great many heads in service to you!
  5. Plasma-hawk Ambassador pineapple And the champion with both arm options: Fisty McFister
  6. Aaaaand the squad is done! The executioner The head-taker
  7. Thanks, Xenith! Neeeearly done. Just blood, decals and a few touch ups.
  8. Thank you both! The masks are indeed from Dark Elves. Half my Daemonettes have the normal heads and half wear those masks, hence the fiend has some of each writing beneath its flesh. With the Raptors’ lenses done, plasma done, most of the jump packs on…it’s feeling like the home straight now. Just hair, grenades. bare eyes, decals and basing to go.
  9. Been working on the Dire Avengers today. The complete one and the…head. aaaand I posted my Maulerfiend on Mericari today and someone bought it within about 20 minutes. I’d just put it back on the shelf after taking photos!
  10. Thanks! I’d forgotten how much intricate trim CSM have, and how much detail newer GW kits have. Too much. I got the skin done on the two helmetless raptors and did the blue on the Dire Avenger. They’re all coming along. I paint them in my lunch break at work. I’d best get started on basing, too.
  11. I finished the purple on the squad today. I swear this is the last time I paint CSM! on to the other colours tomorrow. I think I’ll paint the Dire Avenger next.
  12. Not a lot of progress as I’ve been busy selling stuff on Mericari (CSM and IG and even some GSC I’d forgotten about), but have got the trim finished on four of the five raptors. I should be able to do the other tomorrow.
  13. Pink’s done. Metal is shaded and needs highlighting. Now starting on the purple trim. Oh god. I remember I removed the trim from this squad’s left arms and legs not only for aesthetic reasons!
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