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PeaceCraft last won the day on November 9 2023

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About PeaceCraft

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  1. time for some casualties. take that mangy grot!
  2. @pawl i'm back! trying to get another coder on board so we can get the prototyping done i adjusted the animation so he would be less stiff and walk more wobbly, hunched down, having a more comical style of walk, cuz you know - grot. i'll do some work on the grot, then i'll go back to designing the nob
  3. @mithrilforge thanks! still working on the nob that's gonna wield that choppa slight update preliminary jogging grot. strutting around like he's a big shot
  4. testing out some big choppa designs
  5. @Grotsmasha thanks! im back with a bang!
  6. @AGRAMAR thanks! ill be doing them other factions in phase 4 of the project, if i manage to get that far! there is so much to do before adding factions and extra playable characters aaaand i found a solution for any IP issues here - Presenting Lucky Company and their glorious horseshoe symbol, the pride of the star soldiers!
  7. grotz and back to planning and just a little git just asking for a kickin'
  8. HELLO FOLKS! I'M BACKafter a 8 month hiatus and still no sign of my programmer partner getting time to finish the prototype (2 jobs, 2 small kids, its totally understandable - life is complicated ) i decided to pretty much just hire someone on fiver to program what's still missing in the game. its not a smart move for me since this project is intended to be free and i don't even have a patreon setup (i'm doing this to dodge GW lawyers, besides avoiding IP usage and names) and there wont be any revenue planned, but i want to get moving again and that seems like the only way.So i'm reviewing everything i have so far and am retaking the project. Checklist1- organize the game design document in a presentable format to hand over to the unreal engine developer on fiver. i have one but its a very messy and anyone not me wouldn't understand it, need to fill in some blanks and detail every little function2- make 2 more core mechanic characters (i have melee guy, and shooty guy, i still need to make a tanky guy and a buffing character to determine the challenges in the core gameplay loop)3- pay up and hire a gamedev on fiver to make a blueprint based system and finish the engine that is already halfway done (but cant show anything yet - we can pilot the character but there is no AI to fight)4- make devlog youtube channel to push it out there and gather interest (need scripting, presentation, some motion graphics, its quite a lot of work)5- prepare a discord channel to make a community and playtest everything6- upload the prototype version to itch.io and get people involvedand ... that's it. seems simple but i project that it'll be at least a few weeks before i get something donei'll get working on the game design document and start making the 'ard boy nextstay tuned!
  9. Slight update: finished all the animations and sprites and visual assets necessary for the prototype and i'm quite happy with them - but programing the actual game is going super slow. the programmer is very busy with real life (2 jobs+ new kids) so i am currently polishing my programing knowledge with videos, tutorials studying C# and visual scripting while trying to program the game's AI. I feel like a toddler learning to walk trying to compete in a marathon . I know my design stuff quite well but for programing i'm learning the basics and right now it falls on me to try to start developing a AI state machine, and it has been a STRUGGLE. every single step crashes the whole thing and i'm stuck for hours searching forums and youtube for simple answers that a real programmer can fix with a snap of fingers. So i managed to convince a second friend (who also has limited time) to maybe hop in and help with coding the AI -so hopefully we can get the first prototype soon - So far every single prediction i have given for a prototype failed - much like George R.R.Martin, so i'll not speculate on a date for playtesting anymore - cuz unfortunately it's not up to me. but fingers crossed we can get playtesting done soon! aaah i hate coding
  10. amused giggle taunt - pew pew pew warcry! excited shots to the sky! Huzzah!
  11. That tongue sticking out - I'm dying! hehe glad you noticed! thanks for being here for thje journey briother, much appreciated! im working on some emotes and should soon be moving on to backgrounds maybe
  12. fall down , get up. at this point decided for a stiffer fall to differentiate from the choppa
  13. hahahaha brother neo has fancy moves! but i'll keep the REALLY fancy moves for maybe the swordsmanship duel characters - emperors children and eldars or something. who knows what the future holds managed to churn out the shoota getting smacked in the gob
  14. here we go - space marine finally gets special move. i needed a 360 attack to wave clear around him when getting surrounded. (a common mechanic in beat em ups) I didn't want to do a martial artsy street fighter whirlwind kick or whirlwind knife cuz it would feel too kung fu and not soldier enough. So i spent a loong time trying to figure out what could be a 360 attack with marine-esque moves... and this is what i came up with - a quick combo thats not particularly fancy - other than the knife twirl in the end iduring the animation recover phase. |Tried to make his speed in execution tempo just be badass superhuman rambo soldier to convey the power of the move. 1-Knife slash (hit both sides) 2-uppercut bolter (hit forward) 3-Kick (strong knockdown push forward) 4-Knife backslash (strong knockdown push backward) man, i am quite proud of this badboy =) oh - he pushes off the enemy but it would be a pain to program a separate animation in case you dont hit anyone with the kick, so a little suspension of disbelief there :P hehe call it artistic license :D C&C welcome
  15. added a missing animation to the classic choppaboy revamped fall and right back into the action
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