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About Schlitzaf

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  • Location
    Hazeorth Subsector
  • Interests
    Wargamining, Talking and Purging the Xeno
  • Faction
    Black Templar: Dalthus Crusade

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    Black Templar

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  1. the issue is your opponent also good at reading them/agree on your reading? also remember to roll next to the scatter area?
  2. I never want to deal with scatter dice again the insanity of “arrow is pointing this way” or “anyone have a spare template/scatter dice”
  3. Purposeful player tailoring is bad. I run Horde Marines not because I want to be l33t I just enjoy it. But also because if I only run a 1-2 tanks they are dead tanks. Sense you need a critical number of tanks before: “All My opponent Anti-Tank has 1 Target it dies now”. Someone I played end of 9th mid game wanted to list tailor because they had a bunch of weaponry that was literally useless against me. And were frustrated because “take baksies” which were “I am sorry mini was half inch over line in deployment or that setting up minis in tts :cuss:ing sucks. But I declared clear intent of folks to be in aura range and I clearly could do so.” (Specifically he took a setup that was for Mont’ka not Kauyon and realized two turns in and went “I was playing vs Templars why ever do x”). But like that a different rant. But he basically built an army that was designed to kill deathstars which I didn’t have. And he then asked to rewrite list midgame because “My list is bad”.
  4. I stand by what I said, someone saying “well screw GW not gonna pay them for the thing” then saying downloading something to print out via a 3D Printer, which is “the thing”. Your stealing, you actively choose to avoid paying the “creator” of the model you acquired a blueprint of under the auspices “its cheaper” to make a copy.
  5. Some of us aren’t thieves
  6. I’d buy digital copies in a heartbeat for 20-30. For metro reading
  7. No, and that not what I said. A Kroot using a simple weapon swap and a knife swap, for most folks wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. Because despite not being a kroot rifle, the options avaliable to Kroot Carnivore squads in terms of “cool” weapons are known. Every art or set piece of those units is just duders with guns. And then as I said, I no longer need to fess over what gimmick power weapon to give my guys because they are all the same. And case of Phobos, you have a lot of customization. Ace has down Incursor-Infilitrator hybrids because how interchangable their appearance and loadouts for example. You could have one guy with a Firstborn Bolter holding a combat knife and it wouldn’t be out of place (my own infilitrators used the classic BT Upgrade Sprew Bolters instead of the Phobos ones). Its not matter of needing to know its matter of needing to recgonize. You seeing a set of 5 tacticus armored marines with chainsword and bolt pistols says “that an assault cessor squad”. If one duder has a weird looking melee weapon that not a hammer or fist, that most likely a power weapon and so on.
  8. I mean sure but look at the example I used. Kroot Carnivores, if I swap his Kroot Rifle bit for say a catachan lasgun with a knife or a specific example I did. Was I used a HotShotLas and a Gaurd Sword for one of my Kroot. Something that most folks wouldn’t take a second look at. But for marines atleast, I see sometbing :cuss: Intercessor, simplification as a great example of reducing 3 BoltRifle types down to 1. So I xan use the ABR bit because its mh favorite even if the unit something more like a backfield obj holder. And the other classic marine js the “Power Weapon” Diversity. I can use any power weapon I want aethesricallg and not worry which one is marginally better than the other
  9. What Moger is getting at, is that there is no longer a need to have the “This guy is actually this” convo before game. And I said this before, as an example. If my SM Captain has only 1 legal loadout I can give them whatever I want and there only 1 legal loadout, there will never be confusion. Its one of the most freeing aspects of my mono kroot army. There is basically zero choice in wargear for almost every unit. Meaning I can go utterly insane with how I model a kroot. Sense a Carnivore always just be a duder with a kroot rifle in the rules
  10. Don’t take title as flamebait, I like 40k, I enjoy it, and on a theory level I like aspects of 10th. Through by and large I’d rather playing 9th if I played a game, not for any particular favoritism mostly just I haven’t played and 10th too much relearning despite waiting for 10th. Because I didn’t want to relearn. For me however my frustration, is that I feel like I barely get time to use my minis and rules. Before “its an exciting new time! New edition!” And there is the waiting for codex. Sometimes for most of the edition cycle then “New Edition”. Like am I only one who rather 4-5 year cycles then 3 year ones? I left MtG because Rotation. Albeit that was 1 vs 3 years. But we have 6 months updates now. Its just too much. Even if I understand the top dog wanting to get batted. But like at some point, there is always gonna be a top dog. I am just failingn to word. And apologize this hecame a vent
  11. And generally speaking all universal “superior” weapons aren’t actually all universally surperior. Give all you guys Lascannons. I have my black tide and be quite happy you did just that. Really whay I am actually hearing. Is that GW shoulf hiven “Naked” Squad Cost and “Upgraded” squad cost. My 2 cents.
  12. Because HvyBolter is same value
  13. I mean hitting on 3’s vs hitting on 4’s a tbing + Bolt Weaponry has more supporting abilities (or will come codex maybe).
  14. My only 2 cents: This is why I love mono loadouts. I can give my characterbro an awesome ax or thammer and it doesn’t matter. Sense he only has 1 loadout.
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