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helterskelter last won the day on November 21 2018

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About helterskelter

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  • Location
    Bromsgrove, UK
  • Interests
    Death metal, thrash metal, Horror, sci fi, fantasy, beer. Not in that order. And kate bush.
  • Faction
    Night Lords Legion

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  1. I think the spoilers at this point are "nothing of note" so feel free to enjoy the books content to your own standards
  2. I am wondering what the situation would be like if the Lion rocks up to the Rock with 20,000 of his former dreadwing/firewing lads from 30k that are loyal to him and telling the rest of the 40k DA to get over it. "Any chaplain pipes up you're getting your head punched clean off"
  3. I've got a split list between melee and shooting. Mainly because having an einhyr champion you can yeet across the board to flatten opposing characters is too good an opportunity to pass up on. With Exactor and Warrior Lord combo they can go Full ham. Obviously needs backing up
  4. Something that came up on my twitter travels Makes sense to me, part of the blade connection looks runic
  5. So with the new Knights Doom abilities as seen in today's article, allied with NL you can make a unit vanish in the combat attrition rolls because combined, all dice rolls something runs
  6. You missed the legion trait!. So that's a 5 as well then! -2 LD from legion add obligatory scary unit for -3LD at least and morale shenanigans are in
  7. Hi Chris, thanks for posting all the leaks, with the NL combat attrition things, do they stack? So if a units under half, add WT add strat, that would be running on 1,2,3,and 4?
  8. Oooh I'm looking forward to daemonforge, sad to lose the re-rolls but the updates I'm expecting to be applied, a plasma forgefiend hitting and wounding t4 on 2's is fine for me.
  9. I would prefer the boxes being minus terrain all together.Having varied terrain is pretty important for KT though I'm feeling a bit of sticker shock, I had assumed this would match the Chalnath box. I didn't realize the terrain differ once between the two boxes. I'll probably wait on this box to show up on third party vendors for the discount 20% off should see it at £92
  10. Something I'd like to know is will legionaries keep lascannon/autocannon as a heavy weapin choice and will the havocs/legionaries be limited to box contents or no. The design of the minis leads me to think there'll still be options, and while not as extensive as before perhaps, there would still be flexibility
  11. Been playing chaos since 3rd and I find myself 100% here for eldritch omens and the new kill team. Can't say I've ever enjoyed modelling marines as much as I do now/will be doing. Some really good bits across the 3 compatible boxes, and heck could probably splice in with the monopose unit too
  12. So one of those chosen chainaxes is an accursed weapon but give it to a csm its a two hander... this is all getting a bit iffy
  13. Back to a time where you just purchased a power weapon and the shape was just personal preference.. I'm OK with this. There'll be buffs via spells, strats and characters to make a perfectly potent little death machine. Feels like a damage control leak
  14. Yes, I went and checked it myself now. The thing is that the url from the official Facebook could've ended at "?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Article&utm_campaign=LVO+–+Kill+Team+corsairs" and anyone could have added the rest, and it'd still take you to the same article. As you're being that guy, go onto Facebook, click the appropriate article, if you're on a phone open in your browser, scroll across, see it for yourself.
  15. What you could do, is click on the link and scroll across to the bit where it does in fact confirm the OP
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