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Chapter Master Valrak

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Chapter Master Valrak last won the day on December 10

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About Chapter Master Valrak

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  1. I am looking at them right now, along with the Noise Marines, they look amazing
  2. As far as I'm aware, the Lord in the Launch boxset and the Lord with the Organ Sound power pack are two different kits.
  3. I watched it hoping they would mention on the lore part of the codex which I feel has really gone down the pan, sadly nothing.
  4. Very nice! All I want them to remake now is the fallen Space Marines for new objective markers!
  5. Webway Boxset was Custodes for HH :)
  6. Army wide 5+ Invul sounds good to me, IRC cannot you not spend 1 CP and have two Litanies going at the same time?
  7. They will hire from within, legally they have to post it so randoms can apply, I've seen how GW play this game.
  8. 25th guys, you're going to see it all, maybe not Fulgrim, couple of days now :)
  9. Everything is new Kits. Fulgrim Noise Marines Marines Blade things Lucius
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