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Chapter Master Valrak

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Chapter Master Valrak last won the day on December 10 2024

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  1. I had the same thing form my whispers from the beginning, a new box of Grey Hunters and Blood Claws but just with head options, pretty much like what the Blood Angel Death Company got.
  2. Boxset price is £145 Spoke about it in my latest video today:
  3. No worries, as I explained in the PM I thought it came across as fun/joke, didn't want to upset anyone, I will make sure to post constructive text with it from now :)
  4. Don’t get me started, they could do SO MUCH more generate talk and hype
  5. Since I am not allowed to post my gif anymore, hopefully this will be allowed I really like it, some people dislike it compared to the 40K version but I love how we get a big change in what they look like.
  6. Would at at least be nice to a have link to a video or two where these came since the entire OP is all my rumour videos, but no bother. Anyway, when it comes to Marines, lots of exciting things happening this year, I'm actually starting a new army for all of this, so much hype!
  7. I am hearing the EC codex may be due in Feb...
  8. That was speculation, I said I can see them re-doing the upgrade sprues to have things like Terminator upgrades.
  9. Yesterday someone tried to rob my house so I spent most of the day off the Internet, when I got back on I had literally hundreds of messages of people saying Lorgar has returned hes in this animation. I watched it soon as it came out and I saw nothing of that, I think people are confusing the Daemon at the end with Lorgar, they think he's saying the world 'SON' but if you turn on the subtitles it states:
  10. That was my opinion, people asked if I heard of any books, I haven't but as I always say, I not the rumour messiah, lots of things happen that I don't hear about
  11. I never said codexes, I said models.
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