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ShVagYeR last won the day on April 28 2018

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    Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines

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  1. Legion Sky Hunter Squadron ‍ᠩ‍ (Ang) Models: I had finished this unit back in October 2018, but only recently managed to take some pictures. In 2019 I'm going to add a Cataphractii squad as well as a Cataphractii captain to this army. @Charlo: sorry for the late reply. They're in the middle of the calf. @b1soul: thank you.
  2. Legion Reconnaissance Squad ᠢ‍ (U) Models: This model and the next two actually used to be Alpha Legion a few years ago. The old thread is still there. Basically they're tallscale (as opposed to truescale), converted using Veteran Sergeant's recipe. You just add a piece of plasticard (or in my case an old bank card) to lengthen the legs (two pieces per leg) and another piece in the torso. That way the proportions become much more realistic and the model is almost as tall as a Primaris. These dudes are all Mark VI, using 40k bolters. I justify that by saying that they are from the siege of Terra period. Removing the aquila from the bolter does make it work though, doesn't it? The sergeant has a topknot of course. Next up: a Sky Hunter Jetbike squad in late September/early October. Until then I'm focusing on AoS/Shadespire models and probably some Kill Teams for the new skirmish game. I've also managed to finish 6 buildings from the old Cities of Death line (Imperial Sector and an extra Basilica Administratum). I'm sad to see those become OOP, but also happy about the new ones, they look really well. Replies: Charlo - Thanks! I'm always kinda afraid of overdoing the sponge weathering, but so far I guess I've managed not to apply too much. Son of Carnelian - Thank you! I don't mix them nearly as much as I could, mainly due to the fact that in some cases armor mark is the thing that differentiates my units; for example I have a Mk4 tactical squad and another one that is purely Mk3. However in the case of veterans it is very appropriate to mix and match.
  3. Thank you b1soul and Brother Lunkhead. Legion Veteran Tactical Squad ‍ᠣ (O) Models: I went for a different helmet this time, giving him a Roman-style crested one to indicate his status as a veteran and most likely a Terran. Other than that there's Sternguard legs (the same as used on my Praetor, just painted differently), the FW WS chest, the combi-flamer from BaC, and the curved blade from Chaos Berzerkers, in this case sculpted to be just the blade as opposed to a scabbarded one. Just a BaC marine plus the scabbard. I'm not a huge fan of the Rogue Trader-style missile launcher, but I really needed a heavy weapon dude. Again just regular BaC bits here. When running out of bits, interesting combinations are created. Here's a mostly Mk4 dude with a Mk3 helmet and Mk2 legs. Technically that's Mk5, right? ;) And the last one is a purely FW Mk4 marine. When compared to a BaC one, you can tell their proportions are really different. Thanks to the uniform paintjob he doesn't look out of place though.
  4. Legion Rhino ᠢ (I) Not much of an update, the 2nd tactical squad got their dedicated transport. Replies: Son of Carnelian - Thank you! Super robot gangster #1 - I don't mind at all, the recipe is almost the same as the one suggested by GW in all their painting guides in recent years. The only difference is, I use Nuln Oil instead of Agrax Earthshade. 1. Prime with Corax White spray (this is a life saver) 2. Wash recesses with Nuln Oil 3. Clean up any imperfections with Ulthuan Grey (matches the undercoat almost perfectly) 4. Edge highlight with White Scar 5. (optional) Apply Rhinox Hide weathering with a small sponge Lord Commander Eidolon - Yeah I'm still very confused with FW's policy. Not sure what they're trying achieve, not believing their copy-paste cover stories for a second. Oh well, not much that I can do other than sit and wait. All's good as long as fun is being had from painting and playing the game, right? ;)
  5. Congrats mate!
  6. I'm slowly leaning towards this approach. Power glaives are pretty similar to power axes (minus the unwieldy part) anyway. And like you said, come Malevolence they might get this option. It is the middle part of a Chaos possessed backpack (the one with huge wings) and dragon heads from the Chaos Rhino sprue. And thank you. The white is a bit painstaking I'll admit but it's nowhere near as bad as yellow, at least for me. I painted the Shadespire Ork warband a few months ago and it was a really long process. Thank you! An army shot is coming. I'm itching to use the Moon Base Klaisus board and some GW buildings I painted earlier this year as the background. Thing is, to complete this army (for the time being) I'm missing a third scimitar jetbike. And I made a vow not to buy any new models in 2018 (actually my last purchase was on December 6th 2017). However that vow does not include being given models as gifts and my birthday is in September. My wife is already aware and I'm probably getting that jetbike. That said, I want the army shot to include the jetbike squad so I'll probably do it in early October.
  7. Thanks Brother! The ironic thing is, their loadout is illegal. It has been pointed out to me that only characters are allowed to exchange their power weapons for power glaives... In the near future I'm going to look into converting those glaives into poleaxes, counting as power axes. But first, need to finish a veteran tactical squad and do a recon squad. :)
  8. Legion Command Squad ᡁ‍ (Zh) Here's a unit of salvaged models. Models: First off, they do look in some places as if paint wasn't thinned. The reason for that is, they've been through a lot. I bought them in 2013 or 2014 and they were already sprayed with a dodgy primer (kinda glossy). So I sprayed them Ceramite White and painted in Death Guard colors. Some time later I decided against doing heresy Death Guard, gave them a dot4 brake fluid bath, which ruined the resin in some places. Oh well. So they've been sitting in a forgotten bits box up until now really. This dude's power pack consists of the middle of a chaos possessed pack (the winged one) and the dragon heads from the chaos rhino sprue. Kind of fits the White Scars theme, right? The standard comes from the Dark Imperium box. The rest of the squad is armed with a stock bolt pistol, a power glaive, and a combat shield. As close combat specialists, they need to get close to the enemy, that is why more Rhinox Hide was applied with the sponge on these guys. That, and to mask some imperfections of the resin that has known brake fluid. I like this dude's pose best. He looks as if standing guard next to the Khan's tent. And here's the last one. The shield you might recognize from the Deathwatch box. Pearson, SRG, Kizzdougs - Thank you! Sarabando - Post them up, please! More Scars is always good. :)
  9. Gorgoff, Pearson - thank you! Legion Seeker Squad ᠭ (G) Had some Mark IV bits, decided not to do another Tactical Squad. Results follow: I think that the whole Seeker Squad idea goes hand in hand with the White Scars' love for hunting and chasing prey. To differentiate these seekers from other Mark IV units in this army, they have red lightning bolt markings on their helmets and red triangles on their kneeplates. Also, no horsehair plumes (except for the Sergeant). The bolters are from Betrayal at Calth, however their magazines were replaced with ones from Sternguard veterans (boxes and drums) and scopes were added. They look more or less as the ones Forge World used to offer before the Last Chance to Buy craze. He's holding the bolter a bit awkwardly, but at this point I was slowly running out of Mark IV arms and had to make do with what fit. It's not bad. Maybe this pose doesn't make much sense (you should look where you aim), but it's heroic, right? Those White Scars helmets go with every mark of armor. I mean, I just love them.
  10. Thank you bluntblade! ‍ᠪᠣ‍ᠣ‍‍ᠷ‍ᠪᠣ‍ᠭᠤ‍ᠯ Boroghul zadyin arga (Librarian) I was wondering what I could do with the Calth Chaplain and settled on a Librarian:
  11. Thanks SickSix! And bluntblade, I'm glad you approve. Legion Tactical Squad ᠢ (I) Just finished painting this unit. A friend was kind enough to swap a sprue of 10 Mk4 marines from Calth for these Mk3 ones from Prospero. Models: I like how those chainswords make Mk3 marines look really badass. I tried using the ccw from Calth and it wasn't the same. So I stuck with chainswords for the entire unit. I like how the helmet on this one turned out. Used a ponytail from some Dark Eldar (possibly Dark Elf from WFB?) bits, wasn't disappointed. The thing on his chest is actually a transfer from the Dark Imperium box, Space Wolves section. I turned the central triangle into a thunderbolt to make it more White Scars-like. Just thunderbolts for this dude. Have I mentioned how much I like Mk3 armour? Despite the fact that there's so many little details like a bazillion of rivets. Still worth it. Went with the standard Calth vexillia, with some barely visible teeth added for savage factor. And a pauldron from the 40k Sternguard box with a ribbon that says "LEGIO V". Tried a red faceplate and then decided that it'd be the only one for this unit. Doesn't work as well as (imo) on Mark IV. The way I kitbashed the nuncio-vox would give any self-respecting techpriest a heart attack. Anyway, it works. Even the bolters are cooler with Mk3. I might look into buying a Prospero box in the future just for the standard marines. The sergeant is walking towards the enemy, or perhaps breaking into a run. He's a White Scar after all. Next thing I'm going to do is convert the Calth chaplain into a Stormseer. After that I've got bits left for 5 or 6 Mark IV marines and I'm torn between Destroyers, Seekers, and a Heavy Support Squad. I'm leaning towards Destroyers because of their badass dual pistols and the opportunity to paint very dirty and chipped armor, maybe even black or dark metallic with some patches of white left. I'm not sure how good a unit they are though. What would you recommend, brothers?
  12. Pearson, Brother Pheidias - Thank you! And spot on - the spearhead is in fact a dagger from the old Skaven kit, which is actually news to me because I used to know it as random WFB bit #357 that I bought with some other bits years ago. :D Lord Commander Eidolon - Thanks for stopping by and the kind words! Yes I agree that after reading Scars and Path of Heaven it's hard not to like the Vth Legion. For me it was Brotherhood of the Storm that got me hooked, but the other two novels only strengthened my affection for the guys in white. I think Chris Wraight really gets this legion and should be given a chance to write a novel about the Scars' perspective on the Siege of Terra. He really made them multidimensional, nuanced and for me personally, likeable. This is going to sound silly but I came up with some quasi-fluff for the red faceplates. Basically it's a mark of censure, like the Ultramarines' red helmet or Night Lords' red hands, although much less severe. Vth Legion Astartes are required to paint their faceplates red for minor transgressions. Like for example they are supposed to explore other facets of their enhanced intellect when they're not sparring or taking care of their wargear. Brother Batzorig competed in a Brotherhood-wide competition for a short poem about daily life of Chogoris tribesmen, presented before a council of officers and an audience of Battle-Brothers. While his poem was accepted by all as witty and clever, the subject it touched upon was deemed below the Astartes standards. Mortal mating rituals, while necessary for Legion's continued existence and recruit production, are not to be jested about, especially in such a ribald manner. Although Batzorig earned many good-willed pats on the back and induced numerous outbursts of laughter among his peers, he was also required to wear the colour of shame upon his faceplate until the next bi-annual poem competition.
  13. Thanks Pearson! ᠪᠠ‍‍ᡳ᠌‍‍ᠣᠠ‍‍ᠷ ᠨ‍ᠣ‍ᠵ‍‍ᠨᠻᠠ‍ᠨ Baidar Noyan-Khan (Legion Praetor) Every army needs a warlord.
  14. Legion Tactical Support Squad ᠡ (E) This unit was painted less than a month ago, the first after a long break from this army. Again Mark IV from Calth all the way. Models: Mark III helmet looks badass. I may have overdone it with the sponge but still acceptable I guess. No surprises here... Nor here... And the Sergeant with a FW WS helmet and biggest plume, of course.
  15. Thank you bluntblade! The Legion Tactical Squad from the post above does not walk to combat. They ride in... Legion Rhino ᠠ (A) Just a regular Deimos-pattern mehtal bawks I painted in 2017.
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