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About Ulrik_Ironfist

Profile Information

  • Location
    Merican Technocracy, Old Terra
  • Interests
    Tabletop Wargames, Airsoft, History, Science, Hobbying.
  • Faction
    Legio Custodes, Raven Guard

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  • Armies played
    Talons fo the Emperor, Raven Guard, Thousand Sons, Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Dark Angels, Ultramarines,

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  1. I have chosen a Name for the Host. They are now the Harbingers Imperatus - The Emperor's Adamantine Gauntlet. The Gauntlet represents their nature. They are defenders of the Imperium, but a gauntlet can also strike as well as guard, and they are the Emperor's Vanguard. They Herald the coming of the Imperium and are a representation of its might. They choose only the fiercest battles, and most stalwart of foes. They are of the Dankanatoi, and they drew their numbers from among the ranks of the other Chambers during the later days of the Horus Heresy. While other Dankanatoi focus on the Traitor Legiones Astartes, the Harbingers take a broader approach. Though they will not hesitate to leave an Eldar incursion to the lesser forces of the Imperium if the Forces of Chaos are afoot. They frequently work with assassins of the four clades of the Officio Assassinorum, as well as Inquisitors in more recent times. Under the Lex Ultima Imperialis, the Inquisitors attach themselves to the Shield Host. This allows the Forces at their command to be quite large as the Inquisitors will often bring their retinues of trained Militarum Tempestus Scions and/or Adepta Sororitas. Adding to their already considerable forces, they have a Cadre of the Silent Sisters to assist them, as they once did during the Horus Heresy. My force is Very much themed around the Horus Heresy, as that is the Game I generally play.
  2. So I did a bit more research on custodes, and apparently they created a whole new chamber of Guys created to hunt traitors. This Chamber is the Dankanatoi. Which fits my fluff to a T. Even the color scheme is similar, where mine are silver the Dankanatoi are black but I went for a very dark steel color so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch.
  3. I present to you my Contemptor Achillus, Theophrastus. Recently joined the ranks of my Shield Host.
  4. These are all good names. I'm just having a heck of a time, because they are all good names...
  5. I’m still toying with the name, I’ve got a couple: The Warforged Spear, Auramite Fist, Brazen Blades, Harbingers Imperatus, Illuminators. I’m still trying to decide. The Adamantine Guard is what I originally came up with as a working name.
  6. They are pretty cool I’ll admit. I was skeptical at first.
  7. I don't really know, I haven't had a chance to try them out. The original 4 are in "beta" right now, but their rules look pretty good to me. I'm not sure which I want to try first, there is potential to run all 4, unfortunately they're divided between HQ and elites, which I found strange.
  8. The Ten Thousand, Guardians of the Emperor, each wrought by his own hand. Each of them a work of art, never to be repeated. There are those of their number who stand watch in the dark cells, others who safeguard those of import to the Imperium. Then there is the Adamantine Guard. They do not stand watch, they do not ward the Imperium from the safety of the Imperial palace. They actively seek the enemies of the Imperium, warding those who defend the Imperium in warzones uncounted, since the days of the Great Crusade. Clad in their armor of dark steel and gold, they strike with swiftness and brutality. They are the embodiment of the ancient Merican adage "The best defense, is a strong offense". A great number of them are Ephranoi, tasked with carrying out the most dire of Imperial sanction. They mete out death to all who would oppose the will of the Emperor and the Imperium of man. Though they are Ephranoi, they carry out their duties with a variety of wargear, from the Humble Adrathic Bolt Caliver to the massive Aquilon Terminator warplate. Among their number, the other chambers are represented, with many being from the Tharanatoi. It is the Sentinels of the few Hykanatoi who are most frequently seen by forces of the Imperium who are blessed by their appearance. The Venatari and Saggitarum move swiftly into positions to make optimal use of their skills, while Aquilon Terminator Sodalities will frequently strike deep in the heart of the enemy forces, or utilize the Coronus Grav-Carrier to drive deep into enemy formations before disembarking to eviscerate the enemy. They are an awesome force to behold, but due to their small number they are not a common sight. As a Shield Host they only number as one hundred warriors. They are the most aggressive of the Adeptus Custodes, each of them a veteran of Horus Heresy, from where their attitude originates. They are led by a Tribune, Theodosius Cato, who has commanded the Host for the last ten millennia. As their temperament makes them ill suited for defensive duties, they have occasionally been given leave to turn the tides of battle, but have most often served as most Ephranoi do, testing the defenses of the Imperial palace, but they have also been allowed to deploy to perform that function against critical garrisons, to ensure that the Defenders of the Imperium are up to snuff.
  9. You asked for Closeups. It really highlighted some areas that I need to go back and touch up. But here they are: Please be kind...
  10. I've got another Update. My local group uses the Mournival rules, and as such they have introduced the assassins into 30k, as lorewise we know that the 6 Clades existed during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Anyway here are my 4 classic assassins, ready to do the Emperor's work: This is a fulfillment of a childhood collection dream. I wanted all 4 Assassins and now I have them. I figured that they'd fit in best with my Talons of the Emperor. I do plan on getting sisters at some point, so there's that to look forward to!
  11. I'll get some close ups, and I'll really show off once I get Valdor!
  12. So how are Venatari? I've ordered 6 of them and Valdor (I know Valdor is a beast). I was curiuous as to how y'all would run them in combination.
  13. I just Finished my Thunderbolt for the Panoply of War to support my Custodes. Figured I'd share.
  14. I figured I'd share my Work on my Legio Custodes. I'm pretty proud of how these turned out and I wanted people to see them. I welcome comments and questions, even some critiques if you think I could have done something better. I plan on expanding with some Aquilons with Infernus Firepikes, and I also have Ordered Constantin Valdor and 6 Venatari to add to the collection.
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