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Lord Pariah

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About Lord Pariah

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    Black Legion

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  1. hey guys, thanks for the info. To be honest, I'm surprised i haven't really heard of campaign badges until now. That being said, im going to paint a half-pattern in the right grieve to show a until from the table top, I'm going to experiment tomorrow as to the exact colors but im leaning towards red and yellow. eventually I will put transfers but i need to horde some that's of the right size and pattern. But once I start I will put thread together. ...now I need a name for the crusade...
  2. Hi guys. Just got finished reading Dark Imperium, and that has inspired me. Not to start an ultramarines force or to rush into Building Primaris but the Image of this Astartes force drawn together from a multitude of chapters in a common goal of purging chaos out of the system. you can see where I'm going here. I shall admit that i do get board of painting the same armor plates the same way over and over; three tactical squads and i'm sick of the dark angels brand of green. so i thought about painting that devastator squad in a yellow pattern, and thus inspiration reared it's ugly head. This thread is less about the logistics of an army of differing schemes but rather why I have never really seen this and will it look like a complete mess when put on the table? I was planning on making Dark angels so the idea of desperate units of the Unforgiven making it's way to a first founding company is not outside the question. But would completely disconnecting colour scheme be okay in this regard or would they need something other than basing to tie it all together? I was thinking their left shoulders all bearing the dark angels green and insignia. This is all unknown and I haven't seen an example on this done at all let alone right.
  3. I would say that they of a comparable size. the problem you may run into is that the torso and upper arms are one piece, this looks great ranked up but it may provide problems with more dynamic poses. But if you can pull it off, god-emperor's speed.
  4. As I read this, I realize that the 19th company doesn't have any fluff attached to it. ​I, lord Pariah, pledge before The Legions and the Old Gods, to create a Liber entry by 1800, Thursday 17th of September. This I vow before the Old Gods.
  5. guilty of this line of thoughts.. but I have too many cannon fodd- loyal sons of the dark gods to finish before anything... then maybe a xeno army. as for everything else, don't forget that there is a massive disconnect between the fluff and the crunch. in (fantasy) reality, a CSM war band would not even go down to the surface unless they really had to, given that sub-orbital logistics is very demanding on a band that is surviving on scraps.. legions would have less problems. and with an loyalist company, they would not have enough numbers leap into the (literal) abyss, unless they were sure that they can commit.. an interesting thought to entertain when space wolves dropped behind my line of renegades would the support of their tanks (to busy running from a daemon prince, anywho) and got wiped out from sheer force of numbers... a humbling and hilarious moment. but the galaxy is what you make of it, and a entire planet is a large place to get stranded
  6. I think it depends, If memory serves; someone said that the initial strike may be just drop pods, but if they're there for a campaign, they are going to unload heavy armor. don't forget, in the grand scheme of things, a single company/ war band cannot win a campaign in its own. However, vehicles perform much of the heavy lifting when marines are down on the ground. It's alright to launch them down, but getting them back to orbit to send them back down planet side is a waste of resources. on the other hand, it is completely down to how the chapter/warband operate: iron warriors/iron hands would want to bring as much firepower while not sacrificing maneuverability and astral claws/raven guard would not wish to get bogged down with all the extra logistics and vulnerabilities that Astarte vehicles present. in short, Depends on too many factors such as time, enemy composition, resources (fuel, munitions and such) available, and who is operating in the same theater. while epic does paint a good picture of how a chapter would operate with vehicles, they're most likely would not get into said engagement and, in this heretics humble opinion, would ere on the side of flexible, infantry heavy compositions. also great to note, air units would be a must take...and strategist cannot underestimate aerial superiority as such, I have tried to enforce my 19th to only carry things that they can move without armor support: havoc without predators.. hope it helps.
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