As I continue to prep for 2025 I have added a few more projects.
The largest project is building the 23 Terminators:
Currently 10 of 23 are built
next project is the Land Raiders 3 of 6 built.....wasn't it 5 the other day....
Started Land Raider # 4
Redeemer #1 of 2....why
Cause land raider "Phobos" should be here shortly
yup a Proteus as a Pho
Wow, It is December already.....
As I look toward 2025, I am thinking what the future holds in the Terms of the Hobby. I know part of the Hobby will be going to Warhammer World (and maybe a stop at Element Games has been suggested) in April/ May 2025 as part of my honeymoon excursion across England, Scotland and Ireland. The wife and I are discussing turning Office/ Hobby area into a spiritual room/ Library/ Office and moving hobby area to garage, which means garage remodel which m
Back in June 13, 2023 I posted about building 5 Land Raiders (here). Well outside of the weapons, I only built a Hybrid Mk IIb Land Raider (Forgeworld, GW, and Blood and Skulls back vents and tracks) for my Purifiers.
Well playing with different builds and needing Lascannons to deal with armor threats, another Land Raider was in order.
Finally using the FW brass etch from years gone by plus FW Grey Knights Doors
Well Nemesis Dreadknght Galahad is done and had his first battle. And like all painted models seeing the table for the first time died. Killed some models, took 10 wounds in bottom of turn 1 and killed a couple models in the melee then was shot to death Turn 2.
Welcome to Part 3 of my Nemesis Dreadknight paint log. I have 3 more to paint (1 Grand Master Nemesis Dreadknight and 2 Nemesis Dreadknights) and I will apply lessons learned to those ones. Most importantly finish build the bases before starting painting. I need to pick up more 3d printed basing bits as it did speed up my basing process vs me making them. I really like the Army Painter Fanatic Effects Plasma Coil and Data Slate Glows. I may have to repaint all my Nemesis force weapons glow eff
In my last blog I posted my WIP of my Dreadknight and well this is the continuation of that post:
Thursday night finished the basing.
Saturday Morning hand primed the base black
basing material:
Tile grout
ballast different sizes
Astrogranite Debris
plasticard tubes
guitar string
Citadel Skulls
Pegasus Hobbies Ceramic bricks
MungosMarvelousmini broken concrete, ske
Trying to get back in the swing of painting has been tough. I have been dealing with the stress of being a new (step) dad, wedding planning, normal life, and work. While it is not depression or it may be a slight depression, it kept me from getting motivated in the hobby. It also could be the pile of Grey plastic sprues, base coated models and boxes of unbuilt models. So with Imperial Agents coming out I knew I would be going to the LGS to pick up my preorder, I figure why not get a game or t
My previous blog post I talked about getting third of my 6 kids the start to their Armies (Blood Angels, Genestealer Cult, and Death Guard). The remaining 3 are a little too young still.
Well Saturday was preorder day as we all know. I had a huge list of what I wanted and only missed out on 2 things.... both the Daemonbreaker and Oath of Damnation novels.
I will get the soft cover or audible versions eventually.
While that was what
So last night I sat down to organize my Grey Knight Terminators to see how many more I needed to make my Brotherhood Terminators 10 man......cause why not. There are 2 squads that have 8 men, 2 squads have 7 and the last 2 have 6 men. I have 2 unopened boxes of terminators so another 2 more would allow me to max out the 6 squads with Apothecaries and Ancients I could then add ancients to my Paladin squads.
Below is my Terminator Armor 2nd Brotherhood. (Not Shown is Variant Grandmast
++Accessing Data-Loom MMMVCIIΦ...
+++Establishing Link....
++Servitor Φ-583 has connected to Terminal Σ666
++Servitor Φ-72b has connected to Terminal Ω247
+++CONNECTION ESTABLISHED+++*hissing electronics and vox feedback*"Grand Master De Sonnec, the Prognosticars have detected a fluctuation in the Immaterium near your area. More specifically the Khymara Sector. The Prognosticars predict that an incursion is imminent. Prepare your Bro
As the threat of Combat Patrol against my kids looms ever so closer, the more I feel the pull towards my Grey Knights. I have lots of little side projects for them including more banner bearers and increasing squad size. Plus all the vehicles I have for them
Plus getting some of the servants from Skaventide to add to my Inquisition. I think I may have to revisit my Kill Team and I am hoping for a codex soon....
So in my last blog I was vague. I found some 3d printed parts I thought would perfect for the 20 Leviathan Terminators I have but it turns out they are not for the easy build. Good thing I looked again and did not order them. But I am going to do another project instead, more on that later.
With me cancelling my terminator plan and my house is in the final days of being sold, I'm looking at adding more stuff to my hobby area: Vortex Paint mixer, Neatfi Light/ Magnifier, airbrush spr
Hmmm I have an idea and I think I need to do it. I have been looking at redoing my GK Kill Team and well I may have thought up another project for 40k I can do.....
Hello Frateris,
Today I am discussing the 4th Installment of my Grand Army Idea. Part 1 covered my Inquistorial Forces, Part 2 were the Scions, Part 3 Sisters of Silence. While this is covering my Grand Army idea, right now the internal debate is do I add Order of the Valorous Heart Adepta Sororitas army and My Raptor Space Marines to the Grand Army or leave them as separate forces that are planet side (Adepta Sororitas) and reconnaissance force (Raptors). One of my many upcoming pr
Well game 2 of 10th ed is in the books. I lost. It was not even close. After pulling gambit cards at the end of turn 3 no way I could win as the 1 card I needed was removed at random. I only had the Interceptor Justicar and Librarian left.
Game was a moral victory as I took out most of his cultist and the Noctilith Crown
Ven Dread (lascannon/ Missile Launcher)- rolling 2's to hit turn 1 and turn 2. Greatest 155 pts spent in list.
190 pt Purg
Well my Grey Knights force is ready to deploy tomorrow. I was able to get the one model that was not painted done in a few hours and complete a part of my Call of Arms Imperium Stronghold Vow.
Force Consists of :
Grey Knights
Librarian De Vichers (Warlord Storm bolter)
Strike Squad De Hautville (Incinerator)
Strike Squad De Monglane (Psilencer)
Terminator Squad Wandlain (Psycannon)
Interceptor Squad De Plessiez
Purgation Squad Des Barre
Yesterday I talked briefly about this weekends game. Originally it was supposed to be 1k but we decided to make it 1500 pts instead. My opponent, Entropmancer, is playing his Iron Warriors, which will have Terminators, cultist, Chaos Marines, Chaos guard, hell brutes, master of possession, and other units. With that in mind I began recalculating my list as needed.
List 1:
Brother- Captain
Brother Librarian (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement)
So with game time this weekend I was leaning towards My Raptors, but I switched it up and I am playing my Grey Knights, as they are painted and I don't need to paint anything. Still toying with lists. Happy I have so much done as it gives me a lot of options. I believe I am playing against my friends Iron Warriors.
So after looking at display case in preparation for the Call to Arms Event, I am going to do Grey Knights.
Need to paint:
1 point per model: 2 6 man Terminator squads, 1 single terminator for another squad, the other half of my 10 man Paladin squad, 5 man Paladin squad, 11 Purifiers, 5 Interceptors, 2 5 man Purgation- (49 points total)
3 points per model: MK IV Venerable Dreadnought, Castellum Dreadnought, 3 Nemesis Dreadknights- (15 points total)
4 points per model: A
Well I had some weekend projects in mind earlier this week, work on my Blood Angels Combat Patrol, Purchase Arks of Omen: Angron and Space Marine Boarding Patrol box.
I built the Librarian from the Combat Patrol put magnets on all the bases for the My Blood Angels, did make to Local Warhammer store and did my preorder (Arbites Coin Yeah!). But since the weather here in AZ has bee crazy it started off at 42* Friday morning but was 75* when I got home at 2pm from work so I was able t
So I purchased another 5 GK Terminators that I needed 3 to make Variant models for the squads if I didn't want heavy weapons in my units. The other 2 models became my 3rd Apothecary and 2 Ancient.
So I have Unprimed 15 Terminators, Crowe, 11 Purifiers, 2 5 man Purgation Squads, Interceptor squad. 3 NDKs, GMNDK, and box dreadnought. Primed I have Storm Talon, MKIV Dreadnought, Paladin Ancient, Librarian (#4), Apothecary #2, 10 paladins. and I have 5 Paladins I need to resume workin
So after a long hiatus, due to work, I was able to hang out with my local gaming group, Metal Head Armory, for some much need Grim Dark action. I played 3 games of Boarding Action all with my Grey Knight Terminator Strike force and we played Mission 6 form the current White Dwarf # 484.
My list:
Blades of Victory Brotherhood
Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp)
5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds)