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All things 40Kish, a middle-aged wargamers attempts to reduce his pile of shame and get a few games in.


Entries in this blog

Knives in the Shadows.... done!

Another hobby progress, this time featuring my Knives in the Shadows kill team, but first I had a few other pieces on my desk to clear before starting on the kill team.     The final piece of my Hivestorm terrain, finished at last.          These are a couple of kitbashed pieces  using the models from my Combat Patrol subscription, the subscriber special Tigurius altered to be used as a chief librarian for my own chapter and the biker chaplain, changed to d


drakheart in Progress

All about the base!

Intro   With the Knives in the Darkness Kill Team event looming, I have been assembling my chosen team of Inquisitorial agents with a squad of sisters of silence. The inquisitorial agents I have already built on standard plastic Sector Imperialis bases, but sisters of silence I have left unattached to the bases, as i find with big cloaks such as theirs they are easier to paint when you can get to them from below. Anyway, I decided I would have a go at 3d modelling my own 32mm bases for


drakheart in Analysis

First progress of the year

January Progress   In trying to keep my new years resolution of posting on my blog more regularly, here's the first update for the year:   First up we have the models I need to clear off my desk before the Aeldari deluge begins - The company heroes i got for Christmas along with a squad of incursors and another of Infiltrators, left over from buying a few too many models to create my Phobos kill team.   Next we have my Xmas present to myself, a full


drakheart in Progress

3D printing and the hobby.

A Little Background   I have always been into model making from my earliest Airfix kits as a child, I then picked up my fist warhammer miniature at the age of 12 and was hooked on the hobby and my model making followed that direction. During the early days of WH40k Rogue Trader with the lack of larger models we had to kit bash our own, with many of my early Airfix models being sacrificed to this end. Any of you old enough will remember the White Dwarf articles on building your own and I


drakheart in Analysis

Wrapping up 2024 and looking forward.

It's been a while since I did a blog post, in fact I haven't posted since completing my Call to arms vow back in the summer. I'd like to say I had a great excuse for not posting, but it was mainly just being distracted by other things such as playing Space  Marine II. I have still managed to carry on building and painting a fair few models in this time and having a free time over the Christmas holidays I've gotten quite a bit more finished.    2024 Completed:     Fo


drakheart in Progress

Call to Arms 2024 ..... further progres

We are now into August, with the deadline for the challenge only just over a month away, but I think I'm well on top of it which is just as well as I have a few busy weeks and a short Holiday looming. So as you can see below, I have finished the Tau themselves and moved onto their Kroot allies:     I squad of Tau Pathfinders and 3 drones (13pts)     Flesh Shaper, Trail shaper, War Shaper and BSF tracker (16pts)     Kroot Lonespear (5


drakheart in Progress

Call to arms- I month gone

I month down  and 2 more to go. Still managed to get a fair bit done in the last 2 weeks:     I finished both tidewall components, a Cadre Fireblade and a squad of breachers, as well as their drone turret and a recon drone for the upcoming Pathfinders, which is when I realised that I hadn't allowed for drones in my original pledge! Not sure if the drone port drones should count for seperate points, but at least iwth these other two that takes my target total up to 120pts. Th


drakheart in Progress

Call to arms- 2 weeks in

I mentioned in my last blog post that I was intending to participate in this years call to arms, well I've gone and done it! The extent of my pledge can be seen here: Call to arms 2024 - Drakheart   Whether I have bitten off more than I can chew remains to be seen, but after just over 2 weeks work, I think I'm making reasonable progress, just not sure if I'll be able to keep it up.     Anyway here's what I've managed to achieve so far:     I started


drakheart in Progress

Tau expansion.

I've spent a fair bit of time hobbying recently and made some relatively good progress, the main idea was to try and clear the decks ready for the big expansion of my tau army following the release of the new codex and models. I spent most of the previous 2 weeks building , basing and priming the models with the aim of having these ready for the Call to Arms 2024 event on here and as you can see from the image below, I'm pretty much ready to go.      Ready to paint are:


drakheart in Progress

Even more updates.

For once it has not been months since the last update. I have had a fairly productive week and actually managed to clear several of the partly painted models off of my desk:     The scouts from the Killteam salvation box are now done, as is my Gladiator lancer, but forgot to photograph that.     This grey knights Librarian, is a kit bash based on the terminator librarian from the leviathan boxed set, actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, but just r


drakheart in Progress

.....Ever Onwards

I've been a bit lax in keeping up with updates lately , so this one will be a bit of a catch-up.    Recently finished are my two squads of striking scorpions from the Kill Team: Salvation box set:     I have also made a fair bit of progress on the other half of the box set, the scouts, along with a gladiator lancer, my kit-bashed Phobos Librarian and a 3d printed Eradicator with multi-melta as this was not an option for the easy build squad I have. I have got most


drakheart in Progress

First update of the year.... progress continues.

As the title says this is my first update for the new year as I finally managed to get a couple of squads finished of whilst watching the six nations rugby this weekend.   Assault squad - with custom bases made from 3d printed bits of ruins:     Infernus squad - The final miniatures from my Leviathan box set to be painted:     These should of been the final mianture to paint up for my Homebrew maine chapter, but as always I couldn't stop myself


drakheart in Progress

New Year - Taking Stock.

Happy New Year folks!   Finally had time to sit down and write a blog post, so thought it would be an ideal point to look back on the previous year and forward to 2024 in terms of my hobby time:   2023 was a fairly good year in terms of productivity with painting, etc, but a bit sparse in terms of actual gaming. Last year I managed to paint 5 different kill teams with a 6th half finished, but managed to play zero games. I continued to expand my home brew Primaris chapter -The


drakheart in Progress

Kill Team project......

I'm about to start a new job and have had a couple of weeks off since leaving the last one. The idea was to use some of the time painting to clear a bit of my backlog, but as with most of my hobby projects, I thought of something new to do and immeadiatly got sidetracked by that idea. The big idea was simply this, to build and paint a number of kill teams, enough to have a slection so I could invite some friends round for a short kill team campaign and have teams ready to go without all the hass


drakheart in Progress

Further progress.....

Not sure progress is the right word as a nice shiny box full of goodies arrived, adding much more to my pile of shame: So I got stuck in and assemebled an undercoated the Kroot, even made a custom Pech token using a eagle from the bits box. Not sure I'm going to keep the Imperial Navy team, so left them on the sprue. Clipped and assembled all the terrain in the box, very impressed with the kit , highly detailed, but also means it's going to take longer to paint. Now only got find time


drakheart in Progress

About last weekend...

Last Saturday saw my most recent battle against one of my oldest friends and long time opponent Graham, it was a 2000pt game using the open war card deck and got the domination objective, with long table edge deployment and storms as the twist reducing movement and advances by 1".  I ended up winning quite convincingly with my opponent conceeding at the end of his second turn, reallising I was already ahead on victory points and he didn't have enough models left at that stage to be ab


drakheart in Analysis

Hobby progress

Though I'd give you a quick update on what Ive been working on. Completed:   CSM legionaires kill team   Aeldari rangers Nearly finished: Heavy intercessors, just need to finish edge highlighting and add weathering. To be painted: A couple of 3d printedapaothecaries and the killzone moroch terrain behind them primed and redy for paint. New: This bad boy arrived in the post yesterday so I assembled him and printed what


drakheart in Progress

My armies

Thought I would list out all the different forces in my vast collection  with a rough idea of the points total of each based on the current lists I keep in Battlescribe, just to give you an idea.  +Dark Angels +  - approx 4500pts  Dark Angels were my first love in the original Rogue Trader days with the then black painted RTB01 plastic beakie marines being my first unit (even if they were later repainted as Nightlords with the addition of a few spikes). This collection is not really a


drakheart in Intro

An Intro...

I guess I should start with a little about my self and my hobby background.  It all started with this, my first miniature which I proudly bought for 50p from my FLGS back when I was 12, which I excitedly took home and badly painted with my dads Humbrol enamel paints. From then I was hooked, I had a group of friends who were similarly interested one of whom had a 2nd edition copy of Warhammer fantasy battles and so the collection began to grow to the first small army, playing battles on


drakheart in Intro

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